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This is no time to begin a 5 page paper on taxonomy...due tomorrow. -_-

Perhaps this contributes to anxiety, no?
Bron: yes I would agree

Shelley: How old are you. I was 26 living at home and I would tell my parents where I was going, what I would be doing (sometimes), when I would be home, phoning them if plans changes etc. I understand why, it's courtesy because they are my parents and concerned about me. And I have to say I am glad they are. But now I know I do like living on my own with Wayne. When I was cat sitting for friends of mine I spent 3 weeks living in their place, by myself and I was bored and it was sad because I hate cooking for myself on a regular basis. Congrats on the job.

I wish the bloody snow would STOP!!!
Hehe, I'm only 21, and I don't mind living with my family, I like having them around. I think the main conflict right now is that I want to be able to drive and get myself places... and the fact that I want a pupppy sooooo badly. They keep telling me to wait until I move out, but right now that just feels like it'll be forever. My oldest dog has gone downhill a lot over the past year, he's 13 now and I don't know how much longer he has. I've had him since I can remember, and part of me just doesn't know what to think when he's gone.

I have a huge desire to do frisbee competitions with a dog, but my Aussie is already 7 years old and doesn't have the proper drive to excel in flyball or frisbee. He's silly and won't play with a toy unless it's 'his'.. meaning he's chewed it up already :roll: I know my Aussie is going to have some major changes when my older dog eventually passes, as he idolizes him, copies everything he does and follows him around.

Right now it's just a wait and see, I already promised them no more pets for a while, and I won't be getting anymore for a while. I've already got my hands full with my current dogs and rats, but I can hope that in a year or two when I do have less rats and dogs, maybe they'll change their tune. Yep, my crazy desires of wanting a puppy haven't changed since I was 5 years old :roll: My mom says that I was born wanting a puppy, and 21 years later, it's exactly the same. Except the only thing is that I can't remember my oldest dog being a puppy, and my Aussie was older from a shelter when I got him, so I really want to experience having a puppy, especially since I'm now well equipped to do all the training.

But still, first things first.. get my G1 lol. Eventually I'll be able to drive, and at that time it'll open many more doors for me to go places with my dogs.
Wayne didn't have a ride home today so I walked home during work to get the van to go pick him up and I wiped out in the parking lot. My hip hurts, my back hurts and I can't wait to go home and put comfy clothes on.
YIKES. I hope you're alright! It's a day for injuries.

My boyfriend was in a minor car accident and spent the day in the hospital to make sure his head cleared the CT scans. He was driving and apparently felt a sudden blinding pain. Thank God Shane was next to him and grabbed the wheel. We don't know what's wrong with him yet :(

I also hurt myself in hip hop tonight - totally twisted my knee and can't walk on it.

On the bright side, the hip hop recital is on. :D
I wipe out and land full force on my hip from a standing position. No bruise. As I am attempting to get up I slipped again and banged my knee on the ground, which was only a 4 inch drop. Yeah that's where I have the big bruise.

Thanks Bron, I am fine, although because my back is bad in general (I have a lot of back problems) it's the thing that's more sore and takes a beating.
I can't wait, on the 24th I will be going to pick out my flowers (fake) for the wedding YAY. I'm cold at work. I even have a space heater on and I am freezing.
I had to switch days to go get my flowers. :( Oh well March 2 instead.

At work (my choice so I don't lose money), it's cold, I'm almost done my work I have to do. Wasting time on here. I'm in chat if anyone wants to join.
Several people at work have started complaining about the fact they are fed up with winter and snow. I personally believe that there are enough things to worry about that I don't need to add that one on top of the list.

The funniest thing is that the same people will complain about the heat in a few months. Seems that some people are never happy no matter what they get.
So true Jack

I am waiting to go to bed. Wayne and his brother are watching a movie and I can't get to sleep with the tv on (our bedroom is right off the living room) and I took two Tylenol 3's so I am trying to stay awake.
It's the end of my one week vacation and yesterday I was hit hard by some kind of gastrointestinal bug. I've been sick since 7:00PM last night and still not fully recovered.
I miss my peeps and ratties on the forum! I'll have loads to catch up on when I'm completely back to normal. :sick:
I was afraid that if something was wrong with my gallbladder and since I have to wait until Monday for my ultrasound that if I spent the weekend eating bland foods etc that my inflamtion would go away and when I got to the ultrasound everything would be fine. So in my infinate wisdom I thought that if I didn't eat just bland foods this weekend that they would be able to figure out what's wrong on Monday. So what did I have for dinner tonight.... Pizza, I am SEVERELY regretting this right now. Man am I dumb.
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