Random thoughts

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*knock on my front door*
Me: [surprised] Hi! (totally forgetting I hate him)
Building rep: [flustered] Could you flush your toilet twice for me?
Me: ...okay. [does his bidding]
Me: [returns to the door] Okay I...Gerry? (the hallway was deserted)

He never ceases to weird me out.
My good friends are leaving for Manitoba tomorrow :( But hey we are gonna hang out tonight (they are staying at our place) and we are going to the Mandarin tomorrow and we are driving them to relatives tomorrow who will take them to the airport. I'm gonna miss them and their 1 year old daughter. :(

Hurt my thumb on a big labrador retriever on Wednesday night.

Thought it was okay, woke up Thursday with it swelled. Went to work Thursday with it bandaged up to stop myself from using it too much.

Woke up this morning, finger felt better, went to work again. Picked up a dog and OUCH. It hurt the most right then, it hurt so bad I cried.

So anyway, I left work early and went to the doctors. He thinks I fractured my thumb. What a wonderful injury... NOT.

I have to go get an X-Ray done Saturday morning and talk to my managers tomorrow to tell them whats up. I forgot to punch out as well, so I'll have to go write that up and figure out if it says I'm still punched in. lol.
I'm very sad today :cry: I had to leave my boys with my mom in north bay while I went with the bf to cochrane for a funeral I've always brought the with me when we come here but it's only been a week and a half that we went back to north bay so I didn't think it was fair to upheave them again
plus I wasn't able to take the big cage so they would've been in a little cage for 4 hours plus we had to take my bf's nephews to go visit their dad and they are LOUD!!! :evil: and all that noise isn't fair to them but I'm so sad to leave them I even cried a bit when I said goodbye :cry: My mom will take good care of them but still...
Tacocat is a palindrome

i hate my nutritional requirements and quantitative energetics of Mule Deer presentation

(not so random: Shelley - OW!! !!!! Hopefully it feels better soon... :S)
I don't have to worry about shovel because I have a contract. I only hope he will come and clean the driveway tomorrow morning as I have things to do tomorrow and I don't want to be stuck in the house. I am not going out tonight.

I am just going to eat my pizza then watch the movie "It" hoping I will develop a fear of clowns.
I'm going to be happy if the city clears out street before tomorrow night.

Were in a new sub-division and they tend to forget about us :evil:
Holy Snow Batman!!! We had to force our door open to get out today. Luckily the parking lot in which we live beside and drive into to get to our parking space was cleared out. But the guys that plow our parking space haven't come for a while even though it snowed a lot the last time.
My contract didn't come so far but I have something this afternoon. So I tried to make a little way just for the car to go through with the result that I had a massive asthma attack and couldn't do the job.

A nice neighbour offered me to blow the snow with his snowblow-thing and I told him to do just wide enough for my car to go through because the contract guy will be coming sometimes today and I didn't pay $300 to do it myself.

I'm just recovering from my massive asthma attack, the puffer didn't help right away this time and I might have to take the other medicine too now.

My basement is dark today as the window is covered with snow. When I look out the window from the computer room, it's white and I can't see outside unless I stand up.

This is crazy but this is fun at the same time. I'm glad I am off for the week so there is no worries for me to get to the job on time.
Hmmmm... How will I pass 6 weeks of time?

I'm already bored and the rats try to chew my cast off. lol.

Can't even walk my dog by myself.

No videogames and I can't draw... this SUCKS
My boyfriend is an All Canadian now. :D National Track and Field Championships were this past week in Montreal and Guelph won gold in both men and women, and Brendan took home a silver medal as well for his four man relay team being the second best in the country. :shock:

He's been working on this rather intensely since we met (5-6 years ago) and of course before that as well. But it's great seeing him get rewarded for all his hard work.
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