Random thoughts

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Waynes brother in law and sister got rearended yesterday coming home from Hamilton, no one was hurt but the poor niece (born in May) and nephew who is 3 probably were scared. Thank goodness

I almost got into an accident last night. We have a road that does a sharp turn as you come to the water, it's downhill as well. Although I thought I was going slow enough it was icy which I didn't know. But I started sliding. Thank god I stopped and there wasn't a car coming the other way. I was so scared.
Why did I eat that McDonalds? I know it always sits like a brick and makes me feel gross all day.

I soooo don't want to be at work right now. There's not much to do and i'm losing some valuable Christmas shopping and Guitar Hero playing time! SOOOO ADDICTED TO GUITAR HERO!
Have been down with the flu for 6 days, now I want to get up and DO things again! Hate flu! Get all masculine and think I'm dying and have something exotic like sars or birdflu (sure feels like killer-bird-flu)
I wonder if they would notice if I left early??? I really want to, but I know it wouldn't be good.
I so want to go home. I'm cold. And I also have to figure something out for dinner.... *sigh*
You have reached Shelley's Fridge, the Answering Machine is currently on vacation, but leave a message and I'll give it to him as soon as possible.


I just got a Playstation 3!!!

I'm very excited, I've been wanting one for a long time, but my sister and I decided we'd go ahead and buy one. :D I just spent the past few days playing God of War II, The Darkness, Motorstorm, and LAIR. Still no where near finishing most of the games, but I did pass God of War and it was awesome fun, but a horrible cliff-hanger ending leaving it so open to a third installment of the series. Not that I don't mind, I'll be playing God of War III as soon as it comes out :lol:

And on another note, I've been working on my novel again. It's getting very long, and with the length, it's quite hard to organize. I tend to write all over the place, and trying to put the whole thing together plus correcting inconsistances is a chore, but well worth it :)

I absolutely love my characters Willoughby and Adelaide, they are two demon-type creatures I invented and they just are so much fun to write about. Plus one can shapeshift into a rat, and the other into a fennec fox. Makes for interesting scenarios :lol:

Now I'm off to have some lunc. Yum
Oh Shelley, I remember when you showed us a part of your novel. I sooo want to read it and admire your pictures. I know my oldest son would love it too. He's very much into that sort of read.
:gaah: i' m sitting here looking at my empty bunny cage and Just can't wait until i can bring him home :panic:
Gah, one day I'll find a new soundtrack that truly moves me. So far I haven't found anything else than what I currently have. Hans Zimmer is probably one of my favorite composers, but I need more songs! :D
I have an interview for next Tuesday with the company I just applied too!!! Hope this one goes well, last one I had the company offered me a temporary position :crazy2:
YAY Good Luck

ARG why is it that every single day off people want us to do stuff, bring us in to town, come fix this blah blah blah. I feel like I never have a day off to ourselves sometimes.

On top of that I had planned on spending the day doing laundry and now a friend asked if we wanted to go to barrie and I want to. WHY WHY!!!
Yes! I finally conquered my anxiety and fear, I have gotten myself a job. I went for an interview this afternoon and got hired on the spot. I get training on Thursday, I can't wait :D I ended up getting a job at the Petsmart Hotel, so I'll be taking care of dogs and cats and playing with them AND getting paid. :D lol
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