Random thoughts

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Tara said:
My brother is home from college and we are actually getting along. What wonders time apart will do. It's 1 in the morning but we're going to watch a movie, because neither of us sleep like normal people. :lol:
Wow, so I ain't alone? LOL

I'm a regular night owl. I occasionally get out of the habit, but that never lasts for long. :( Before I know it I'm up at 2am (like... now... lol) making international calls.

Hey, that surprisingly sounded very odd. :shock: I do that, people, because half of my family and friends live on the other side of the world. If I wanna talk to someone over there without getting angrily yelled at I have to be the one to stay up until all hours. :roll:

Hang on a second... I've just come to a sad realisation. That happens even when I call someone at a suitable time. Friday, um, morning, I called my brother (we haven't talked since I was last in Fr, which wasn't that long ago actually, but I'm heaps close to my eldest brother) but because I'm a turd I forgot that he was gonna be busy at that time of the day and I got a lovely "LAURA I'M REHEARSING! I TOLD YOU! Later. *Beep beep beep*" instead of an incredibly rude "Hello!" Matt's usually more composed and polite than that. I guess his day wasn't so peachy. Lol. I'm gonna avoid the phone for a while.

Well, what a wonderful 2:26am -pointless- ramble this was! Let's do it again sometime! :D *Crashes on bed*
We were up late at Waynes christmas party last night. Man I am so tired today. I didn't drink and I feel hungover.
I wonder if my guy "friend" will be in a better mood this afternoon :ambulance: He'll be headed off in one of those if he doesn't cheer up!!! I HATE grumpy!
My friend's mum died today from cancer. And in the same email I'm told my grandfather is conscious only a few minutes at a time, getting water via eyedropper, can't take meds because he can't swallow and...a bunch of stuff.

Perhaps it's weird but the best way to describe what I'm feeling is "blank."
I'm sorry Bron *hugs*

I can came to this thread to mention how nuts my dog goes when he is cleaning himself...


Bronwyn said:
My friend's mum died today from cancer. And in the same email I'm told my grandfather is conscious only a few minutes at a time, getting water via eyedropper, can't take meds because he can't swallow and...a bunch of stuff.

Perhaps it's weird but the best way to describe what I'm feeling is "blank."

I HATE cancer!!!
I'm sorry Bronwyn :cry:

I had to go to the dentist today for a broken tooth/cavity :( I hate the dentist for a couple of reasons such as: I don't have insurance, the last time I was there it was for a very expensive root canal :shock: , I absolutely hate people sticking their hands near my face let alone in my mouth and latex makes me gag :evil:
Thanks guys. :grouphug:

My boyfriend was kind enough to drive me down to Toronto to say goodbye to my grandfather. Lord he looked...terrible. I almost couldn't recognize him. He has at-home care and his girlfriend (kind of like a grandmother after all these years) is just barely holding it together, but she seemed really happy we came. I'll forever be haunted by that image though - I didn't want to see him since he a) is unconscious and b) has Alzeimer's so it wouldn't even be beneficial, only tainting my memory of him. He's my last grandparent. Anyway, I think I was his last visitor as the doctor called saying he doesn't think he'll make it through the night. :( My mum's also having a tough time.

I went to visit my parents since...well...my boyfriend's car stalled at Bathurst and Wilson during rush hour and it took 1 hour and 45 minutes to get towed. It was SO COLD tonight. Anyway, since my boyfriend has a paper due tomorrow worth 40% my parents were kind enough to drive us back to Guelph since our bus would have left...uh...20 minutes ago.

*collapses on bed* Sleep time.
He died last night. :( Er, just to wrap up that last story.

Um, so to be completely weird...GUESS WHAT. Our one in a million chance popped up - a girl posted on the Guelph classifieds and is looking for two tenants for winter semester in the apartment building we want so badly. :D Wish us luck!
Aw Bron, I'm so sorry, he's at peace now. I think it's beautiful that you were there to say goodbye.

Keeping my fingers crossed for you and the apartment situation!
Thank you, both of you. I didn't have much of a relationship with him but I feel terrible that he suffered. My mum's having a hard time with it herself...it's confusing because he wasn't a very good father at all (hinting here) but he's still her dad, you know? We are very happy he's at peace now though. My last grandparent, yikes.

Thank you for the well wishes and luck. :D
I know what your feeling Bronwyn...

When my biological grandfather died it was confusing, because even though he wasn't the greatest person in the world (Understatement) you still feel sad for them in the end.... and a little guilty for not feeling worse.... and sad for the family members that you ARE close to like your Mom, who is mourning the only father she had. Even if at times, they weren't close either. It's emotionally bewildering and I think you described it very well as 'Blank'.

Best wishes to you and your Mother. :heart:
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