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I wonder if I can find someone to share practice ring space for dog agility at a facility about an hour away. hmmm...
ME ME ME!!! *jumps up and down* ME ME

I wonder if i can find someone willing to write my repro exam while i go off galavanting with Tess (getting ready for College royal on SUNDAY! woop - we're in the half time show AND competing at 2:30, Tess is on the Squaredogs team! *squeeee*) ok lol too much caffene
goodkarma would be a better bet (although im not 100% sure she may have her own training facility at her disposal...)

We only know how to go over jumps and through tunnels.... lol. go us
Lol that's how far I got with Indy too. ;) Not even - just jumps! I'd looove to try Islay with agility. She's so eager to please.
SO much fun - Tess being more reserved (she was afraid to even be in the same room as the tunnel) but now she LOVES it - with her being older we dont really PUSH it - we stop at 20inch jump height...

I think we're do more formal training once CR is over - but im really happy with the way Tess loves it so much
Hehe, my Aussie is trained in agility, but we haven't competed yet. I'm hoping to start trials this summer with running my dog in veterans through AAC. He can still clear 22" jumps no problem, but since he's 7.5 years now I'm going to start running him on 16" height. It's been over a year since I was last able to practice :(

But yeah... I have no where to practice here :( I was looking into McCanns facility in Flamborough, or seeing if any of the places around Orangeville/Caledon have floor time rental since I can't commit to training classes at this time. I don't drive, so I don't think my father/taxi would want to travel 1 - 1.5 hrs weekly. I'd do it in a heartbeat, but I can't ask that of my father.
I just checked mapquest, and Flamborough is actually fairly close to Guelph. About 35 mins away I think?

If anyone is seriously interested in sharing rental time, I'm sure it would be do-able :D They have lots of outdoor space for walks and playing too. That would be tons of fun!

eta: http://www.mccanndogs.com/index2.htm
If I had my dog consistently I would - right now I babysit her when my parents travel, which, granted, is a lot, lol.

I've seen a number of agility shows in Caledon East though unfortunately I don't have any info on them. :(
Yeah, there are a few places around Caledon. I have the training facilities/ clubs bookmarked, so its just a matter of me getting in contact and learning more.

My dad said he would help me build my own equipment, so I'll probably start doing that once my thumb is healed... 6 weeks :(

I've made my own jumps and weave poles, and have a small tunnel. I have a hoola-hoop in the shed too. lol. I think I'll order some tunnels online and make everything else myself. At least then I can practice close to home as often as I want. A-FRame will be scaled down, but thats okay, my dog will love it all the same lol. As long as I can practice his contacts!
i have the song from juno stuck in my head

6 different people have told me to watch that movie because the girl reminds them of me. I watched it. I do. I think i should sue for copyright infringement...
HA! I love that character.

Funny I've had the same song in my head all day too. The line "we sure are cute for two ugly people" just keeps cycling. At least I assume that's the song you're talking about, lol. I think the actors did a better job than the original band. : x
lol yea thats the song...it was kinda a werid ending...singing lol

cute flick tho - AND SHE LOVES THE STOOGES! (that was very exciting :heart: iggy pop)



I'm at a bit of a loss for words. Cody was a free ranger, didn't chew a thing. But Phoe. Oh, Phoe.

I just discovered her nest - in my sweater drawer. ALL hoodies are absolutely destroyed. This includes my beloved Queen's sweaters and Havergal grad sweater. Can't replace the latter. Hard to replace the former. I'm not even as upset about the Abercrombie hoodie being destroyed as the others had sentimental value. Good lord that's an expensive lot of clothing to have ruined.

Among this I found various items from the trash including some intimate items I shouldn't mention. But if you use your imagination, they, among their wrappers, had been dragged out of the garbage and into her nest. Among a lot of other non-edible things too.

Sure I had it coming. Doesn't really help me in this moment.
It is a bit nerve wrecking having so many eyes upon you as you walk down that aisle (or the equivalent). And there is always so much to do, especially in the last few days before the wedding. But don't worry Lea-Andra, it will all go well and everything will look beautiful.

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