Random thoughts

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If I had a nickel for every time someone asked me that...

Wasn't me. ;D Though it's amazing how many people have noticed it, I still haven't! My summer mission will be to find this landmark.
Ok big breath, everything will be fine.

Last night my MOH and her mom and I were going to work on my flowers to find out she gave me the wrong amount of grass, she put the wrong bunch in my bag of flowers, so I had two stalks instead of 11!!!! Luckily my MOH and her mom offered to go pick them up today (she's at a flea market so we can only go on the weekends unless we want to drive 1.5 hours to get to her) since I was working.

My stepfather called, my mom has been battling a cough for a while and it got really bad so on Friday he took her to emerg, they gave her meds and sent her home. The next day things still didn't improve and so they went back in and they are now keeping her until at least Monday maybe Tuesday. They think it's COPD.

AND to top it off, it looks like my friends who are staying with us for 2 weeks will have to medicate Pearl while we are away for two days after the wedding. They didn't want to have to but they are going do it for us.

OK, this is managable, my mom just has to rest, my flowers will be fine and I have a whole week to show my friends how to get meds into Pearl, it's all good.
I don't like being an adult, being responsible, worrying about money and such. I want to be a kid again. :D
Make my money order get to the states faster! :( I mailed it out on Wed. morning (May 28th) and it's not there yet. *sigh* I don't know how long it should take, but I'm really hoping it will get there by tomorrow. My puppy is depending on the money arriving! I'm so anxious over it. :panic:
unwaryrince said:
jorats said:
Me too, me too, me too!!! I'd like to be 9 years old forever.

But then you'd have no money, be dependent on someone, and not enough freedom.

But it would be worth it to get the entire summer off! :D

I'd like to be a kid again knowing what I know now about my life and the way things turned out. I wouldn't make the same mistakes twice, but I'd have lots of fun making new ones! :nod:
I would like two hours, left alone, the house all to myself. I want to dive into the stack of books next to my bed and read until my eyes hurt.

I want some "me" time :nod:
anita1216 said:
I would like two hours, left alone, the house all to myself. I want to dive into the stack of books next to my bed and read until my eyes hurt.

I want some "me" time :nod:

The only time I've done something so much that my eyes hurt was way back when Diablo II was released. Ah fun memories and so many wasted hours.
:joy: I got my computer back. It was two days at the fix it shop :joy:

*goes to read lots and catch up on the news on the rat shack*
Wow it's baking here in Toronto. I sorta wish I lived in a basement now. Why are the third floors of a townhouse always like an oven? Plus they have weak a/c airflow.

Fortunately, I made the correct decision to go jogging this morning (6 am) rather than this evening.
Definitely cooking! Of course, when I went out for a stroll, the skies opened, lol. It was heavenly. :)
I'm on a Rihanna kick.

I had to listen to her for hip hop recital purposes but...I...think...I like her stuff. 0.0 *slaps self*

"Disturbia" is on heavy rotation!
Aggghhhh, make time pass faster, this is getting ridiculous. I still have to wait another 7 hours for my puppy to arrive in Toronto, but will be leaving to the airport in 5 hours.
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