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My muscles did not appreciate the dismantling of the FN (YES I did it finally!) and carrying it out to the truck and packing everything. I think I'm being more thorough with my rats and cat than I am for myself!
LOL! That bears reminding! :nyahnyah:

taking it apart was so much easier than putting it together...a few screws loose and kablam!
Yesterday I was trying from about 3 pm to get an net connection to the new computer. Try this, try that. retry in different order, consult the net for help. I despaired at 2 am and went to bed, but tried again this morning from about 8 am til 2 pm and I did it!.
I did it! :bliss:
Now I have the rou4er configured, The connection working. Just have to transfer files (easy) and then set it to synch files?????
Anyway, I'm pretty proud of myself for going thru frustration & headache hell to finally (like I had a choice beyond paying someone to do it) find the light at the end of the tunnel..

Pretty soon this lovely new computer n will be a gift rather than a temporary curse. :D
Oh gosh, that was suuuuch a headache. I was the only housemate of the 4 of us who knew anything about computers so I'd spend hours with tech support on the phone and even they were baffled. September meant nightmare time!

I'm really, really hoping it's not the same this year. I get the net installed on the 5th...unfortunately for me, I need to be stalking the internet before then because the bio course I want is packed full and am hoping someone drops it! :(

Generally though, since I bought a Mac, everything's been much easier for me so crossing my fingers that means it'll be a smooth installation!
Oh cripes Bronwyn, don't give me that cute Mac vs. stodgy PC commercial!

Are there 4 of you now too? Everybody ought to chip in so much a week for a computer tech when the time comes. And if you don't need him/her then the money is celebration money! Maybe it's more headaches to collect money from college kids than deal with Tech Support?
I dunno, guess that's your first question crazy rat people want to see you answer during college life.
You'll be ok. You've already learned to think outside the box (cage).
LOL! Bronwyn, I'm with you :wink:
Anyone who uses a Mac KNOWS they are just so much better! :nyahnyah: :nahnah: :cheeky:
Alright guys, here you go then,
:horsepoop: :horsepoop: :horsepoop: :horsepoop: :horsepoop: :horsepoop: :horsepoop: :horsepoop: :horsepoop: :horsepoop: :horsepoop: :horsepoop: :horsepoop: :horsepoop: :horsepoop:
I hate Canada and it's overpriced things and shipping. I can get books and dvd's for 10$ cheaper from amazon.com instead of amazon.ca but I have to pay 10$ in shipping and I don't qualify for free shipping cuz I'm not in USA.

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