Random thoughts

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It's not so random, but after this cage fiasco I'm just really thrilled to have this forum with so many understanding and helpful people. The support in this household is rather minimal, lol.
Rattielove9 said:
people irritate me....

My daughters 8th birthday party is tomorrow!!!

The "people irritate me" thoughts are always running randomly through my mind. lol

Happy bday to your littel girl!! :b-day4:
I'm not really thinking anything right now. I'm just watching my girls in their new pad. 8) They're fast asleep (gosh knows why because I didn't see them doing any gruntwork!) but it's still really, really satisfying.
I'm tired... what else is new, I feel like I say it all the time.

Looking at trying to find a place... hmm not sure what to do. Apparently my boss (who is good friends with my sister in law) told my sister in law that she was going to help wayne and I and see if she could get us financing to buy a townhouse project she and another agent are apart of...


Did I mention I was tired...
jorats said:
I think there will always be certain words/actions that may seem off to other people, it's hard to keep it respectful for everyone when we are dealing with a multicultural forum.

I hope you'll all keep that in mind, as I even in my own language use words alternatively. After hearing about a Koala in a breeding-program my OH is now the Koala, but otherwise I call him Pusling, which is very very dear in Danish, but he's from Norway and in his language it's horrible meaning tiny weak coward (might be a connection here to the way his mother thinks of me hm hm) - he likes to call me cow (offensive in any language) but in the hope I'll call him bull in return 8)
Even though it may slip our minds, we'll definitely try to remember that we are from all over.

If my hubby called me a cow, he'd get the bull's horns up his .... :lol:
Same as Melissa, haha.

Also, I'm happy with my new cell phone plan now with a proper 519 area code :) Now to choose my top 5, haha. Man those commercials get annoying.
Yeah if I got called Cow... there would be heck to pay!!! But I'm not....

My foot still hurts from spraining it. But on the plus side the exercises are going better. I can stand for 10 seconds on my 'good' foot with my eyes closed and 5 on the bad foot. It's an improvement from 5 and 2. YAY

We may have found a place to live. Depending on the rent. It's above good friends of ours that I know are quiet and good people. We should be able to see it this week and it is going up for rent on Sept 30th YAY. But must remember to keep an open mind.
At the airport 2 weeks ago - I saw Snoop Dog, such a very small man, with enourmous gigantic bodyguards (ofcorse OH had gone to the smoking-area with the camera)
Back to the people irritate me comment. I'm at work and there is literally nothing to do for the rest of the day. No book to read today but I have a job app to fill out at home :roll: guess it would not be the best of ideas to start filling that out here.

My coworkers sit on the computers for hours on end and look at hollywood crap, boring beyong anything I can imagine. Could care less about the whole start scene.

I have a job interview thursday, I CAN'T wait.
Why are people so stuck on themselves and think they are the only ones that use a cab in this town??

This Sorry excuse for a human being started cussing me out, callin me a white cracker, and a F**** dumb white b****, and continued to tell me I knew nothing and was worthless, and stupid. Then told me if I didn't have a cab to him in 15 minutes, he was gonna come down and kick my a**.....

How the hell you gonna get here if you do not get a cab? I asked...Go ahead, show up Mother f****r , I said....

All this because I told him it was a 30 minute wait, and when he asked why, I told him I had 5 calls ahead of him.... :gaah: :cuss: :ranton:

Stupid people irritate me, have I said this before?? LOL
well, if he calls back, I would, but I am not worried about it...only if it gets worse, or he shows, or keeps callin me and harassing me

There was an incident where we had to call the cops because the guy did something similiar to what this jerk did, but this guy ACTUALLY showed up, and had a gun in hand pounding on my office door to get in!!

I was soooooo scared! I was hiding under a table that was blocked by a wall, and on the phone with the cops, and 2 of my drivers (because I yelled over the radio someone showed up with gun) showed up before the cops did! They took the guy down (one was an X navy seal) and had him pinned till the cops showed...which was like 5 minutes later...

This job and can be really scray sometimes...when I was driving I had a guy that wanted to run and not pay the ride, so I called the cops...while we were waiting for the cops to show (he was drunk), he was trying to exit the van, and he kept tellin me I was holding him captive......idiot....pull the handle.....I kept tellin him how to open the door....

Then I told him to pay me the money he owed me, and I would open the door for him, until then, he would have to figure out how to open the door...

The cops showed, I said I would press charges, then as he was leaving, he came back, pulled money out of his pocket, and said, "Here's your stupid money, I won't ever use your service again"....

WTF? You had money the whole time?? :eatu:
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