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I dont think that field is an off leash area 'per-se' but i know my friend who lives in the Edinburgh villages walks her dog off leash there occasionally.

And Jack - I dont even know what to say. That is just a horrable disgusting shame that that happened. I cant imagine. and to have to live beside those dogs to boot. that would be completely terrifying. Hopefully, someday, he can share the love that dogs have to give.
That's terrible Jack - One of my classmates when I was in grade 3 got attacked by his pet Labrador Retriever. The kid got too close when the dog was eating and it turned around and bit him in the face. He had so many stitches and surgeries, and still has the scars today. It's really something one can never forget - such a terrifying experience. Even if the boy never wants to own a dog - I really hope he can learn to live without fear.
Hmm... I've been thinking about continuing to grow out my hair and then donate it to Locks of Love. My hair grows fairly fast, so I'm sure I can reach the 10 inch minimum pretty quickly. :thumbup:
Shelley said:
Hmm... I've been thinking about continuing to grow out my hair and then donate it to Locks of Love. My hair grows fairly fast, so I'm sure I can reach the 10 inch minimum pretty quickly. :thumbup:

That's awesome. I know someone who hadn't had a haircut in so many years that she was able to give two 10 inch lengths!
KristyR said:
Shelley said:
Hmm... I've been thinking about continuing to grow out my hair and then donate it to Locks of Love. My hair grows fairly fast, so I'm sure I can reach the 10 inch minimum pretty quickly. :thumbup:

That's awesome. I know someone who hadn't had a haircut in so many years that she was able to give two 10 inch lengths!

I did that once - it really made me feel like i was helping someone (eventhough it obviously wasnt only for the reason of feeling good for myself!) Maybe ill do it again...anyway. i think its a great idea!

Also. I AM WRITING MY QUANTITATIVE GENETICS FINAL IN AN HOUR AND A HALF - if anyone comes across this please send all cosmic genetics knowledge my way (jo - that means you! :wink: ) So nervous. so nervous...
Just saw this, you are probably writing it now. Lots of genetic knowledge vibes sent your way hopefully, it's rat genetics that you need to know!!! Or else you might just be screwed. :lol:

Did you feel that? I hope so!! :mrgreen:
hey, what's the time set on the forum? eastern, pacific or mountain? I just posted at 2:00 pm my time and it's an hour off. The little things like that confuse me :lol:
chicky82 said:
hey, what's the time set on the forum? eastern, pacific or mountain? I just posted at 2:00 pm my time and it's an hour off. The little things like that confuse me :lol:

Go into your control panel, in board preference, set your time to eastern standard time. and then click yes to the DST.
Does anyone else watch the American version of the Office?

Everytime i see this avitar it makes me think of the episode where Micheal and Andy are re-inacting the night at the Roxbery

:crazy4: "you you you me you you"

oh man. sometimes i kill myself
LOL. A brilliant show. My boyfriend sometimes asks me to break out the DVD's (more often now since the writer's strike) and they just never get old.

I don't know why but the episode where Jim tosses Andy's cellphone into the ceiling...that moment where it thuds...oh it kills me every time.

Turns out Lisa wasn't taking Quantitative Genetics, just the basic one...2000 I think? That's the one I'm looking at for fall. Oops! I hope it went well! :D

I'm taking Math1000 distance ed. I thought I would go into English or Journalism in university and never took calculus in grade 12. Needless to say I changed my mind after first year and started Biology at Queen's. Queen's is nice. They don't require calculus of you unless you're doing an Honours, and I'm not 100% sure I want to do grad school. Anyway, I transferred to Guelph where they require calculus from anyone with a BSc in mind. Math1000 is supposed to be the equivalent of high school calculus.

Well, it's really not.

My housemate did first year calculus and said she didn't have to do a lot of what I did. Integration by substitution for example. So why oh why make the prerequisite more difficult than actual first year?

This is all leaving out the fact that it's distance ed so you have no prof to ask questions other than through email, which is really difficult with all the crazy math symbols. And the textbook is absolute garbage so I borrowed my friend's from his high school years and it lacks in certain subjects like integrals.

Anyway, I really needed to rant. Especially after the epilogue of my tiny course manual that says, "Now you know you can teach yourself math!" Yes, that we do know.

Edit: He also says we should also now know calculus isn't that bad. I agree, it's not that bad. But it's soooo not the sort of course to take without a teacher. It's like learning a new language alone.
awe Bron - i wish i could help. but i HATE calc :gaah:

If you take the second calc....1080? maybe you'll get the prof who reminds me of a hobbit. he was really nice :D he even had a hobbit coat....

something to look forward to perhaps?
Math has always scared me :shock: i sometimes still use my fingers to count and if you give me a math problem to solve without any help, be prepared to wait all day for my answer as my brain will just go blank or wander. Give me History, Geography or Sociology any day :D good luck Bron :)
yup. im the same way chicky.
that and i still have to look down at my hands to tell my left from right (I DONT HAVE TO MAKE THE L THO!...that really only confuses me to be honest)

And i have trouble telling time on a watch that isnt digital (which one is the small hand again?)
which doesnt make a lot of sense because my watch now has no numbers at all... :flushed:
Beautiful song, beautiful video.

[youtube:1drpta9t]<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/V84STSWVp3g&hl=en"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/V84STSWVp3g&hl=en" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>[/youtube:1drpta9t]
Thanks Cityratt and Chicky! :D
Hopefully I'll make it through. I'm walking into Monday's final with a 98.6% average which...has never happened in my life. I'm just terrible with formal examinations no matter what the subject matter. It'll be a challenge for sure. :( I miss high school when my Modern Western History teacher sympathized with my disorder, put his little daughter in her stroller, and we walked around Toronto while discussing the material. He'd ask questions and I'd answer verbally. That was my exam. I am ever so thankful for people who see the disorder for what it is and know how easily it can mess up our lives.

I am intrigued by the Hobbit though. :cheeky: Math1080 is definitely the plan!
Whenever i get uber stressed, or upset I listen to music (not like im ever not listening to music but more 'intentionally' when im stressed).

I can listen to 3 select albums and feel SO much better afterwards (when im stressed, upset has another list in its entirety);
1. Barenaked Ladies - Gordon
2. Springsteen - Greatest hits along with 41 shots and trapped live
3. Meatloaf - bat out of hell

Sometimes it takes all 3 - but they are totally my calming music guys.

Right now "41 shots" is playing.

Oh how i wished i could have seen Springsteen live in Tornoto. Oh how i wish i could have gotten tickets to see Petty and the Heartbreakers. :cry3: :cry3: :cry3: being a student SUCKS
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