Random thoughts

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Zooy said:
jorats said:
chicky82 said:
Melissa said:
Ugh, I don't feel well.
uh oh :sick: I hope you're not getting what Zooy has :lol3: and I hope that it can't be passed through the Internet :tongwigl:

ROFL!! Cause if it's cyber contagious, I'm outta here!
Pregnancy is contagious???

LOL... I sure hope not, I've had my share and want no more. :winksmile:
I was so excited about getting a hedgehog, now this toronto film fest thing... gah it took me forever to type this cuz i'm so excited!!!
I went dress shopping with my mommy today. It was so much. But now I am so tired (even after a nap) and I really don't want to go to work.

I found a dress I really really really like. My mom picked it out. We only went to one shop (only one in Midland) so she wants me to think about it for a couple of days so I make sure I don't want to go elsewhere first before I make a decision.

Now I can just daydream about that one dress. :D
I'm not a violent person by nature. But if I had a gun and Mr. Sympatico in front of me, I'd blow it away.
I keep losing internet connection every 5 to 10 minutes! :cry4:
jorats said:
I'm not a violent person by nature. But if I had a gun and Mr. Sympatico in front of me, I'd blow it away.
I keep losing internet connection every 5 to 10 minutes! :cry4:
Sounds like you and Shelagh need to go on a rampage. I know she was having a similar problem.

Trying to get tech support to listen to you = :hithorse:
have a story about Sympatico, whom I will most likely be phoning tomorrow to make an official complaint.

Back story. We had Rogers internet (now we have local service which runs much better YAY) In the duplex we live in everyone has a computer except for my mother in law. Wayne had discussed cancelling Rogers and going to local internet. We didn't want to go with Bell because it was undergoing the same changes that Wayne didn't like in Rogers.

SO... One day Rose (my MIL) got a call from Bell Sympatico asking if she wanted high speed internet. She told them no and that she was happy with their current provider etc etc. So finally the call ended. About 4 days later we got a Sympatico modem in the mail. So I called Bell. I told them what had transpired in the previous phone call and told them that my MIL does not have a computer. Bell appologized and said they would send return address labels and it would be of no charge to us. I confirmed that they were cancelling the account and they said yes. We waited about 4 bus. days and finally got the stickers, put them on the next day and went to the post office to send it. We found out from the post office that apparently this has been happening with Bell A LOT!!! That afternoon we found out Rose got a call saying that the account was activated (a message left on her answering machine) %*^^%!!!!

The next day I phoned Bell, I was still rather polite but pissed. I told them what had happened and that I was assured that the account had been cancelled. They appologized AGAIN and they gave me a confirmation number and cancelled the account. At the end I asked 'so we won't be billed for anything??' and they told me no. So I still have the authorization code for the cancellation.

Rose got her phone bill late this month it was $289 dollars. She phoned Bell and found out there was a $100 cancellation fee for sympatico and a $40 Misc fee $%&$^!!!!! Rose phoned them and asked what the heck was going on and they told her they were really sorry. She had already paid $100 on her bill and she only really owed $109 in total. So they said that she could pay the whole bill and they could credit her account next month. She told them that there was NO WAY she was paying for a bill that she didn't owe for and that they could take that amount off her bill because she wasn't paying it.

Now to make matters even worse. A friend of mine works for bell and she said that what seems to be happening is the call person is saying it was a yes because they get a bonus for all yes's. So it's basically fraud. So I am phoning tomorrow and I am going to write a formal complaint because I am tired of this.

ok, I was outside, and talking to sky, and I remembered a seceret phrase me and my friends had when I was like 7 or 8.

It was:

super sonic idiotic brain infected disconnected peanut butter ding dong
Rattielove9 said:
ok, I was outside, and talking to sky, and I remembered a seceret phrase me and my friends had when I was like 7 or 8.

It was:

super sonic idiotic brain infected disconnected peanut butter ding dong
hehe that's funny.

hmm my random thoughts. why bother making a doctor appointment when they're always an hour late anyway. I fell asleep waiting.

I love my job......it's the work I can't stand...

I was 5 secs away from throwing this laptop out the window for kicking me offline for the millionth time, then realized i'm in a room with no window.....

I got a message from a guy on myspace. it was quite funny. he said he was fun to be with and had a great sense of hummer. yes, he wrote hummer. when i stopped laughing i asked him where his hummer was.... he didn't get it. guess he has no humor.....
Why is it when I am most motivated to get some cleaning and organzing done, I get sick?! What a waste of an evening.
lollipop lollipop oh lolli lolii lollipop lollipop, oh lolli lolli lollipop! ba dom dom do..
that's better than the witch doctor :tmi: Oo ee oo ah ah ting tang walla walla bing bang, oo ee oo ah ah ting ting walla walla bing bang :faces: :panic:
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