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mamarat2 said:
Rattielove9 said:
WTF? You had money the whole time?? :eatu:

makes you wonder what the hell they are thinking

Maybe thought because he was half drunk he would get a free ride? Maybe beause he was a navy guy, he would get a free ride?

What are the other excuses I have heard..OH! My fav excuse...

You guys get a paycheck, why should I pay?

WTF? Drivers do not get a paycheck....Our drivers have to pay a $75 lease (to rent the cabs because they are independant contractors) and pay for their own fuel....the cabbies I know of that gets a pay check for driving cab is in chicago...according to a chicago cabbie I picked up once...
How crappy is it to receive a gift of your 1st laptop computer?

And have to set it up when you can't work a touchpad...., and a new operating system (XP to Vista) and have to get a router and figure out how to make that work, and make the old one work on your internet along with the new one, and learn about networking, and synching.. All with nobody to ask...
Torn between tickled & terror....

And nobody feels for you cause you are sure spoiled rotten to get a gift of a laptop!
And why is it there's always one piece of dry cat food in Frieda's water dish every morning? So I have to clean the dish and give her fresh water. But never are there 2 pieces like it could be an accident. Just 1. Every friggin' morning.
And this cat doesn't even have coordination, she's handicapped. Sbe just has the ability to be a typical kiss-my-butt cat :heart:
jorats said:
Lauren, you can plug a mouse into the laptop so you don't have to bother with the touch pad.
My touch pad broke and now I have to use an USB optical mouse and I hate it!! I miss the convenience of the touch pad. What type of router re you going to use? wireless? :)
Yup, wireless. And I think I'll get a mouse, thanks Jo. Can I use the one from my desktop or do you need a special laptop one?
Fidget said:
Yup, wireless. And I think I'll get a mouse, thanks Jo. Can I use the one from my desktop or do you need a special laptop one?
You can use the same one. Just plug it into the usd connection.
blahhhhhh............inlaws are expected in tonight sometime, beats the :horsepoop: out of me when they will arrive as who the hell actually makes plans. Dinner tonight sometime after they get here, I'm ready to crawl into bed right now.
I'm wondering if I can find out if Rogers internet no longer has a limit in terms of what you can download (amount of GB) without calling them and being on hold for hours. Their packages look the same other than download speed!
Bronwyn said:
I'm wondering if I can find out if Rogers internet no longer has a limit in terms of what you can download (amount of GB) without calling them and being on hold for hours. Their packages look the same other than download speed!
It should say on the site... let me see if i can find it.
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