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I got my passport today, yay!

I'm glad I put my name and number in my bus pass today because someone called me to tell me they found it. How nice.
i've read 4 novels where the main characters are mice this week...currently on Mrs Frisby and the rats of NIMH.. so now mice are all I dream about.
I just ate come evil coffee cake....too bad there wasn't any coffee to go with it.

Is it 5:30 yet? My brain has already left work for the day. Of course having no work to DO for the rest of the day doesn't add to making this day go by faster.
Grr, why can't people clean up after themselves?:stickpoke: I'm not their mother and even if I were I still wouldn't do it,
:cuss: is it so hard to put something in the garbage if you're done with it, or take the garbage out. I live with slobs :wallbang:
When I get out on my own, my house is going to be clean :whip:
We have a beautiful orange cat roaming our yard. We take pride in having indoor cats only... this cat is preying on our chipmunks. Why can't neighbours keep their cats indoors?
omg, there is seriously 30 or more blackbirds in our yard. They are everywhere. In the trees, on the fence, in the grass, bathing in the pond and in the flowers. Time to let the dog do his yard patrol duties...
Why doesn't the bus run on sunday? I wanted to go shopping :(

What is Butter Chicken? It sounds gross :p

Why can't I wear my pink kitty flannel pj's outside? People should be allowed to wear PJ's outside without being considered crazy!
My brain is totally not on work. I'm also ticked because my boss keeps promising something then it never works out. She found out in a long round about way that I wasn't totally happy anymore working in the evenings so she said for me to start tracking all the calls I get in the evening. One of the girls in the office wasn't handling things well and so she maybe be let go. Well she started to handle things better and that went out the window and my boss said 'I still not sure what we are doing'. So then she said again later that she might put me in days to help out and then I read a email that said I should be because I am needed in the evening. Then again she told me that a week after I come back I would be starting earlier. SO YAY then I found out they hired someone last week while I was gone. She's a real estate agent but her licence is on hold right now and she's helping out with what I thought I would be helping with. So now I don't know where I stand. I am trying not to get ticked because I may be mistaken, but I really don't think I am mistaken.

But all in all as pissed off as I am, I really do love my job.
I finally got my certificate, I'm a hs grad after many years of trying and failing. I got it after almost 2 weeks of calling, excuses on their part, supposed missing credits etc. :rant: I now have it in my hand and I'm feeling.... nothing :huh: actually it lists as now what do I do?
I sort of want to crawl into a hole and stay there for a few days because now my father is hinting at when I'm going to get a job, yeah for what? to support you? been there, done that, didn't get to keep any of the hard earned money I made, no more guilt trips. Go make my good for nothing sister get a job!!! Sorry, one of those days :cry3: :swear:
I'm a little on edge today! I have a job interview this afternoon after 2 years of going to college and finally deciding I need a break from school. And I got an angry email from a friend saying "thanks for showing up Saturday" because I was a no show on her birthday bar bash. I only see her like, twice a year, we're not that close and I might be completely clueless but I thought it wouldn't matter if I wasn't there!
I think I'm missing the "girlfirend" gene. I always piss my girlfirends off because I do something that to me isn't a big deal but to them is a HUGE deal. As a result, I don't have any friends aside from my fiance, who doesn't have any friends either, because he doesn't understand and share a lot of men's behaviors. We both just don't get people. How we found eachother, I'll never know but be eternally grateful.
ratamataz, I don't have the girlfriend gene either. I never call, I don't make plans and I don't like to go out dancing with them.

My back hurts, right beside my shoulder blade.
YAY I am finally on days, yes it is a trial, but it's gonna be a good darn trial. 10-6 rocks baby. I actually made dinner for Wayne and I tonight hehehehehe
Really? Thank you for telling me that Moon, I honestly feel a lot better! I don't feel quite so defective now. :lol:

The interview went well, she said I was likable! (Woo hoo!) They are trying me out for three hours on Thursday, I hope that means I'll get the job! Its nothing special, just a sales position at COBS bread, but I sure could use the "bread!" Hardy har har.
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