Random thoughts

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I dislike fixing mistakes that other people make, it's taken me 3 hours to go through a list that someone else did up, and that was only the first page. Fortunantly that is as far as she got so now I am putting them in. *sigh*
it's snowing here in Cochrane, big, wet snowflakes and I don't have any boots or hats or mitts :evil: it's sort of pretty though
Cochrane? My roommate is from there, lol.

Um, so I have a paper due at midnight, and I'm a fool and deleted the bookmarks to journals I had saved from a week ago. So...I'm in big trouble. And I'm working on breathing!
Bronwyn said:
Cochrane? My roommate is from there, lol.
Cochrane Ontario? maybe my bf knows your roommate, what's their name? probably maybe even a relative :faces: :rofl3: knowing this town
Oh! Sorry! I was thinking of Cochrane Alberta, hehe. Just as tiny. ;D

I'm finished my paper! YAY! Except now I'm actually able to go to the Halloween party...I was banking on having this excuse not to...I have no costume. :( And not a creative bone in my body.
I bought a sweet potato (thinking of that rat-like one someone bought on this fourm) and set it up to grow into a plant. :)
I logged into the other forum looking for females in need of forever homes and stumbled upon the two most adorable girls I have ever seen...only...Moon adopted them! :shock: I need to log on more often, clearly. ;)


Jack Sparrow said:
One of my colleagues looks really sick today. I think he should go home and take at least 2 sick leave days. His eyes are glossy today and he is not himself.

Are you sure he's not high? just kidding :lol7:

I wanna go home! :sad3:
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