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Well I have my best friend whom I have been friends with since grade nine. I have lost some potential friends because if they don't call me I won't call them. I feel that I shouldn't always be the one making the first move, asking whether they want to do something or not. I'm not really one to have 10 friends. I find it just easier that way.
I hate flipping through phonebooks looking for numbers!!

Wayne and I set up with a local internet company for service. All in all great service. BUT, when we went in I wrote them a void cheque to have the money come out of my account on the 3rd of the month. Well Wayne paid for August and he and his brother would give me the money for the amount coming out of my account. So Sept 3rd (actually 4th) came and went and no money went out. After coming back on holidays (20 days later) still no money out. So I phoned them. They told me my back declined the void cheque?!?! I asked them why they didn't call they told me they give their clients the benefit of the doubt, and usually the bank calls. I told them I had not heard from anyone. So I called the bank. They have no record of any attempt made to take money out of the account. So I called them back and explained what happened and they said maybe they typed the account number wrong... :doh: So I am going in tomorrow to pay the amount owing AND write a new void cheque.
Humph, I can't sleep. Sometimes its so bad I'm still awake at 6 in the morning and then I just give up. Sure hope its not going to be one of those nights!
I'm irrationaly stressed about a possible low-wage job - they have a "no piercings" policy, not because of looks, but in case they fall out. Well, my nose ring is bent like a cork-screw and is virtually impossible to fall out, and my rook ear piercing is a barbell in such an unaccessable spot I could never unscrew the balls, and am not sure I could get it back in even if I could get it off.
They were expensive and have a lot of sentimental value, and as silly as it sounds, since there is no way they can fall off, I don't think its fair that I should have to take them out.
I'm going to phone the lady tomorrow and explain that they won't fall out, and if she still insists, well then maybe I can find another crappy job that will pay $9 an hour that will accept me and my piercings. :roll:
When you are bullied around by a friend, then it is not really a friend. Don't let anyone bully you around. Bullies can be any age, any size, any sex and they are dangerous. Get rid of people who bully you around and your life quality will improved greatly. I have just learnt that recently.
ratamataz, will they let you wear a clear retainer? or is it not the look but the falling out possibility? I never understood how some people think that facial piercings just "fall" out :roll: most of them are secured so well that it's really hard for the owner to take out, let alone them just falling out into someones food :shock:
I had my nose pierced a few years ago but took it out and I miss it sometimes but my bf hates the idea of piercings and tats because the ex before me spent all her money on them when the money should've been spent elsewhere like rent :p
The only piercing (not including 3 in each ear) I have now is my upper ear cartilage, it was the first thing I got after the bf went back north for the first time and there is no way I'm getting rid of it I was so tempted to get my tongue done but it was too expensive, I don't always talk clear as it is and I like my spicy foods too much :lol:
I was tempted to get my tongue pierced too. :D LOL I always chicken out though, I've heard they can get gross pus, and the thought of that in my mouth is sooooo icky. :lol:
No kidding, there is no way piercings will fall out! I experiemented with my nose ring and it took me several minutes to get it out, and I almost couldn't get it back in, I had to bend the tip before it would go back in!
I also have my upper ear cartalidge done, as well as the regular lobe ones. I wanted to get the spot right below my bottom lip done. :p
I feel wierd about it, but I'm really not willing to alter my appearance just to appease an employer, especially a min-wage employer. And people can give me all the "real world" lectures they want, my own personal happiness is more important to me. :D
My friend finally left her crazy boyfriend this week, and took with her: one budgie bird and 5 hammies + her 3 guinea pigs are now making a complete zoo in my living room (together with my ratties) - that made my OH go balistic yesterday in a way that my friend had to make emergency call to me at work, telling me that OH was going to kick me out and divorce me - but I'm an old wife able to say 'don't worry, he can't live without me'. See that's true love :heart:
I solved my problem and got a job with the Maid Brigade. It pays a bit more, has more and better hours, and, most importantly, is Monday to Friday. Oh yes, and I can keep my piercings. And no customer service, woo-hoo! I've done professional house cleaning before, paid excersise! Time to bulk up my vacuuming arm. :lol: I just hope the women are friendly.
My back is killing me. Still. It's been a week. By the end of the day my entire right arm is in pain. It will probably stop me from typing soon.

This place is a mess.

They ate all the soup and didn't leave me any! At least I got the double chocolate doughnut.

I got the hottest dress for the wedding I'm going to. Vavavoom. I probably should not be eating doughnuts if I want to still fit in it. Oh, and I need to book my hotel room.
It's official, closing date on Waynes Sister and Brother in laws house is Nov 30th. We have to be out before then. *sigh* the count is on to find a place.
I've been winning lost of stuff lately, it's weird. I've won hair stuff, Reba's new CD, Paul Brants CD, T-shirts and today, I won a Revlon makeup prize. I'm now afraid something bad will happen, I never get good without the bad following close behind :huh2: :shower:
I have determined some people live in a bubble. They don't understand anything outside their bubble.

Wayne's sister and brother in law sold their house and they had a home inspection today. Rick (BIL) was complaining about the home insp and they said that if I could have just bought the house we currently live in privately then we wouldn't have to deal with a home insp. Well I'm not stupid, I would NEVER buy a house without a home inspection. I work in real estate, I know the problems.

Also they don't understand how much more expensive it is for me to get a mortgage when I don't have great credit. They pay $400 per month on payments. Well mine would be more like $1200 per month. I have to go with a company that charges really high interest due to my credit problems. Also Rick makes almost double what Wayne and I make together and they don't understand that either.

*sigh* bubble I tell ya, they don't get it, and they just get my goat with their complaints.
They still have not called me back, they said last monday they were checking my references. :roll: How long can one possibly be patient without hearing from them?

Must find a distraction from this hell!!
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