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The Whale has died.

I bought Tess a squeeky toy plush whale, which one of the two of them had proceeded to make holes in (STUPID ANNE PLUSH TOY = HOLES DUH!...seriously how many times???) So i sewed it up last night, in allllll the holes.

And now the dogs are ripping it apart. but they're playing togehter. which is a rare scene - so i hate to spit it up just on account of the whale dying...

Just got back from a walk with my dog. Yep. Not much else.

Oh, it started raining on the way back, and Cody thought a man carrying a shovel was scary.

My leg hurts, I think I pulled a muscle. ow.
:hugs: Shelley - if theres anything at all i can do for you please let me know...

We're thinkin about you
I overheard this converation between my 4.5 year old and my 16 year old sister, Alyssa:

Tanner: What's okra?
Alyssa: I think it's a fish...

I had a good giggle at that.
Tess is going in for an ultrasound on Thursday, which may or may not lead to a specalist appointment resulting in a scope....costing me in total over 2grand.

This is really starting to stress me out, especially because I wanted to adopt and neuter two boys from Clarks. But with the recent medical mishaps with my Poochie this is making rapid neuters seem a little unatainable....

I need to start talking to the vets I work for....
2 and a half more hours... Sitting alone in the dark right now...

On a more positive note... well... not really positive, but the new Indiana Jones movie was not very good. I think the script writer needs a new job :whip: And... Harrison Ford looks like my crazy uncle now. I'm scared.
Lucky is being PTS in 2.5 hours :( I just needed to be somewhere quiet since I hit my head on the shed earlier and have a bit of a bump.
Thanks Jo, looking at all the ratty pictures and stories on here is helping me pass some time and get my mind off things. I keep browsing rescue websites and found a dog I really like... but no idea if I'll be able to adopt anytime soon.
I'm just posting this to out my frustration...

Atm we have 3 girls who gave birth, and 3 girls who are preggo aswell because someone accidentaly put a boy in a girl group *sigh*.
We also have another girl who gave birth a week ago (different owner, same problem)

So by the end of the coming week we'll have 7 moms to look after (luckily we have the moms spread out with 5 sheltervolunteers), and about 70 to 85 ratties who need to be rehomed...
Do I look like the money tree? I think I've spoiled my boys too much.

My 17 year old is getting a '96 mustang when he gets his G2 license, but first we have to get it mechanically fit.
My 19 year old has our '97 CRV but we had to recently put in $700.
I've asked both boys to help with the cost and this has caused a lot of teen whining and bullying. :gaah:

I'm so tempted to just get rid of both vehicles. But I know this would mean that Scott and I would be constant chauffeurs.
And according to my boys... All the kids have their own cars. Ya right. :?

New parents out there... don't give your babies/toddlers/children/teens everything they want. It will haunt you in the end.
I hope they don't hate me for this.

My boyfriend lives among three sisters, all able to drive. His parents bought a car (secondhand old thing) but told them they'd have to cover the costs from then on. Though it causes a little bickering sometimes it seems to work for them since all four are employed and live pretty close to a subway station.
My mom said she's fine with me getting a puppy! Although she said my father doesn't want one... so I have some convincing to do on my part. His worries are justified, but if I can talk to him about it I'm sure I can ease his concerns.

I found a puppy I really want to get... She's just adorable! My sister is in love with her too, so now its a matter of somehow talking to my dad. Its hard to start a conversation with him about things like this. =/

I've been preparing myself for the loss of Lucky for weeks now, so today I no longer feel sad. I'm smiling at the memories we shared and all the good times we had, and I'm ready to move on and love a new dog. He'd be happy to know I can open my heart up again, even if it is so soon, it feels right for me and my sister. Everyone grieves at their own rate, but the fact I've had time to prepare myself has definitely helped.
jorats said:
Do I look like the money tree? I think I've spoiled my boys too much.

My 17 year old is getting a '96 mustang when he gets his G2 license, but first we have to get it mechanically fit.
My 19 year old has our '97 CRV but we had to recently put in $700.
I've asked both boys to help with the cost and this has caused a lot of teen whining and bullying. :gaah:

I'm so tempted to just get rid of both vehicles. But I know this would mean that Scott and I would be constant chauffeurs.
And according to my boys... All the kids have their own cars. Ya right. :?

They really should help with cost. Because you invest in something, you tend to be more cautious about it, make better decisions, and take better care.

I'm 23 (24 in 1 week) and I don't even have a car and have little parental support. I'm waiting till next year once my final year is done and I actually have a real job to support my more expensive habits. $3000 per month during the summer just isn't enough for me :(.
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