Random thoughts

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jorats said:
Melissa said:
I want ice cream.

It'd be nice to lose a few pounds.

Those two don't go in the same post. lol

Ok, what the heck are you talking about? You're skinny!!!
I can't fit my pants anymore, lol. I've gained about 5 lbs since I moved here at the end of April. I blame the office job and my bf buying me yummy, fatty foods, lol.
Very frustrated!!! I really want our reception at this one hall, but they are having problems with rezoning and being allowed to have events there. So I have to wait until Sept 11, to find out if I can have my recepion there. The other hall I have found I can't see it until Sept 10th. So I can't make a decision anyways...

Looking for an apartment sucks. It's funny that I am looking for a rental place and I work for a real estate agent!!! But I am getting my credit report and going to someone who may be able to figure out a mortgage for us instead. My boss suggested that I wait until I get that until we make a decision. I hate waiting...
Yay, I get to watch Ratatouille when my BF gets here :happydance: not sure which I'm more excited about, seeing my BF or seeing the movie :toothy1:
I am getting so upset with a certain individual. I feel controlled and micro-managed which is totally wrong. Apparently this person is the only one who is allowed to voice their opinion in the world of rats. I am not even allowed to advertise my disagreement to breeding when not supporting rescues.


I can see myself being banned soon, just like others. This person has no idea what bad they are doing for the world of rats.
Man I always miss the 'good stuff'... Oh well.

Yet another night of being tired and not being able to sleep. I am really starting to hate this. :(
Grrrr... I was all set to go to the lab and start my 5-7 hours of lab work due this week when I finally get an email from my professor saying I can't use an earlier edition of the lab manual.
I'm flat broke and can't buy a new edition right now, and because the old manual is outdated, I don't even know what textbook readings I should do.
And yes, kicking myself for not asking the professor about the old lab manual before yesterday, but I really wasn't expecting it to not be okay. Sigh.
Now what am I gonna do all day?
jorats said:
chicky82 said:
Melissa said:
Ugh, I don't feel well.
uh oh :sick: I hope you're not getting what Zooy has :lol3: and I hope that it can't be passed through the Internet :tongwigl:

ROFL!! Cause if it's cyber contagious, I'm outta here!
Pregnancy is contagious???
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