Random thoughts

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Every time I see my mother in law she always says the same thing: Jo... you look so tired. :redhot:
But this time, my son turned around and said, no grandma, mom looks great. :love5: she was lost for words. :nyahnyah:
...made my day! :toothy2:
Aw what a good kid! :D

Phoe escaped the FN while I was putting Jo back and as I put my hands around her to pick her up she vibrated. She was a total blur!

In heat. :giggle:
I had a dream that I had wrongly sexed Max and he was really a girl and now expecting babies and I was trying to work out which one of the five boys was the father. When I woke up I had to resist the urge to get up to check him again for boy bits.

I had a terrible dream the other night.....I dreamt I brought home a male rattie, did intros and then put him in the big cage with my babies after a few days everything was going great, but then I woke up one morning (still dreaming) came out and all my babies were badly hurt....some were killed others injured, blood everywhere.......OMG I was so upset that when I really woke up I jumped up and came out to check on everyone....ended up taking all the babies, 9 rats, back to bed with me to snuggle....Hubby was still in the hospital and they kept me company.....Hubby just got home today so I am sure that will help get rid of those bad dreams......
Isn't it awful how we worry about are babies....human and animal....they cause us many sleepless nights....but are so worth it... :heart:
That was a terrible bad dream. I hope now that hubby is back that they go away. :hugs:
I rarely have bad dreams. That one of Max just made me laugh :giggle:
I love going with my dogs to flyball class - the people are great except when it comes to one issue. Breeding dogs. I have my own views, which I believe 99% of the population should spay/neuter their pets, and the remaining 1% is for those that breed dogs ethically to improve the breed.

So, basically, the people I go to flyball with really want to breed Nova when she is older. She's not even their dog, and I feel like they are pushing their opinions onto me. I'm not very good at dealing with people and voicing my opinion in cases like this... especially since it is a matter which can be a sensitive topic. Of course when they say it, the thought crosses my mind extremely briefly before my sense and wits comes back to me.

There seems to be a bunch of people involved in dog sports who breed border collies to other dogs... either another BC, or a JRT... Just to get more flyball puppies. Why do they want Nova to breed? Because she is tiny, and would have small puppies... which could all be fast height dogs and make their team 'win'. I would never in all my life breed my dogs, not when there are tons of great dogs sitting in rescues which could make amazing sport dogs when given the chance. It's one of those issues that has bothered me since I started training in dog sports years ago.

It's really only the one girl in class who is trying to push me in the direction she wants, but when I said I am going to spay Nova there was seriously an outcry from at least 3 other people there. In the end it does not matter what they want or think - Nova is my puppy, and it is my responsibility to make the right choices for her. They can pressure me all they want, I won't cave, but I need to find a peaceful solution since I have such a hard time voicing my opinion to them. It's easy through typing... but face to face I get very quiet.

So yeah... thats my rant for the night.
You can always start giving them silly answers. LIke , "I read in a newspaper that virginal dogs make better flyball dogs" or "Nova won't be breeding until she's married and unfortunately, currently, the legislation says that marriage is a union only legally recognized between humans."

Ok ok I'm just being silly. But in the end - Nova is your girl. Don't let the others push you around!!!
Lol, those silly comments made me laugh :D You are right though, I need to stay strong and do what I know is right.
Stick to your guns Shelley!! I'm like you, I don't do face to face confrontation very good. I would just smile and not talk about it.
That is what I would do to Jo....just not say anything...and then when she is 5 1/2 months...have her spayed...End of story. I did that with a dog I have. She is a show quality sheltie that we rescued as a puppy from a breeder raid.....It amazed me how the very people who helped rescue her were urging me to breed her...She is a beautiful dog with a personality to die for but I would never breed a dog.......so without saying a word I had her spayed...next time it was brought up I just said oh I already had her spayed...
Yeah, I'm the same way. I pretty much avoid talking, smile, nod, try to end conversation. I need to make an appointment for her to get spayed, but that will be about mid-September and I'm waiting until the date is closer. This same girl basically said if I get Nova spayed she wants to get one from the same breeder so she can breed that one... That made me annoyed, to say the least. I'm not giving her the breeders information because I think it is wrong what they want one for. Another topic I'll continue to avoid as long as possible. Eventually they'll have to give up when I don't budge and Nova is spayed.
Shelley said:
This same girl basically said if I get Nova spayed she wants to get one from the same breeder so she can breed that one... That made me annoyed, to say the least.

That's a childish comment on her part. Besides, maybe the breeder doesn't allow breeding of her babies.
Shelley I think they are jealous because you have the most awesome dog. :happydance: I love how people think that you always want their opinion.

I did awesome shopping on Sunday, didn't pay full price for anything I bought. But man did it tired me out.
Kaytee brand yogurt chips, berry blend for bunnies.....I'm very tempted to eat them myself they smell so good.

I got them in a pet store grab bag. My girls can't eat them, I dunno what to do with them, but I opened them anyhow, and oh god, they smell good enough to....well....eat.
CardboardCastles said:
Kaytee brand yogurt chips, berry blend for bunnies.....I'm very tempted to eat them myself they smell so good.

I got them in a pet store grab bag. My girls can't eat them, I dunno what to do with them, but I opened them anyhow, and oh god, they smell good enough to....well....eat.
Gah I'm just so mad. I cleaned the house spotless last night. Then I made dinner and just left the dishes in the sink thinking two or three dishes wouldn't bother my mother in law, well guess what. She came in today to pick up Mike and then cleaned my kitchen. It was fine, this is our apartment. It was clean.
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