Random thoughts

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moon said:
Holy crow Shelley... did I miss something? WHAT DID YOU DO TO YOURSELF?

I fractured my thumb at work :( Was a freak accident involving a big yellow lab. Don't ask me how, I really don't know how exactly. hehe
:happyb-day: to my bf Dennis, he's 31 today :b-dayrat:
things haven't been that good for us lately but I still wanted to wish him a happy birthday somewhere public, here's a pic of us in better times at Niagara Falls :flower:

I missed the Oscars (not my thing I guess) and I wish I didn't - my friend's dad won an Oscar. :shock: Alex Gibney that is. Go him!!
im chewing on my pen so hard that my teeth hurt. i guess i am stressed about this stupid exam. ugh.

(happy b-day Dennis :b-cake: ... why does that cake blink?)
Which exam? My housemate is stressing over Stats2040 right now : / I'm stressing over Math1000, hahaha.

...yeah I never got around to taking calculus until now. Bad life choice.
I've got something funky going on with my sinuses. My ears also hurt!
Bronwyn said:
Which exam? My housemate is stressing over Stats2040 right now : / I'm stressing over Math1000, hahaha.

...yeah I never got around to taking calculus until now. Bad life choice.

Repro with Walton...um...ANSC 3something lol

EW! i hated both Stats 2040, The other stats class i took...(biostats?) AND CALC 1080 (i think) EW EW EW EW EW!

Atleast i kinda enjoy repro. theres just SO MUCH TO KNOW!
I disliked the part in university when you had so many exams in one week. We had two in one day once and our teacher didn't care, all about me attitude. ARG
Oh man, have you taken PATH? It's insane. But really, really interesting!

LA - Yeah I'm trying to get used to that at Guelph. At Queen's mine were always spread out, that was relatively common.

Edit: I have to take Stats2040 and Math1080 so SHHH. ;D (note most courses won't transfer to Guelph...grrr...)
Went to the walk in clinic before I go to my next co-op tomorrow... ear infection. crap.
i have the calc text + old midterm etc if you would like to buy them (when the time comes...)

I took Path last semester. bascially one of the best classes ever! but the final was 120 MC, and i kinda got bored midway through lol - still came out with a good mark tho (that was the distance ED version of the class)

There were two morning doves eating in my old carrot bed/container/rubbermaid bin.... :)
Cityratt said:
i have the calc text + old midterm etc if you would like to buy them (when the time comes...)

I took Path last semester. bascially one of the best classes ever! but the final was 120 MC, and i kinda got bored midway through lol - still came out with a good mark tho (that was the distance ED version of the class)

Thank you for the offer! My housemate has her stuff still though so it seems I'm set! And that info about the Path is really helpful. I love MC, lol, and just got the package from Open Learning - Path is available in the summer as is Cell Bio. :) I think they may have changed Path though...Lisa's old exams to look at were declared useless by the prof as they were focusing more on theory I think, thus short/long answer. :(
Oh! Another random thought!

I had a dream last night that Shelagh came to visit bringing ALL of Tiki's rats with her as apparently I was adopting them...? Then she sat down and watched my TV for a while, lol. It was a little weird. :shock:
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