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I have insomnia again since about 2 weeks now. Hopefully this time it is not going to be an ongoing problem as it usually becomes. I have to break that patterns of getting up at 4:45 am!!! It's still dark outside so no reason to wake up that early.

I hope I will catch up with the lack of sleep during the Christmas holiday.
moon said:
The Golden Compass comes out Friday. I am SO excited.

Squuuueeeeeeeeee!!!!!!! Theybetternotruinthebook!!1!!!NicoleKidmanisthebestformissCoultierEeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!! I'vebeenwaitingFOREVERforthemtoturnthisintoaMOVIE! (HOPS UP AND DOWN)

(Basically what I mean to say, it that I too am very excited) :bliss: :dance:
The movie really strays from the book in how things happen. But, they do it in a way that, for the purposes of condensing for the movie, it fully makes sense and flows well. And, even though they change HOW things happen, it all still goes according to plan.

I was pleasantly surprised with it :D I was concerned that Dakota Blue Richards would be like Dakota Fanning and ruin the movie. But she's a very good Lyra.
I have a sinus infection and a major headache. :sick:

Oh and I had no intentions of going out last night but Matt locked me out of my house so I had to go where he was and what did I end up doing...staying out late drinking :badidea:
yay, tomorrow off to the doctor's then spend all day at the bf's sister's getting ready for christmas dinner with his family, some of who might not come, others that can't come, some that won't come, the bf's BIL who speaks more french than english, his father who doesn't know what to do with me even though his son and I have been together almost 5 years and 2 young nephew boys who fight like cats and dogs :roll: I hope there's lots of booze cause I'm gonna need it :shock: Merry Christmas :?
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