Random thoughts

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Yeeeeeeeeea!! that's good news!!!

Didn't sleep well at night and I am going to drive 6 hours today :shock:

Fortunately Smokey will be coming with me so I might have her drive for a bit.

Can't wait to see Sirius 2, Ozzy 2 and Sweeney!
Yay Jo that's great.

I feel miserable today, the two tylenol 3's I took I think made me high last night and didn't sleep as well as I wished I did. I have pains, monday morning can't come soon enough.
I watched the Oscars yesterday night, how boring it was. I watched it because Johnny Depp was nominated for best actor for his role in Sweeney Todd.

When they showed him after nominating him, Johnny looked really shy. :oops: :oops: The show was over at midnight and as a result, I was really tired this morning.

Why don't they do this on a Saturday night????? :twisted: :twisted:
Ok so here's a rant.

1. So on Saturday I check my mail and I had a pink slip in the mail from my hydro company. I couldn't for the life of me figure out how I owed $119 or any money to them for that matter. So I went in to them today and they figured out that in one spot they had me marked off as paying my $100 deposit and in another spot it was unpaid. So $100 unpaid deposit and $19 in interest = $119. :roll: And my dad told me that they didn't make that many mistakes...

2. I had an ultrasound today for checking out my gallbladder and I had someone do it who apparently liked to push in really hard. It hurt so much. :(
Funny story. I went to the doctors today. I love my doctors he's really good and an awesome guy. I have been going to him forever. Anyways, I was telling him how I have been feeling lately and that I went to emerg and had an ultrasound yesterday. He is going to be able to have the results by tomorrow BTW. So he got me to lie on the table and he told me that his personal opinion he thought I had esophigitis (inflammation of the esophagus) and it wasn't my gallbladder. But he said he could be wrong. So he pushed on my left side of my stomach all was fine and then he said that the next thing would hurt and he pushes on my esophagus, I told him it felt a little weird but no it didn't hurt. So then he pushed on my gallbladder and it hurt A LOT. He says 'Oh... maybe it is your gallbladder then'. I started laughing. I think the reason he came to that conclusion is that I do have a lot of digestive problems, I have a bacteria in my stomach that causes me a lot of heart burn a lot of the time. I won't hold it against him. :D
When I was being diagnosed with gall stones, I had to go through an upper GI test.... drinking that most foul chalk like stuff. I hate barium.
We had a bit of a scare with my mom :shock: she has been really sick lately but everyone thought it was just a cold or flu because she's prone to those but my dad had to rush her to emerg Sunday night cause she couldn't breathe and was wheezing :( (she was hospitalized for 3 days a couple of years ago for labyrinthites, an inner ear issue so now she's got bad balance)
we thought maybe pneumonia but it turns out she has a really bad viral infection in her lungs and has to be on a puffer until it clears up :? so that means no smoking :D and maybe she'll have to quit :thumbup:
plus my dad hurt his finger awhile back but being the generation he is, he just brushed it off :evil: and yesterday, I guess it hurt bad enough that he went to get it checked and he has a compound fracture of his thumb and has to wear a splint :roll:
All this and I'm not even at home, I've been in Cochrane (4 hour drive north) for the last 3 weeks so it makes it hard not being there when stuff like this happens but I'm leaving today, I can't handle stuff like this, my parents are in their 50s
Aw chicky, I'm so sorry to hear that. Yeah I know what that's like it's like being out of the loop and you can't do anything that's really hard.

Jo: ew... I hope they figure out what's wrong soon. I should know by tomorrow or the next day.
My friend Andrew finally told me how he feels, and we are now taking our relationship one step further from friends. I'm not sure how to feel, this is my first time with any kind of relationship like this, so I'm shy and awkward, but he knows that :lol:
Definitely in the mood for one of those Saturday nights in, curled up with a cup of tea and a good book. I just spent two hours in Chapters reading. *sigh* Most relaxing store ever.
Oh my god Shelley, congrats!

I feel like my head is caving in on its self, my chest is full of bricks and my throat is made of sandpaper. Yay.
Thanks, I'm excited about it. I've liked him since the summer, but because of the way I am I couldn't say anything. It's so great to know that he feels the same way. Were going to the ROM during the week when I have a day off work.

Speaking of work.. I have to leave in 20 minutes. Icky 1-9 on a Sunday shift :x Oh well, can't be all that bad... Just hope there is enough staff on today, somedays we almost need one more person. They don't think they need another one on yet, but when march break comes along I know they will be adding more people for sure.

So... I'm finishing eating my yogurt then will have to get into my work clothes and leave.

I still want a puppy so badly. Only if I could get my family on board with the idea. :?
That's fantastic it's mutual :D Some friendships just fall apart when one person feels it, makes it known, but the other doesn't.
hmm. random thoughts.. i get all kinds
im craving for chips right now.. but my throat is kinda sore.. so i should have some ice cream instead.. but i really want chips... maybe ill have some chips first then ice cream...
i really shouldnt even have that junk.. but iit tastes soooo good. :wink:
my feet are kinda cold.... i should go put on a pair of socks...
i hope willow will be ok...
i really miss linds and our ratties... just gotta keep telling myself..2 more months then she will be here... 2 more months.. thats only 8 more weeks.. and they will prolly go by fairly fast.. especially if i go up to see her one or 2 more times...
gawd that humming noise between the fridge and the computer are loud and annoying...
i hope my headache dont come back
oh ya.. i get to sleep in tomorrow. hehe
Now I want to have some chips and ice cream too.

I lost my credit card somewhere in the house after ordering that rat food for Jack.

My asthma is bothering me right now.

5 more days before I have a week off. Then 2 weeks of 4 days in a row.

I wonder why Savvy and Scarlett always lick me like crazy but not Davy Jones, Calypso or Parlay.

Why can't we have Easter the same day every year just like Christmas?

We are never happy about our birthday. When we are children, we wish we would have more of them and when we are adult, we find that our birthday comes too fast.
I ate too much :(
the bf is really moody these last couple of days and I thought I was supposed to be the woman :lol:
I had to force him to go for a walk with me :evil:
it seems like I've gone to too many funerals the last couple of years, one last month and another one coming up and neither person was/is related to me
I did my laundry, finally
Took the family dog for a walk/drag me
I got the boys cage cleaned today :D and I took pics
There is nothing on tv :roll:

Here's a pic of my dudes Coal and Chimo with my mom's legs :lol:
Wayne is putting together our new cage YAY. I love it there is so much room for hanging stuff. Our girls are gonna love it.

So my ultrasound came back clear so I still had no idea why I was still feeling sick all the time. I was getting to the point where I didn't want to eat because it made me feel ill. SO, I decided to start eliminating stuff out of my diet to see what it is. I haven't eaten dairy since Friday and I feel great, I haven't felt sick once. So gonna leave it until Tuesday and try a little dairy and see what happens.

Soy milk is AWESOME I highly recommend corn pops and vanillia soy milk, yumminess.

:( Really good friends of ours are having a hard time here so they are moving out to his parents in Manitoba on Thursday. So they are spending the night at our place on Tuesday, and Wednesday we are taking them down to her grandmothers and they will take them to the airport on Thursday. :tearful: I'm gonna miss them so much.
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