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I have a three bedroom house. My room (master bedroom, twice the size of either of the others), the girl rats' room, and the boy rats' room. My bedroom is the only one without a ceiling fan. I'm seriously considering switching rooms with the girls (the smallest room) so I can have a ceiling fan and they can have more room to play during out time.
I want the snow to be gone. I want to start running again and would like to do so without trudging through snowbanks.

SNOW GO AWAY. TESS AND I WANT GO RUNNING PLEASE. (im staring out from basically scratch again - My goal to do a 5k in a couple months, lol tiny baby goal)
UGH... When I phoned about the place we are currently living in I specifically asked the landlord if there was smoking and he said no. When we came to see the place we really couldn't tell. When we came back to pay the current tenant for the washer and dryer she was smoking. This did not impress me. Anyhow, I decided to let it go. So I KNOW the girl upstairs smoked, or someone did. When winter came around I could sometimes smell it through the heat vents. Finally a month or so ago I mentioned it to my landlord. I am allergic and it bothers me very much. I was somewhat pissed that he had lied to me. So when I asked him about it he said that yes Phyllis (the previous tenant) did smoke. I told him it wasn't a big issue that indeed I was allergic to it and that it took a while but the smell is gone. I told him that I was pretty sure that the girl upstairs was smoking, he told me that he was pretty sure she didn't smoke. But I told him that someone did because it was coming through the vents. He said, 'oh well maybe it's friends that are coming over'.


So I have to phone my landlord tomorrow about a couple of things, so as I am having trouble sleeping I am sitting in the livingroom I can smell smoke again. I'm pissed because I specifically ASKED if it was smoke free and he said yes. If he had said that his current tenant (who was his wifes aunt) did smoke but he no longer wanted smokers then that would have been fine with me. But he flat out lied and the fact that he doesn't believe there is smoking upstairs of somesort. Also the tenant upstairs has moved out and a new one has moved in (I think) and I know this new guy smokes. ARG.

I don't have anything against smokers, but geez I'm pissed at my landlord.
I'm really glad that I got my roommates out of the bar brawl that they were involved in tonight. And I wish the cops would have stepped in and arrested the guys who started it but they decided to stay on the side street.
Theres a reason I don't go to bars and when I do I only spend $20, its stupid to get into fights. We were waiting outside for a cab and some woman started lipping off my roommate, I had to cool him down but she sent her boys after him. Luckily I hailed a cab at the exact moment and put both my roommates in it.
I don't know what happened to the other two guys that we came with. THe one was the one that the whole brawl started with and the other I think must have went home with some girl.
Yay!! My father bought a new camera, I can't wait to try it out. It's not an SLR , but it is much better than the one I have.
Ok so I told people, don't bring kids to the wedding, the guest list gets out of hand when you invite the kids. Well they were my cousins and I said it a lot nicer then that. Also why are chair rentals so bloody expensive. I think I might be just too cheap. First one place wants $2.50 per chair for a folding chair. I am looking at around $1, but will probably have to pay $1.50. ALSO why does a white metal folding chair cost MORE then a black metal folding chair. It's a total rip off.
Had to go through a three hour indoctrination this morning at 8am. It totally didn't pertain to my job and yet, I had to endure the very boring training.
I'm so glad it's over... now I'm off to work and sooooo tired. I can't wait to get to bed tonight.
I might have a job!!!!!!
EHHHHH In radio... its reception but they move up quickly.
Congratulations! :D

Erm, nowhere else to put this, I'm headed to Nassau tomorrow (well...Thursday at 3:45 am) so if anyone PM's me I'm not ignoring you. :) Back next week!
So I was sitting at work last night thinking 2 months and 2 weeks until my wedding. Then it hit me. 10 WEEKS!!! ACK!!! and YAY. I think I will go back to thinking of it 2 months and 2 weeks, it's not as scary. Of course not scary getting married, but coming up fast so much to do.

:soapbox: Thank you for letting me vent

EDIT: in light of things which have transpired I've deleted what i wrote earlier. I dont feel what i wrote should have stayed here after what has happened today.
Only 20 more days until Flyball lessons start... I can't wait!! Seriously, can the days go by faster? I have a few things that are happening this month including getting my cast off, starting school, starting flyball, returning to work, and going to a dinner/dance with my boyfriend (which I'm not used to saying yet! lol)
Cityratt - Oh my. Yeah my apartment is partially on Edinburgh so I get to see all the crazy car accidents that happen in that T intersection by Wilsonview. Brilliant woman for allowing her dog to mingle in that chaos! :(

(is that field behind the Edinburgh townhouses off lead?) <- Where I take Islay.
Cityratt said:
What if i didnt notice and opened the door with one of my dogs? what if i had a child who was going out to play? WHAT IF THE DOG RAN ONTO THE BUSY ROAD?!

One of my students (Grade 3) has been attacked by 2 vicious dogs once. He was playing outside and his ball went on the grass of that property. When he went to have the ball bags, 2 huge dobermans crashed the door and jumped on him to bite him viciously.

He had bites on his arms, in his face and one of his ears was almost completely teared off his head. The parents of that child wanted the owner of the dogs to euthanise them but they refused saying that the child should have ring at the door to ask permission to get his ball.

Hello!!!!!!!!!!!!! The dogs were in the house ready to kill!!

Now we have a little boy who is terrified of all dogs and crosses the street to avoid walking in front of that house who happens to be beside his house. And I am not talking about the scars.
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