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*sends good vibes to Mama* Good luck, hun!!!

Aww Fidget, that's really sweet your neighbor did that for you. And what awesome timing!

-My random thought: cupcakes... we need some... badly..
Fidget said:
I was upset & exhausted today, over something other than ratties (mine or other people's)
I had just hung up in tears after whining to my mom, and my neighbour was at the door with a beautiful bunch of flowers (I believe gladiolas)! For no reason - she didn't even know what I'd had today!
I told her "This is the sweetest thing, and came at just the right time, you must be an angel"
And she said "I don't need to know why the time was right, it's not me, it's just God working thru me".

She not only brightened my day, she renewed my faith.

That is so great, Fidget!!! Comfort comes at the most needed times.
Worry about work, worry about the weekend (pet fair, and the competition will be there!) worry about money, worry about buying a house, worry about eating right, worry about moving locations (for work).... worry about everything, all the time....
I lost a friend recently. A good friend of mine and we used to do all kind of things together. That happened exactly one week before school starts, on a Sunday night.

I went to bed that night thinking that everything was falling apart in my life. Losing a friend is not easy. On top of that, I knew that my numbers were not that great and that we will probably need a major class reorganization. In June I had 17 students in my morning class and only 11 in the afternoon one, so not enough to have me teaching Kindergarten morning and afternoon.

So on that sinistrous Sunday night, I went to bed thinking I lost a friend and lots of opportunities for going out and have fun. I also thought that I would end up with half time kindergarten and half time all kind of **** I would hate. So everything seemed to be falling apart.

I didn't sleep well that night.

On the Monday morning, it was the first day that the whole staff was back to work to prepare the classes. It was also the first day for registrations. Since I had been to work a few times the previous week, I just showed up at around 9:30 am on that Monday.

I went to my mail box and found 3 sheets. These were 3 new students that have registered to my afternoon class making it a class of 14. I was called 3 other times to be informed that I had 3 new registrations for a total of 6. That made my day.

Today, I have 19 students in the morning class and 16 in the afternoon class. Two other kids came to my class after school started. We still don't know at this time if we are going to have a major school reorganization but I have better chance to keep my assignments with classes of 19 and 16 than I had with classes of 17 and 11.

As for going out with friends, this continues to happen and I go out with them every weekend. I can still enjoy myself.

I think I have an angel watching after me.
I didn't sleep well last night and now I have to spend another evening at the vet office. I have so much to do before I leave for Maine and have barely any time.
I just caught my cat licking the butter that we left on the table since Tuesday night. BLECH!!
And how many times has he done it since then?? BLECH!!
And this is really expensive real organic butter at $9 a brick.
ARAGH! :doh:
My fault for leaving it out. I think I'll just scrape the top layer off. Is that gross? I can't bear to throw the whole thing out!
And last night, I left the yogurt sitting on the counter all night, a brand new container.
What other dairy product am I fated to ruin this week?
ratamataz said:
I just caught my cat licking the butter that we left on the table since Tuesday night. BLECH!!
And how many times has he done it since then?? BLECH!!
And this is really expensive real organic butter at $9 a brick.
ARAGH! :doh:
My fault for leaving it out. I think I'll just scrape the top layer off. Is that gross? I can't bear to throw the whole thing out!
And last night, I left the yogurt sitting on the counter all night, a brand new container.
What other dairy product am I fated to ruin this week?
LOL! My mom used to catch our first dog on the table licking the butter. Imagine a dog liek this licking the butter on the table:


And no, I don't think it's gross if you just scrape off the top.
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