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*shudder* I haven't had a mammogram but I detest ultrasounds! Every step is a threat to your bladder, lol. And they really don't get easier with practice. :giggle:
I don't like it when they tell you to pee a bit and come back, when I had mine done I had to take the bus in sudbury and the roads in sudbury as Jo will know are very bumpy. Bus ride, full bladder do not mix.
LA said:
I don't like it when they tell you to pee a bit and come back, when I had mine done I had to take the bus in sudbury and the roads in sudbury as Jo will know are very bumpy. Bus ride, full bladder do not mix.

Oh god, yes, our roads are the worst!!!
Bronwyn said:
*shudder* I haven't had a mammogram but I detest ultrasounds! Every step is a threat to your bladder, lol. And they really don't get easier with practice. :giggle:
I hate the internal ultrasounds, that was the worst day of my life.

Joined Curves today, expensive but it's a start.
I don't like anticipating whether or not it's internal! Some techs do internal, some don't, and I agree, the internal makes it rather less appealing than it already was. I remember thanking the last tech for not doing internal and she said, "Why on earth would someone do an internal on you?!" Apparently it wasn't even necessary. -_-
I hate the MCAT. my brain isnt working anymore and i have so much more to study.

I want to go running but its too hot out.

I'm on the verge of tears and am way too frusterated for my own good.
:joy: Beautiful day here in Toronto... a pool in the backyard, a covered swing, a great book....AND two sets of company coming this week and sleeping over. :thud: A messy house, stinky rattakisses, rolling furballs going across the floor, dirty bathrooms, piled up laundry 4 teenagers in the house making messes and me picking up behind them!! :wallbang: *Sigh*......Looks like backyard lounging is OUT :( . I can't WAIT until they have there own families and they complain to me about how messy there kids are!! :giggle:
Wondering how you put that you went to Curves in SparkPeople...
My laptop froze this morning and I had to do a full system restore.
How happy am I that I backed everything up LAST NIGHT!!!!!!
I've been reinstalling ALL DAY and I'm still reinstalling.
Who knew Windoze needed so many critical updates?!
But at least I have mah internets back!
Lunch today was delicious. I don't like stuff on my salad so I had romaine lettuce with a tbsp of low fat caesar dressing as well as a Liptons Soupworks Country Chicken soup bowl.... mmmm delicious! And semi healthy!
Spending so much time and money planning a baby shower that you don't get to attend due to a rowdy 3 year old's behavior threatening to give your mother a stroke sucks. :gaah:

Spending so much time and money planning a baby shower that you don't get to attend for your 18 year old youngest sister who is ungrateful, rude to people, and doesn't bother saying thank you, instead talks about which gifts she's going to return in front of the very same people that gave the gifts sucks more. :redhot:

However, seeing the behind-the-scenes of baby showers, I have come to the realization that for my child, I will be sending out postcards emblazoned with oscar the grouch on their front, and an invitation to send gifts/money orders via UPS/Western Union rather than going through all the trouble of the baby shower, because I just don't want to deal. So there.
Maybe someone can figure this one out for me...

I was driving along the Trans-Canada highway and I noticed a sign telling drivers to be prepared to stop for school buses. Obviously, this is a warning that school buses pickup or drop off kids in this location. What really surprised me was this area was in the middle of nowhere - there's a farmer's field on one side of the road and a forest on the other. There isn't a home or business in sight.

So, who are these kids getting on or off a school bus at the edge of a farmer's field in the middle of nowhere? Children of the Corn? :wink:
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