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I just washed the kitchen floor and it is still wet. I have to wait about one hour so I can rinse it. The problem is that I am now hungry but cannot access the fridge. Now I wonder how am I going to survive until I can rinse the floor and let it dry for another hour.

There is some rat food available which is not in the kitchen but I don't really like lab blocks. :doh: :doh: :doh: :doh: :doh:
Good idea Cityratt! I use the same method. :D Just put on those noise-cancelling headphones and attempt to chill out. I don't know Meatloaf's stuff but the other two are fantastic. I'll have to have a playlist ready for myself tonight.

Jack - Can you just take really, really big steps? :D Maybe put on really clean flip flops or something?
Mmmm. Fast food. I haven't had that in ages. If exam period isn't an excuse (when your place is so disgustingly dirty and you don't want to cook because you feel guilty about wasting the time), I don't know what is.
Bronwyn said:
Mmmm. Fast food. I haven't had that in ages. If exam period isn't an excuse (when your place is so disgustingly dirty and you don't want to cook because you feel guilty about wasting the time), I don't know what is.

Truer words were never spoken :lol:

Meatloaf's bat out of hell was my first tape I ever owned. So basically im stuck with it for life *shrugs* I dont know how enjoyable it would be to check out their stuff when it hasnt been ingrained in your brain since youth
When i sit on the floor lately my legs have been falling asleep really quickly. I envision my hip bones cutting off blood supply and nerve impuses leaving my legs defenceless.

also. my pen just fell off my biochem textbook. and i am no where near it....
My dog Berklee has decided to rip up the carpet in the study. :shock:

I want the carpet up, but unfortunately, I can't just let her do it. :roll:
Cityratt said:
also. my pen just fell off my biochem textbook. and i am no where near it....

I don't know if this is crazy but I really lose my pencil/pen at least every ten minutes. Honestly someone could make a killing by attaching a wrist tie of sorts to a loop at the end of the pencil.
Tomorrow, I have to go and get my new health card. :redhot: Apparently my red and white card is no longer acceptable. Now I have to put aside my daily routine, drive way across town, bring three pieces of very specific ID, waste about an hour cause they are so busy there... UGH! I think I'll stick my tongue out for the picture. :slingshot:
Jo, DO NOT let them MAKE you get a new card. As of the last time I heard, they HAVE to still accept the old style card.

What? They are MAKING us change them? What notices are these??

It's been a while since I worked at the Dr's Office so I could be out of the loop, but the last time I checked the old health cards were valid. I'm holding on to mine until the last possible moment.

ETA: according to this http://www.health.gov.on.ca/english/pub ... aq_dt.html

"I have a red and white health card. Do I need a photo health card?
A red-and-white card or a photo health card are both accepted as long as they are valid and belong to you.

If you register and receive a photo health card, you should destroy your red-and-white card if you still have it."

I am pretty sure you only NEED to change your card if you are using one of the new photo health cards, and it is expiring or you have changed your address or name. I could still be wrong and this website hasn't been updated (our gov't websites are so slow to be updated) but, if you can keep your old card DO it. They are a complete pain to deal with afterwards... version codes especially. Bleh.

Maybe call your Doctor's office and ask them what is going on with the health cards. I would think they would know for sure.
It says dear Mrs Bouchard, it is time for you to obtain a photo health card. and then it goes on to explain all the crap i need to bring with me.
Sounds like they are trying to gently push you into doing it. They just really, REALLY want everyone on the new system.

Unless there's a due date, I wouldn't put a lot of stock in it.
my boyfriend still has his old red and white one and he still uses it when he goes to the clinic so unless they've changed something, I don't think I'd bother :D the new ones have expiry dates on them when you have to re-new them :( pain in the bee-hind :p
chicky82 said:
my boyfriend still has his old red and white one and he still uses it when he goes to the clinic so unless they've changed something, I don't think I'd bother :D the new ones have expiry dates on them when you have to re-new them :( pain in the bee-hind :p

Yuppers. thats why i still have my ghetto oldschool red and white one
Yeah, I still have the red and white one too. Places still accept them - they have to. The new cards sound like a pain with the renewing and everything... I'll be holding onto my old one as long as possible! Unless the government makes an official announcement stating we HAVE to get the new card, I'm not doing it!
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