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Cityratt said:

..ok...im biased....i :heart: UoG

LOL. If they'll take me! 0.0 I wish I could take my transcript and highlight the grades that came from the Open Learning courses, ie. their courses, lol. Guelph and I get along. :D

I swear the Word document is open.

*sees something sparkly and wanders off to play with it*
Feeling depressed this morning... I know I have less than 2 weeks left with my older dog. Work had to cut back everyones hours and my manager suggested I try find a second job since I'll be lucky to get one or two days a week right now. This sucks. :( I wish I knew if I was allowed to get a puppy in the fall, my parents never said yes, but never said no, and I really have my eyes on a pair of Border Collies that will be bred at the end of the summer and have pups in the fall. It's just a matter of waiting until the time is right to ask properly, as I don't know how I'm going to feel when my older dog leaves us... the house will feel empty, thats for sure :(
Everyone head out to M&MMeat Shops today for the 20th Annual BBQ for Crohns and Colitis!
$2.50 gets you a hot dog or hamburger, drink and a bag of chips and the money goes to a great cause.
I'll be there with my radio station helping to cook and junk!
Cityratt I LOVE Scrubs.

Jo as for Battlestar - Waynes comment to last week when they rebelled against Starbuck - the best decision they made in the whole show. I don't watch it much but he does.
Shelley said:
Feeling depressed this morning... I know I have less than 2 weeks left with my older dog. Work had to cut back everyones hours and my manager suggested I try find a second job since I'll be lucky to get one or two days a week right now. This sucks. :( I wish I knew if I was allowed to get a puppy in the fall, my parents never said yes, but never said no, and I really have my eyes on a pair of Border Collies that will be bred at the end of the summer and have pups in the fall. It's just a matter of waiting until the time is right to ask properly, as I don't know how I'm going to feel when my older dog leaves us... the house will feel empty, thats for sure :(

That's so hard. You know, when we were told Indy would be lucky to live the weekend, she lived another month before she began bleeding internally. Sometimes they surprise us. :heart:
Thanks for the hugs Bronwyn :hugs:

My parents are calling the vet tomorrow, he'll be leaving us peacefully at the end of the week. Just need to take lots and lots of photos. Theres kind of an odd silence and mutual feeling around the house - we all know its the right thing to do, but its incredibly difficult and none of us can really imagine life without Lucky. He grew up with us since we were kids, my brother was about 4 years old when we got him.

I've been spending a lot of time building some dog agility equipment for my other dog Cody to practice on. I think I must be directing all my emotions into building it, because I've been furiously trying to get everything finished. I woke up at 7 in the morning to take Cody for a walk and then spent all morning and some of the afternoon working on things. I'm still not done and have some things left to build, but I'll take pictures when I finish building later this week, my yard is starting to look like an agility course. :lol:
Oh gosh. I'll be thinking of Lucky and your family. It's such a hard time, I know.

When Indy was diagnosed with a massive tumor in her liver (inoperable) it was a few days before my parents were to leave for Italy for a month, and as I mentioned before the vet gave her the weekend as a prognosis. I heard them talking about putting her down then but I piped up saying I'd deal with it. Like, make the call, so to speak, when she seemed ready. Our dear Golden meant the world to my father so I was prepared to take the burden for him. Anyway, I took care of all her needs after they left and medicated her and gave her all the love I could. Best dog I could have ever asked for.

The day I knew was, unfortunately, the same day my parents were to come home. I then had to figure out if it would be better for my parents to think she had been put to sleep already or let them say one last goodbye. I opted for the latter, and thank god they appreciated it. My dad brought home tranquilizers and we all sat in the kitchen, crying our eyes out of course, saying goodbye while he sedated her and we guided her down to the floor. That was the last time I saw her. Of all things I had my driving test within the hour! The idea was to sedate her so she wouldn't know she was at the clinic, so that she wouldn't be afraid. The techs carried her from the car since my parents couldn't handle it.

Yeesh. Made myself cry here, lol.
Anyway, my ramble had a point. I've been there and don't wish the pain upon anyone. I've lost a great deal of people to death but losing my dog was the worst. So again, you'll be in my thoughts. :hugs:
Stupid stupid tent trailer, stupid bf, I don't want to make the stupid cushion covers, he doesn't bother helping, it was his idea to buy the stupid, slippery, can't sew it fabric, "but the covers are still too big" he whines. :sad3: I already sewed them once I don't want to do it again pay someone else to do it. :redhot: Grrr, he sits playing stupid video games while I get bloody fingers!!! :gaah:
My housemate just took back our empties to the beer store (she was taking back a bunch of hers as well)

She just came back with $12.70 from our deposit. :lol: There were alot of empties!
I'm trying to find a poem or limerick for our radio stations third birthday. I suck at writing!!!
I've never been so excited about tunnels!!! OMG, I can't wait!!! LOL :lol:

This will be me for the next two weeks :happydance: :bliss: :panic:
I'm tired and cranky. I haven't been sleeping well for a year or so now, I keep waking up at 3:30 in the morning and then have a restless sleep after that. So my doctor gave me sleeping pills (generic brand of Halcion) and it says you should sleep 8 hours. Any less then that you may feel some side affects which include mild form of amnesia, disorientation, motor problems etc. Anyway so the first time I took them I took one at 12 and woke up at 6:30. Last night I took one at 10 and was up at 4:30. 6.5 hours!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :gaah: But I guess on the plus side it's 6.5 hours of uninterrupted sleep.
W00t second job at a barhere in town. I need soemthing else just to help pay for bills!
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