Hand-Rearing 2 fuzzies (feeding questions) (really long, so sorry!!)

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I would still try tweaking the temperature with Greer if he gets fussy. It may not be the issue here, but you have nothing to lose by trying. Is his appetite the same during feedings and snacks, or do you notice a difference with one over the other?

Gosh... I would almost say tube-feeding would be the way to go with Greer due to his low appetite. We use this feeding method with neonate opossums. A small tube gets fed directly into the stomach and the formula runs through the tube. No air, and you can always feed the exact amount. It is VERY high-risk for the inexperienced (easy to accidentally feed the tube into their lungs versus their stomach) and it can really only be taught in person. So, the next best approach for getting him to eat more would be syringe-feeding. These two should be learning to eat from a dish now, though. Have you tried transitioning your babies to the dish?

I have no confidence to attempt to tube feed, I'd be to worried I'd miss and end up in lungs rather than stomach. Both babies ate well in the car so I'm hoping (because the bottle warmer heats the formula higher than just hot water and keeps it hot) that it's still temp tweaking for Greer.
I have no confidence to attempt to tube feed, I'd be to worried I'd miss and end up in lungs rather than stomach. Both babies ate well in the car so I'm hoping (because the bottle warmer heats the formula higher than just hot water and keeps it hot) that it's still temp tweaking for Greer.

I would never, ever recommend tube-feeding for someone who has not been personally trained by an experienced individual. It is way too easy to kill a baby. The next best option would be syringe-feeding, which has certain risks of its own but none quite as drastic as those involved in tube-feeding.

Do you have their current weights? And have you tried seeing how Greer does with feeding from a dish of formula/cereal? I'm also curious to know whether his low appetite is always consistent, or if there is a difference between his snacks and his meals.
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9am Snack
Sawyer is 22.91g and Greer is 26.23g. Greer peed. Love the gains for Greer, definitely played with temperature. Greer ate about half the cereal mix and had more formula, Sawyer ate all of it and then had more formula.
I would never, ever recommend tube-feeding for someone who has not been personally trained by an experienced individual. It is way too easy to kill a baby. The next best option would be syringe-feeding, which has certain risks of its own but none quite as drastic as those involved in tube-feeding.

Do you have their current weights? And have you tried seeing how Greer does with feeding from a dish of formula/cereal? I'm also curious to know whether his low appetite is always consistent, or if there is a difference between his snacks and his meals.

I understand what you mean. Yes their current weights are 26.23g aND 22.91g. I think Greer eats less cereal mix because it gets cold faster than he can eat it versus I keep the bottle in a hot water bath until they're done eating so it stays warm. I'm not sure if his low appetite is consistent, I really think if I tweak the temperatures then he eats quite a bit more but theirs also times when he still feels pretty full after a meal to have a snack or vice versa.
9am Snack
Sawyer is 22.91g and Greer is 26.23g. Greer peed. Love the gains for Greer, definitely played with temperature. Greer ate about half the cereal mix and had more formula, Sawyer ate all of it and then had more formula.

This sounds like a good feeding. :)

I understand what you mean. Yes their current weights are 26.23g aND 22.91g. I think Greer eats less cereal mix because it gets cold faster than he can eat it versus I keep the bottle in a hot water bath until they're done eating so it stays warm. I'm not sure if his low appetite is consistent, I really think if I tweak the temperatures then he eats quite a bit more but theirs also times when he still feels pretty full after a meal to have a snack or vice versa.

Greer seems to just be one of those especially fussy babies when it comes to temperature. I've had many babies like that. Keep tweaking the temp as needed, and I think he should begin to gain weight more steadily.
11am Feeding
Sawyer is 22.93g and Greer is 26.35g.* Both peed and ate most or at least half of their cereal mix with added formula after they decided they were done with the mix. Their tummies weren't super full; Greer was full but Sawyer wasn't too full. I probably could've got away with offering a bit more formula but didn't want to over stuff. I know these are small gains but I'll take any progress as a good sign!
This sounds like a good feeding. :)

Greer seems to just be one of those especially fussy babies when it comes to temperature. I've had many babies like that. Keep tweaking the temp as needed, and I think he should begin to gain weight more steadily.

I'm so excited that Sawyer is close to 23g again and Greer is over 26g!! Coffee finally kicked in and now instead of being tired and just trying to force myself to stay awake to prepare their fornula, I'm STOKED for every feeding just to see any sort of gain for them! They are officially 21 Days Old (3 weeks) as of today! I definitely couldn't have done this without your help, I don't think I can thank you enough!!:bow:
I'm so excited that Sawyer is close to 23g again and Greer is over 26g!! Coffee finally kicked in and now instead of being tired and just trying to force myself to stay awake to prepare their fornula, I'm STOKED for every feeding just to see any sort of gain for them! They are officially 21 Days Old (3 weeks) as of today! I definitely couldn't have done this without your help, I don't think I can thank you enough!!:bow:

It looks like they are finally steering in the right direction. Keep doing what you are doing; you have done well with them. :)

At this age, I would crush a few rodent blocks and grind them up in the coffee grinder, then mix a little of this powder in with the cereal.

And you are certainly most welcome. I am more than happy to be able to help with your babies.
2pm Snack
Sawyer is 23.23g and Greer is 26.23g. Both babies had about half of their cereal plus more formula. Greer wasn't very into food this go around, I warmed it up higher, let it cool off, nothing changed it. Still ate just not as much as I hoped. Sawyer was happy to eat, neither powersucked :)
It looks like they are finally steering in the right direction. Keep doing what you are doing; you have done well with them. :)

At this age, I would crush a few rodent blocks and grind them up in the coffee grinder, then mix a little of this powder in with the cereal.

And you are certainly most welcome. I am more than happy to be able to help with your babies.

Awesome, I'll definitely keep going with this. I'll try the lab block thing too, that's a really good idea!:toothy2:
2pm Snack
Sawyer is 23.23g and Greer is 26.23g. Both babies had about half of their cereal plus more formula. Greer wasn't very into food this go around, I warmed it up higher, let it cool off, nothing changed it. Still ate just not as much as I hoped. Sawyer was happy to eat, neither powersucked :)

Hoorah, Sawyer! That is a nice jump in weight for him. Was Sawyer with Greer during this snack, or did Greer eat alone? You can try petting Greer and/or having Sawyer with him during feedings if the temperature tweaking doesn't work to boost his appetite. Physical touch can sometimes do the trick, depending on the baby.
7:30pm Feeding
Sawyer is 23.61g and Greer is 27.62g. Huge gains for the babies! Both babies peed, had great appetites and tummies stayed at a safe squishy full level.
(Continued every 2 hour snack/feedings but didn't get weights as I was in the car and my scale wouldn't tare).
Hoorah, Sawyer! That is a nice jump in weight for him. Was Sawyer with Greer during this snack, or did Greer eat alone? You can try petting Greer and/or having Sawyer with him during feedings if the temperature tweaking doesn't work to boost his appetite. Physical touch can sometimes do the trick, depending on the baby.

I have a promise note for tomorrow's freight at our local petsmart so I can get oxbow young rat since we went today and they were out of stock. Sawyer wasn't with Greer during that feeding, but that works when I've tried it. I'm so happy for their gains!! Now I'm just worried to sleep tonight, I don't want to sleep to long.
Coffee, so much coffee. How do you do this for months on end? I'm so scared I'll slip up and nap to long, gah!
I have a promise note for tomorrow's freight at our local petsmart so I can get oxbow young rat since we went today and they were out of stock. Sawyer wasn't with Greer during that feeding, but that works when I've tried it. I'm so happy for their gains!! Now I'm just worried to sleep tonight, I don't want to sleep to long.
Coffee, so much coffee. How do you do this for months on end? I'm so scared I'll slip up and nap to long, gah!

Their weight gains are looking much better and more consistent now. Keep up the good work. :) That last feeding sounds fantastic.

I've developed the most bizarre sleeping habits over the years. I can stay awake for as long as I want, seemingly, without ever feeling tired, and I can also sleep anywhere at any time... but if I need to be awake at a certain time, my body just seems to know and I'll always wake up 10-15 minutes before that time. It's been more reliable than my alarm clock, which sometimes doesn't go off (much less annoying, too). During the rehab season, it's safe to assume that I am awake at pretty much any given time day or night.

I'm curious how these guys have been activity-wise?
Sawyer is 24.43g and Greer is 28.66g. Neither peed but have been doing so on their own. This was an all formula feeding. They're doing wonderful!

I've continued the feedings, just thought I'd sort of slim down updates so their isn't 12 in one day, haha :)
Their weight gains are looking much better and more consistent now. Keep up the good work. :) That last feeding sounds fantastic.

I've developed the most bizarre sleeping habits over the years. I can stay awake for as long as I want, seemingly, without ever feeling tired, and I can also sleep anywhere at any time... but if I need to be awake at a certain time, my body just seems to know and I'll always wake up 10-15 minutes before that time. It's been more reliable than my alarm clock, which sometimes doesn't go off (much less annoying, too). During the rehab season, it's safe to assume that I am awake at pretty much any given time day or night.

I'm curious how these guys have been activity-wise?

That's amazing how you just kind of adapted to staying up or getting up when you need to!
I've always been an either awake for 48 hours without sleep or sleep 16 hours. Unfortunately for me, even at 19 I could still sleep through a freight train if it rolled through my house, haha. I'm not a light sleeper at all but I think that's because I'm either completely awake for a full 2 days or totally out. Heaven forbid if someone is sick or if a baby cries in my house; those are two of the very few things that wake me up out of a dead sleep. That'd be really helpful if I was like you and could just wake up right before I needed to, that's really neat! :)

Activity levels are through the roof, I was watching them last night climb up the cage and speed around the floor of the cage for awhile just to stop and randomly popcorn. Goofy little things :) I get my oxbow today which is good news, hopefully they'll take some interest in that.
That's amazing how you just kind of adapted to staying up or getting up when you need to!
I've always been an either awake for 48 hours without sleep or sleep 16 hours. Unfortunately for me, even at 19 I could still sleep through a freight train if it rolled through my house, haha. I'm not a light sleeper at all but I think that's because I'm either completely awake for a full 2 days or totally out. Heaven forbid if someone is sick or if a baby cries in my house; those are two of the very few things that wake me up out of a dead sleep. That'd be really helpful if I was like you and could just wake up right before I needed to, that's really neat! :)

Activity levels are through the roof, I was watching them last night climb up the cage and speed around the floor of the cage for awhile just to stop and randomly popcorn. Goofy little things :) I get my oxbow today which is good news, hopefully they'll take some interest in that.

Oh, dear.... you remind me of me back when I was in my teens. I was always known for being the heaviest sleeper you'd ever come across. Alarms, screaming, explosions, fire fighters invading the house (no story behind that one, I swear...), I'd sleep through it all. Definitely not always a good thing though, but there have been many times when it has come in handy for me.

Nice to hear they are active, and popcorning even! Baby rats are incredibly playful at this age and do enjoy wrestling with your hands and with each other. They sound like they are doing fantastic! Excellent feedings and weight gains.

I've continued the feedings, just thought I'd sort of slim down updates so their isn't 12 in one day, haha :)

I certainly don't mind the extra updates, so you are free to do whatever you prefer. :)
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Might I request an update on how these two are doing?
Might I request an update on how these two are doing?

Of course! I'm very sorry for not updating more often, my grandpa ended up in the hospital so we've been going back and forth alot. Good news, he comes home today :)

Anyways, Sawyer is 24.46g and Greer is 31.39g. They've both been steadily gaining, nibbling occasionally on their lab blocks, doing very well!

However with all the running back and forth (and I take these two with) I've been trying to maintain feeding times at 3 hours. Both still gained awesome. With the varying times to feed (between tests, talking to doctors and car rides) their feeding schedule got jumbled a bit and the last 3 feedings, I've noticed Sawyer's tummy getting increasingly firmer, not from me feeding more. Just firm from the last meal still I think, I try to give him just a small amount because he grabs the paintbrush but I've noticed it this morning just 15 minutes ago that it's firm and I'm worried. I know all this running around and disrupting their feedings is what did it but I don't know how to troubleshoot this to fix. Greer is fine, Sawyer still had an appetite and acts normal, both are very very active but the tummy thing scares me.

How do I fix? Do I wait longer in between feedings so Sawyer has more time to digest? They're still kept on a heating pad under half their cage at roughly 73-76 degrees in the room. I'm so sorry, they were doing really really well, they still seem to be but the firm tummy has me freaked out. I'm sorry I should've been more on top of things :/
Of course! I'm very sorry for not updating more often, my grandpa ended up in the hospital so we've been going back and forth alot. Good news, he comes home today :)

Anyways, Sawyer is 24.46g and Greer is 31.39g. They've both been steadily gaining, nibbling occasionally on their lab blocks, doing very well!

However with all the running back and forth (and I take these two with) I've been trying to maintain feeding times at 3 hours. Both still gained awesome. With the varying times to feed (between tests, talking to doctors and car rides) their feeding schedule got jumbled a bit and the last 3 feedings, I've noticed Sawyer's tummy getting increasingly firmer, not from me feeding more. Just firm from the last meal still I think, I try to give him just a small amount because he grabs the paintbrush but I've noticed it this morning just 15 minutes ago that it's firm and I'm worried. I know all this running around and disrupting their feedings is what did it but I don't know how to troubleshoot this to fix. Greer is fine, Sawyer still had an appetite and acts normal, both are very very active but the tummy thing scares me.

How do I fix? Do I wait longer in between feedings so Sawyer has more time to digest? They're still kept on a heating pad under half their cage at roughly 73-76 degrees in the room. I'm so sorry, they were doing really really well, they still seem to be but the firm tummy has me freaked out. I'm sorry I should've been more on top of things :/

Very sorry to hear about your grandfather. I hope he is feeling better soon.

Regarding Sawyer... Is he defecating at all? If so, can you describe his stools? If not, or if he is not defecating as frequently as he should, it sounds like we are likely dealing with constipation. It may be tricky for you to assess his defecation habits since he is kept with Greer, but this is important information to know right now (and needs to be corrected immediately). Another question: Is there any chance at all that you may have accidentally altered the water/powder ratio when mixing his recent batch of formula? These symptoms are very common if this is done by mistake.

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