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My dad used to be on the board of admissions...he said if they don't accept you the first time, definitely apply again. They do (or did) appreciate persistence!

Personally I think you have a shot, the longer you've been working for it and the more well rounded your background is (in terms of animal care) the better. :)

An emergency vet would be SUCH an amazing job. I just can't chase after it now. : x It's too bad there's nothing in between a vet tech and a vet. : / I think I've blown my chance simply by being at Queen's for three years and taking the required courses in a random order since it's different over there. Not to mention I've only worked at one clinic. Though I've worked there since I was 15 (volunteering at first) they definitely would not approve, haha.

Sooo my backup plan is to become some sort of biomedical geneticist and cure cancer. ;D

Okay so maybe not the second part, lol.

By the way!! I'm so sorry we didn't get around to borrowing Huxley (sp?) but hopefully Lisa will have her dog guide pup at some point. Fingers crossed!
Hey no worries, Huxley will still be terrorizing the city when you come back in September - hes not due to be recalled until... Novemeber-december ish. So if you want him lol you can take him for the afternoon....

MAN HE IS SUCH AN ADOLESCENT RIGHT NOW! I cannot wait until dogguides calls and tells me they want to take his testicles away!
LOL! Yeah I definitely want a male...no dog periods for us! :p How different is it to owning a "regular" retriever? Islay isn't allowed on furniture and requires a verbal go-ahead to do pretty much anything like enter an elevator or eat her food or...yeah, lol.
I have a headache, my van is at th mechanics because the tire has a hole in it. I am waiting to find out if they have to replace the tire or if they can plug it. Arg.
I'm exhausted, been busy the past two days and have no energy left. The good thing is that my doctor said my thumb is healed enough that I can go back to work. So I'll be phoning them soon to arrange a start day... but I'm just so tired, I don't know if I even feel like phoning tomorrow... maybe I'll see if I can get a ride over to work and talk to them in person. Who knows... *collapses with exhaustion* lol
jorats said:
Bron, if you can't cure cancer, can you work on curing myco!!!! :bow:

Lol! Is this possible? Breeding rats without the mycoplasma? Oo, an excuse to have a ton of rat babies around...hmm...!
stuff always seems to be going so well at work. and then it all comes crashing down.
Long story short everyone was putting their jobs off onto me - and i was trying to do them all - and i screwed up. big time.

They call me at home to straighten everything out and then i called back to see how i could fix it. spoke with the office manager who needs to talk with people to sort things out. asked her to call me so i could hopefully fix it today because i want this fixed. Im such a mess right now. i want to crawl into a hole.

Im beining to realise that these jobs may not be good if my heart sinks everytime the phone rings because im sure its one of my jobs calling about something.

please please please call back soon. please.
awe thanks Bron...i think things have initially settled themselves....i hope...

we'll see tomorrow when i go in...if i get a "talking to" *gulp*

You can do it cityratt!!!

I was watching animal planet and the beasty countdown to the worst reputation. #8 was rats... they were showing footage of the really scary looking sewer rats, until I realized, those agoutis were all DUMBOS!!!! Sweet! Obviously not real sewer rats. lol
What the heck is RTD Payment and why is it taking more than $200 from my bank account!!
Cityratt said:
awe thanks Bron...i think things have initially settled themselves....i hope...

we'll see tomorrow when i go in...if i get a "talking to" *gulp*


I don't know the situation obviously but I hope they give a talking to whoever actually deserves it, and that person is not you. :(

Good luck! :D :D The most common thing I heard from my peers was it isn't as bad as they thought it would be. :D Not to say it's easy at all, just that the preparatory courses and books and all that seem to be accurate in terms of format and what to expect so there are no surprises.

Know what's weird? I can't bring myself to submit the single document to Guelph that they need to make a decision regarding my transfer. They asked for it over a week ago. I'm being really stupid about it and I can't figure out why I'm clinging so hard to Queen's.
Battlestar Galactica in 30 min. Am I the only one a little disappointed in this season's episodes, their last ones? :worry:
I have the "emotional scene" music from the first season of scrubs stuck in my head
"ba ba ba ba ba ba ba baaaa ba ba ba ba ba ba ba baaaaaaaaa"

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