Random thoughts

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jorats said:
Chicky... I need details!
Depo Provera

(I've heard all the stories but everyone is different)

A lot of people have trouble with it but I've been on it for over 3 years without any issues :D it works best if you are not a smoker and not overweight. I do not have periods, no PMS :thumbup: the only "issue" I had is that my bra size went up (I already was a C 36, now I'm a D 38 at 5 foot 3 :) ) I take calcium supplements to be careful and I have regular bone density tests because osteoporosis runs in my family and I am in a long term monogamous relationship which helps because it does not protect against STDs. It has a 99.97% rate of preventing pregnancy, I do not get periods anymore :bliss: just a shot in the arm every 10-12 weeks
If you are looking for another method of BC or are just tired of PMS, it might be something to look into :winksmile:
I was on depo and I didn't like it so I went off of it as well. Now I'm on the ortho evra and I wear a path once a week for 9 weeks, then off one for the terrible visitor. You have to be careful with that though because you can get increased clotting.
Was on ortho evra for quite a while at one point, then one day I went to my gyn and she was amazed I never got pregnant while on the stuff :shock: umm HELLOO!! Turns out you have to be in a very strict weight range to be on the stuff. I was on it for a few years :roll:

Now I have an IUD and I love LOVE the thing. No hormones to screw me up.
Jack Sparrow said:
I want my mommyyyyyy!!!!
It'll be okay Jack :)

chicky82 said:
I finally got my certificate, I'm a hs grad after many years of trying and failing.

CONGRATS!!!! I know how you feel, I just completed my equivilency... though they havent sent me anything yet and I will have to call soon and see about that. I want a paper at least!

I have to get a tuberculoses test tomorrow at the health center at school... they inject something under my skin? Then go back two days later to get the results. Then I have to do it again a week and I may need another booster shot!! I have to somehow get proof of my tetnous (sp?) shot from my doc in Toronto to my school here. ARGH!! AND I HAVE TERM TESTS NEXT WEEK AND I AM FALLING BEHIND!!

This health stuff is for placement next year, although why I need to get it when I am not working with ppl but trying for a vet clinic placement. Most of my group is going into nursing next year. Silly forms and rules.

I want to sleep now.
My sister has the constant need to seek out "family" members on Facebook who didn't give a (excuse the saying) rat's ass when my family were having problems, they just turned away and pretended like they hadn't any idea what was going on, when they knew damn well!!!
I like it when I don't have to acknowledge their existence and they stay gone but she has to go seek them out on Facebook :evil: we've already had a mooching cousin worm her way back into our lives because my parents can't say no because this cousin had a "hard life" big whoop!!! at least they weren't homeless :cuss:
I like my life, I'm moving forward, I have a loving stable relationship that is leading to more, I'm taking the next steps in my life, I don't need this nonsense again. It's like my sister didn't go through the hard times that our family went through which she darn well did, maybe my dad tried to block her from the hard times and not let her know what was going on but no one did that for me, both my parents laid all the shi$ on me and expected me to have a solution :roll: Even my bf doesn't know the whole story and I've put it behind me.
I'm not a member of these sites, because I don't want these people to know where I am, what I'm doing or how I am because they never cared before and I don't care now :batbeat:

Anyway, to end my rant, just a warning.. People will find you on Facebook, My Space and any of those other sites, if you don't want to be found or have something to hide, don't join!!!

Thanks for letting me vent
I sure do know what you mean Chicky. For me, it's my in laws. Since the 20 years of being in this "in law" family, they have matured and aren't as evil as they used to be. But like I told my mother in law... it's just too late. I can't accept them into my life now, there's too much crap between us.

For my random thought... I going for my NORCAT training today. Bleh. A waste of 2 hours cause I do this every two years.
Dalton McGuinty has been elected again as the premier of Ontario which is good news as we are now going to have the first Monday of February off. This is going to be the Day of the Family and I think it is great to have a long weekend at that time a year.

I am thinking about writing to Dalton and propose him the following:

January: Day of BRRRRRR, it's freezing

February: Day of the family (established)

March: Day of: yucky slush out there

April: Day of April showers bring may flowers

May: why not another day that could be called: May flowers were brought by April Showers

June: Day of the longest day of the year

July: we already have Canada day so we could attach to it the ethnic canadian day on July 2.

August: Day for celebrating summer holidays

September: Day of: shoot, the summer holidays are over

October: Halloween on October 31. If October 31 falls in the middle of the week, we do a bridge until the following weekend. For instance, if Halloween falls on a Tuesday, then we have Wednesday, Thursday and Friday off to make the bridge with the following weekend.

November: November 11 off for all. If it falls in the middle of the week, see explanation for Halloween.

December: Day of the shortest day of the year.
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