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Well we got new pots and pans. We went to a local store in midland and got J.A. Henckel and bought a couple of extras. I have heard a lot of good things about them and they have been around for years. the 7 pc set was only $300 so my mom and I were happy. I will let you know when we use them.
You know, the rat community does some great things. But sometimes, some of the people make me feel like this: :gaah:

(not directed at anyone here)
On a way more positive note, I just noticed that Jo, Ginny, and Phoe are on one of my bookshelves, curled up in a rat pile. :heart: I wish I had my camera here!
I have a lump under my chin, and a cold sore. Googled the lump and it sounds like an enlarged salivitory gland. Apparently bacteria gets in the cold sore and makes your chin lumpy...
All I know is it hurts!
I had to buy another water bottle at the only pet store around today and I saw a blue dumbo boy. I just about died. I walked out empty handed though!
I hate my neighbours. They keep calling the cops and the city bylaw officers whenever we or our guests park on the street, despite the fact that thousands of other people can park on the street in our city without problems. They even called the cops on us after my dad's funeral, when we were doing a ceremony at my house. The cop was really apologetic; in the end all of the people at the funeral had to park on my lawn.

Sure makes our neighbour look real classy!
rat.charmer said:
I hate my neighbours. They keep calling the cops and the city bylaw officers whenever we or our guests park on the street, despite the fact that thousands of other people can park on the street in our city without problems. They even called the cops on us after my dad's funeral, when we were doing a ceremony at my house. The cop was really apologetic; in the end all of the people at the funeral had to park on my lawn.

Sure makes our neighbour look real classy!

Your neighbor sounds like a.... nevermind.... the word I want to use is so rude that I don't want to compromise my integrity.

Being your loveable self, I'm sure you made every effort to try seeing his/her/their point of view... it's not your fault.... you just can't get your head that far up your @$$.

:bunnydance: :laugh4: :bunnydance: :laugh4: :bunnydance: :laugh4: :bunnydance:
rat.charmer said:
I hate my neighbours. They keep calling the cops and the city bylaw officers whenever we or our guests park on the street, despite the fact that thousands of other people can park on the street in our city without problems. They even called the cops on us after my dad's funeral, when we were doing a ceremony at my house. The cop was really apologetic; in the end all of the people at the funeral had to park on my lawn.

Sure makes our neighbour look real classy!

Is this in Sudbury? There's no bylaw about street parking here unless it's winter. Weird!
Yeah it's in Sudbury.

By laws say you can't park on the street for more than 4 consecutive hours! I checked them online (Section 4(1)(N)! That means there's about 10,000 cars right now that are illegal. Even if you have guests over for dinner or a party or Christmas, they can't park on the street for more than 4 hours.

The ironic thing is, people were parked along a cul-de-sac with no through traffic and my neighbours complained, saying it was 'dangerous'. Even when we parked with two tires on our lawn and only two tires along the curb they still complain. Ironically, they park on the road ALL THE TIME. It's only been very recent that they've been complaining. We think the man's daughter moved back with them and she's the one complaining. She even tailed my sister's boyfriend around town one day after leaving a note on his windshield when he was parked on the side of the road. It was a bizarre situation.

We think she's crazy but since *technically* we are breaking a by-law there's nothing we can do, short of calling the by laws office on them when they park on the street!
rat.charmer said:
Yeah it's in Sudbury.

By laws say you can't park on the street for more than 4 consecutive hours! I checked them online (Section 4(1)(N)! That means there's about 10,000 cars right now that are illegal. Even if you have guests over for dinner or a party or Christmas, they can't park on the street for more than 4 hours.

The ironic thing is, people were parked along a cul-de-sac with no through traffic and my neighbours complained, saying it was 'dangerous'. Even when we parked with two tires on our lawn and only two tires along the curb they still complain. Ironically, they park on the road ALL THE TIME. It's only been very recent that they've been complaining. We think the man's daughter moved back with them and she's the one complaining. She even tailed my sister's boyfriend around town one day after leaving a note on his windshield when he was parked on the side of the road. It was a bizarre situation.

We think she's crazy but since *technically* we are breaking a by-law there's nothing we can do, short of calling the by laws office on them when they park on the street!

You might want to let your neighbors know that the hateful favor can be returned since they too are breaking the law.

If their daughter has moved back in with them, then she obviously has issues and is abusing her parent's standing with the neighborhood to vent her anger/frustration. She needs to get out and get her own life. Eventually she will leave and her parents will have no more friends on the block.
Yeah we just might have to call bylaws on them but at the same time I don't want to get caught up in such a petty game. But we'll see - I'm home a lot these days and I'll just start timing the amount of time their car is on the road.

We even let them know my dad was dying of cancer and the father was really sympathetic but that hasn't stopped the phone calls. Thankfully we're moving out in a few months so we won't have to deal with their insanity anymore! Most of the time, the cops don't really care and actually apologize to us. But it's the by-laws ticketing people whom we're most worried about since they're the ones who can charge us a fine!
I have similar bylaw issues... although it's not the neighbours. One particular bylaw officer has it out for us... seriously!

Any time my fiance is working on a car in a driveway, the bylaw officer accuses us of running an automotive shop out of our garage. Usually he is working on cars of family members that don't live in the area. When Mike has to bring home a car from work, if it is something nice (Mercedes, etc) he'll come to the door and ask who's car it is.

We haven't heard from the jerk in a while, we think it is because an old friend of mine is now a bylaw officer for a nearby area. We think she has given him grief, as she knew of our ongoing problems.

I'm so glad you wont have to deal with the crazy neighbours much longer :gaah:
rat.charmer said:
By laws say you can't park on the street for more than 4 consecutive hours! I checked them online (Section 4(1)(N)!

In Ottawa, it's only three hours. I got dinged for that once a few years ago on a very quiet side-street in a suburb of Ottawa in the middle of the afternoon. People park on that street all the time - some often park there overnight - but I'm the only one who got a ticket. :redhot: Other than people leaving and returning to their homes, there's no traffic on that street.

I continue to visit my friend who lives on the street and I continue to park on the street. I haven't gotten a ticket since (knock on wood)!

I paid the $25 fine and sent the city a nasty e-mail - just to make myself feel better.

I did notice that the by-law officer who gave me the ticket for parking on the street was also the one who gave me a ticket for parking too long at a shopping mall a little while earlier. I wonder if there's a connection? :wink:
Just move your car an inch in the three hours. Usually they put a penny or a chalk line on the top of your tire. If you move your car an inch moving the line or the penny you're good.
I think dogs are pretty sweet, and can't wait to see how much my mom's puppy and my kittens have grown this weekend.
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