Hand-Rearing 2 fuzzies (feeding questions) (really long, so sorry!!)

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Very sorry to hear about your grandfather. I hope he is feeling better soon.

Regarding Sawyer... Is he defecating at all? If so, can you describe his stools? If not, or if he is not defecating as frequently as he should, it sounds like we are likely dealing with constipation. It may be tricky for you to assess his defecation habits since he is kept with Greer, but this is important information to know right now (and needs to be corrected immediately). Another question: Is there any chance at all that you may have accidentally altered the water/powder ratio when mixing his recent batch of formula? These symptoms are very common if this is done by mistake.

Thank you for your kind words!

As far as defecating, I have continued to try stimulating them after every feeding but in the last 5 or 6 days they have completely stopped when I try but they eliminate on their own in their cage. I could try maybe separating them for a bit to see?

Yes! Their was a chance last night because I forgot their measuring spoons that I measure the formula out with, I tried using the scoop that came with the formula (tried measuring out half a scoop) which worked fine until I went to use the same scoop and measure out the water (to make sure it's 2 parts water to 1 part formula) and the scoop has a small hole in the bottom of it so some of the water dripped out a bit. I tried to make up for it by adding a few extra drops but I'm not sure if I made it better or worse now!

How can I fix this? Will it correct itself? Did I do alot of damage? I knew I should've tossed it and tried using a different "scoop" like a water bottle cap to try measuring. Dang it. So much for improvising.
Thank you for your kind words!

As far as defecating, I have continued to try stimulating them after every feeding but in the last 5 or 6 days they have completely stopped when I try but they eliminate on their own in their cage. I could try maybe separating them for a bit to see?

Yes! Their was a chance last night because I forgot their measuring spoons that I measure the formula out with, I tried using the scoop that came with the formula (tried measuring out half a scoop) which worked fine until I went to use the same scoop and measure out the water (to make sure it's 2 parts water to 1 part formula) and the scoop has a small hole in the bottom of it so some of the water dripped out a bit. I tried to make up for it by adding a few extra drops but I'm not sure if I made it better or worse now!

How can I fix this? Will it correct itself? Did I do alot of damage? I knew I should've tossed it and tried using a different "scoop" like a water bottle cap to try measuring. Dang it. So much for improvising.

That makes sense, I suspected that may have been the case here. The good news is, when caught early this is easy to correct.

Two things you need to do:

1. Dip the paint brush in some olive oil and let Sawyer eat it. This will help everything pass through (a little tends to go a long way, and this works like a charm for clearing things up). His tummy should shrink and soften with his next bowel movement after taking the olive oil.

2. For his next feeding, put a little more water than you normally do instead of the 2:1 ratio. Once he defecates after taking the olive oil (I will warn you, it will be very wet and messy), you can start building it back up to the 2:1 ratio again.

Let me know how it goes with him. :)
That makes sense, I suspected that may have been the case here. The good news is, when caught early this is easy to correct.

Two things you need to do:

1. Dip the paint brush in some olive oil and let Sawyer eat it. This will help everything pass through (a little tends to go a long way, and this works like a charm for clearing things up). His tummy should shrink and soften with his next bowel movement after taking the olive oil.

2. For his next feeding, put a little more water than you normally do instead of the 2:1 ratio. Once he defecates after taking the olive oil (I will warn you, it will be very wet and messy), you can start building it back up to the 2:1 ratio again.

Let me know how it goes with him. :)

Ahh, thank you! You're a life saver (literally ;) )

I don't have olive oil but I have vegetable oil, karo syrup (light and dark) and I can go get some olive oil but yeah, that's what I've got on hand incase any of that might work?

Alrighty, welp I asked a little while ago for some help with sexing these two but I *thought* I was pretty confident they were both boys until a few hours ago. I thought I might as well go ahead and post some pictures just so I don't have to play the guessing game with myself anymore :)

Any ideas? I think Greer is a boy but...I'm kind of worried Sawyer might be a girl? I don't know, I'd love them either way but I was hoping I might luck out and get two babies of the same gender. Worse case scenerio, it just means I keep them seperated until someone gets neutered ;)

I'll post more pictures of them once my phone charges back up!

EDIT: Black Blaze face is Greer & All white face is Sawyer :)
Ahh, thank you! You're a life saver (literally ;) )

I don't have olive oil but I have vegetable oil, karo syrup (light and dark) and I can go get some olive oil but yeah, that's what I've got on hand incase any of that might work?

Alrighty, welp I asked a little while ago for some help with sexing these two but I *thought* I was pretty confident they were both boys until a few hours ago. I thought I might as well go ahead and post some pictures just so I don't have to play the guessing game with myself anymore :)

Any ideas? I think Greer is a boy but...I'm kind of worried Sawyer might be a girl? I don't know, I'd love them either way but I was hoping I might luck out and get two babies of the same gender. Worse case scenerio, it just means I keep them seperated until someone gets neutered ;)

I'll post more pictures of them once my phone charges back up!

EDIT: Black Blaze face is Greer & All white face is Sawyer :)

Vegetable oil will work just fine if you do not have olive oil.

Sawyer is definitely male. An easy way for some people to sex infant rats is by looking for nipples. Bucks do not have nipples, so if you don't see teats you can be certain they are boys.
Vegetable oil will work just fine if you do not have olive oil.

Sawyer is definitely male. An easy way for some people to sex infant rats is by looking for nipples. Bucks do not have nipples, so if you don't see teats you can be certain they are boys.

Okay so here's where we are at. Greer is continuously gaining, doing very well. Sawyer has still been firm all last night even after a little bit of vegetable oil. I tried giving a little more but he'll only take 2 or 3 licks before he is beelining for formula. I weighed him this morning and he's losing weight. He was still firm but not *AS* firm. I'm worried, I don't know whether to keep trying veggie oil a little bit every time? Sawyer eliminates by himself but it looks normal. Their wasn't much of a change other than right after giving the veggie oil to him, it didn't take long for him to "go".
I'm not sure, I've diluted the formula with a bit more water but I'm not sure what to do now? Should I be trying vegetable oil every few hours to try to get something to happen?
Sawyer has dropped down to 22.5g and Greer is 33.2g.
Okay so here's where we are at. Greer is continuously gaining, doing very well. Sawyer has still been firm all last night even after a little bit of vegetable oil. I tried giving a little more but he'll only take 2 or 3 licks before he is beelining for formula. I weighed him this morning and he's losing weight. He was still firm but not *AS* firm. I'm worried, I don't know whether to keep trying veggie oil a little bit every time? Sawyer eliminates by himself but it looks normal. Their wasn't much of a change other than right after giving the veggie oil to him, it didn't take long for him to "go".
I'm not sure, I've diluted the formula with a bit more water but I'm not sure what to do now? Should I be trying vegetable oil every few hours to try to get something to happen?
Sawyer has dropped down to 22.5g and Greer is 33.2g.

Yes, keep with the vegetable oil until his tummy is back to normal, and see if you can get him to take a little more. I think because it wasn't jumped on right away, it is going to take a few doses before it corrects itself. I know a lot of babies dislike the taste of the oil. What I usually do is stir it as best I can into the diluted formula during meals and feed as normal (in addition to the doses you are giving between bowel movements). Also, while Greer should not need to be stimulated anymore to eliminate, do this with Sawyer after feedings. Stimulating helps with digestion and can work wonders for upset tummies, especially when they are firm like this. And again, be especially careful to avoid overfeeding. I will sometimes feed a lot less than they need in these cases until it clears up, just to be safe.
Yes, keep with the vegetable oil until his tummy is back to normal, and see if you can get him to take a little more. I think because it wasn't jumped on right away, it is going to take a few doses before it corrects itself. I know a lot of babies dislike the taste of the oil. What I usually do is stir it as best I can into the diluted formula during meals and feed as normal (in addition to the doses you are giving between bowel movements). Also, while Greer should not need to be stimulated anymore to eliminate, do this with Sawyer after feedings. Stimulating helps with digestion and can work wonders for upset tummies, especially when they are firm like this. And again, be especially careful to avoid overfeeding. I will sometimes feed a lot less than they need in these cases until it clears up, just to be safe.

Roughly how much oil should I try to get him to eat? A drop or two? A few drops? Sorry, I just feel terrible because I know he wants to eat but his tummy is so firm that I'm worried if I give him to much it'll make it worse. He literally gets a very very small amount of formula mixed with oil and he tries to lick it off my fingers or anywhere it drops. I feel so terrible :/
Roughly how much oil should I try to get him to eat? A drop or two? A few drops? Sorry, I just feel terrible because I know he wants to eat but his tummy is so firm that I'm worried if I give him to much it'll make it worse. He literally gets a very very small amount of formula mixed with oil and he tries to lick it off my fingers or anywhere it drops. I feel so terrible :/

Don't feel bad, this is a very common mistake. Get him to eat as much of the oil as he is willing to take. You could try using the 2 ml syringe (if you weren't able to get the 1 ml syringe) to get him to take a few extra drops... although this will likely prove to be difficult since he was not previously syringe-fed. I would still see how he is with it, as this is a much easier way to feed babies the oil.

Definitely keep whatever formula you are feeding right now diluted with extra water (continue mixing with oil, too). Also stimulate after feedings to facilitate proper digestion. Unfortunately, you are going to hold off the meals until this clears up (sorry, Sawyer). A full-on feeding right now could kill him quite quickly.

Are you noticing any improvement? (even small?) How are his stools? Keep me updated as frequently as you can until we get this sorted out.
Don't feel bad, this is a very common mistake. Get him to eat as much of the oil as he is willing to take. You could try using the 2 ml syringe (if you weren't able to get the 1 ml syringe) to get him to take a few extra drops... although this will likely prove to be difficult since he was not previously syringe-fed. I would still see how he is with it, as this is a much easier way to feed babies the oil.

Definitely keep whatever formula you are feeding right now diluted with extra water (continue mixing with oil, too). Also stimulate after feedings to facilitate proper digestion. Unfortunately, you are going to hold off the meals until this clears up (sorry, Sawyer). A full-on feeding right now could kill him quite quickly.

Are you noticing any improvement? (even small?) How are his stools? Keep me updated as frequently as you can until we get this sorted out.

I just walked in there to feed them. Greer is still doing very well. Gaining great, eliminating normal, doing very good.

Sawyer has also improved! The feeding before this I tried putting a little more oil (I was worried to much would really screw him up but at that moment, it seemed like obviously I wasn't giving him enough to get some gears turning and making things work.
He wasn't as firm, I'd say alot better but I mixed his formula with oil just to be safe. Stools still look fairly normal and consistent (I'm shocked, I was kind of expecting them to be alot more...I don't know...for lack of a better word, explosive? Messy?) And was very eager to eat and I was happy to be able to feed him a bit more this go around compared to the past 4 feedings.

So, feeding them every 3-4 hours has continued to help Greer gain and Sawyer wasn't doing to bad before my formula mishaps on his poor tummy but should I continue to do this? I'm happy his digestive issues are improving, I didn't feed him every 2 hours purely because their was no room to even try! Now that their is, should I keep it consistent at the 3-4 hour intervals or try for a bit more? I'm sure he'll gain it back quickly with how enthusiastic he was about food. It's like something clicked between his adorable big ears and on his cute little face it was "FOOD!!"
I just walked in there to feed them. Greer is still doing very well. Gaining great, eliminating normal, doing very good.

Sawyer has also improved! The feeding before this I tried putting a little more oil (I was worried to much would really screw him up but at that moment, it seemed like obviously I wasn't giving him enough to get some gears turning and making things work.
He wasn't as firm, I'd say alot better but I mixed his formula with oil just to be safe. Stools still look fairly normal and consistent (I'm shocked, I was kind of expecting them to be alot more...I don't know...for lack of a better word, explosive? Messy?) And was very eager to eat and I was happy to be able to feed him a bit more this go around compared to the past 4 feedings.

So, feeding them every 3-4 hours has continued to help Greer gain and Sawyer wasn't doing to bad before my formula mishaps on his poor tummy but should I continue to do this? I'm happy his digestive issues are improving, I didn't feed him every 2 hours purely because their was no room to even try! Now that their is, should I keep it consistent at the 3-4 hour intervals or try for a bit more? I'm sure he'll gain it back quickly with how enthusiastic he was about food. It's like something clicked between his adorable big ears and on his cute little face it was "FOOD!!"

Wonderful to hear!

The vegetable oil is completely safe, so you don't need to worry about feeding too much. Give him whatever is necessary to clear things up (it should be resolved in three feedings at the most, unless you are dealing with a very severe case). Once his tummy is back to normal, you can start to increase his food intake again, but still keep the water diluted for another feeding, then build it back up to the normal 2:1 ratio over the course of 2-3 feedings.

At this age, their formula feedings can be spread out more. Do so gradually, especially with Sawyer (wait until after his tummy is normal again). They should be consuming a lot of solids by now, too.
Alright so babies are so much bigger now :) Sawyer is 32g and Greer is 42g!!

Both each their formula mixed in cereal plus their lab blocks and cooked veggies!

My problem...Greer is constantly picking at Sawyer. His feet, his tail, his back, just constantly listening to Sawyer Squawking because he's getting nipped. I thought it was just them learning to groom each other and I've caught Greer doing it a few different times now. I'm not sure what it is but it's all the dang time, every few minutes is a squeek. It reminds me of siblings in the backseat of a car "He's touching me!". All the time. I don't know if it's asserting dominance, I don't know if it's failed grooming attempts, I don't know if it's just wrestling but it's got me worried somethings up?

I'm working on baby proofing a cage so they can have more room in the next week but for now I've added "mock" hammocks (fleece from the bottom of the floor pulled though bars so they can climb up it or go under it to sleep or play) in two spots. It's low enough that it won't hurt if they fall and barely high enough for them to crawl under it and maybe stand up on two legs if they hunch a bit.

When could I add real hammocks? How do I introduce a water bottle?

I've got 4 pictures I wanted to add but my phones being a pain so I have to wait for my computer. Sawyer is definitely a momma's boy. He's very lovie and so sweet and gives kisses. Greer loves to hot lap everything around the cage and give kisses and then climb up anything nearby.
Alright so babies are so much bigger now :) Sawyer is 32g and Greer is 42g!!

Both each their formula mixed in cereal plus their lab blocks and cooked veggies!

My problem...Greer is constantly picking at Sawyer. His feet, his tail, his back, just constantly listening to Sawyer Squawking because he's getting nipped. I thought it was just them learning to groom each other and I've caught Greer doing it a few different times now. I'm not sure what it is but it's all the dang time, every few minutes is a squeek. It reminds me of siblings in the backseat of a car "He's touching me!". All the time. I don't know if it's asserting dominance, I don't know if it's failed grooming attempts, I don't know if it's just wrestling but it's got me worried somethings up?

I'm working on baby proofing a cage so they can have more room in the next week but for now I've added "mock" hammocks (fleece from the bottom of the floor pulled though bars so they can climb up it or go under it to sleep or play) in two spots. It's low enough that it won't hurt if they fall and barely high enough for them to crawl under it and maybe stand up on two legs if they hunch a bit.

When could I add real hammocks? How do I introduce a water bottle?

I've got 4 pictures I wanted to add but my phones being a pain so I have to wait for my computer. Sawyer is definitely a momma's boy. He's very lovie and so sweet and gives kisses. Greer loves to hot lap everything around the cage and give kisses and then climb up anything nearby.

Are you sure Greer isn't trying to suckle Sawyer? I've seen this quite often with babies, and it is generally not appreciated by siblings.

You can add hammocks to the cage at 4-5 weeks of age, but you will have to be mindful of the height. A water bottle can simply be hung inside the cage, and as they explore they will experiment with it on their own and figure it out.

I look forward to the photos. :)

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