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no, silly, it's in the forest, across the street... next time go out and look for their mushrooms and I mean their houses. :cheeky:
Don't I feel foolish now! :mrgreen: Who would've thought that a Belgian cartoonist would create stories about the lives of little blue people living in a forest next to the Trans-Canada highway. :D By the way, I must've missed it - where's the castle?
Interesting fact: the teddy bear was created in honour of Ted Rosevelt. He refused to shoot a bear during a unsuccessful hunt. His party had caught a bear, tied him up to the tree and called for the president to come shoot it. He said it was unsportsmanlike and would have nothing to do with it.
I'm in New Orleans right now with my best friend. I came in on the tail end of Tropical Storm Fay, and now we're waiting to see if Hurricane Gustav is going to hit us, if there's going to be an evacuation. All the locals we've spoken to have told us not to be worried about the storm but the looting and crime! So we're thinking of driving west to Dallas TX for the rest of our trip! Hopefully I make it back to Canada in one piece.
I'm a little worried. None of the airlines right now will let me change my flights and if so, they'll only let me change airports within 100 miles which doesn't help since the hurricane is supposed to hit all of Louisiana. If I want to fly out of Texas they're going to charge me $800 + penalties and fees. But if there's an evacuation they said they'll let me refund. Great...refund and then what? Sit and watch the storm and looting go on?
Yummy... The camera I wanted went on sale, just bought my first DSLR, the Canon Digital Rebel XSi with 18-55 mm IS lens... *Drools*

Now I just need to buy some more lenses and a better memory card, and I'll be all set! The lens it comes with should work great for what I want to take pictures of right now, can't wait to test it out and take photos of the pets!
rat.charmer said:
I'm a little worried. None of the airlines right now will let me change my flights and if so, they'll only let me change airports within 100 miles which doesn't help since the hurricane is supposed to hit all of Louisiana. If I want to fly out of Texas they're going to charge me $800 + penalties and fees. But if there's an evacuation they said they'll let me refund. Great...refund and then what? Sit and watch the storm and looting go on?

rat.charmer, are you still there or did you get out? I hope you are ok!!
jorats said:
rat.charmer said:
I'm a little worried. None of the airlines right now will let me change my flights and if so, they'll only let me change airports within 100 miles which doesn't help since the hurricane is supposed to hit all of Louisiana. If I want to fly out of Texas they're going to charge me $800 + penalties and fees. But if there's an evacuation they said they'll let me refund. Great...refund and then what? Sit and watch the storm and looting go on?

rat.charmer, are you still there or did you get out? I hope you are ok!!

We evacuated New Orleans 12 hours ahead of the mandatory evacuation and drove east to Biloxi MS. What should have been a 1.5 hour drive took us 5 hours but people were really calm. We took Rt 90 which takes you along the Bayou and you can still devastated homes from Katrina just 3 years earlier. The airline agreed to change my departure airport from New Orleans to Biloxi. Of course once we got to Biloxi, there was a mandatory evacuation there too so my friend dropped me off at the airport early and then hit the road before they started the contraflow evacuation routes (where they basically force you along their path)

It was all very calm - just a slight breeze. Incredible to see pictures now of the rain and the levees! But it was eerie seeing everything closed and boarded up. A weird living ghost town.
I just saw a commercial for a new model of Lincoln. The song they played is "Major Tom" by David Bowie.

Did the genius marketing team listen to the *whole* song? Major Tom's space craft doesn't exactly make it back to the garage....I wouldn't pick it to market any piece of machinery, let alone an overpriced automobile.

It's a great song though!
Rodentist said:
I just saw a commercial for a new model of Lincoln. The song they played is "Major Tom" by David Bowie.

Did the genius marketing team listen to the *whole* song? Major Tom's space craft doesn't exactly make it back to the garage....I wouldn't pick it to market any piece of machinery, let alone an overpriced automobile.

It's a great song though!

OMG.... this is too funny!!
Isn't Lincoln with Ford? enough said.
So I'm being such a hypocrite right now because whenever one of my dogs has to go in for a procedure I work myself up into such a state I'm literally in tears when I drop them off :roll: but here's goes . . . don't worry, Shelley - she'll be just fine. :wink2: Gosh, is she six months old? ... ALREADY?
Zooy said:
How come I always get heart burn when I eat Mr Noodles.

That happens to you too?! Wow... I think it's the amount of spice and crap that they put in the seasoning. So good though. MMmm
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