Keeping an EYE on Butter Bean RIP

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Maybe it would be worth switching to the chloramphenicol now? If you both are willing to fight a little longer.

I'm so sorry Jo. <3
I'm going to try the gravol, it's a challenge because he doesn't want to eat, how do I get it in him.
Same with the Chlorpalm. How would I get a dose into him, the doses are really big, like 1ml.
Can you get capsules and dissolve them in small amounts of water? Chlorpalm is available in 100 mg/ml and 250 mg/ml suspensions, the more concentrated one shouldn't work out to really high doses.
So I finally got a call back from my vet. It was like pulling teeth trying to get that Chlorpalm. They only carry the liquid form so wouldn't give me anything else. I'm picking it up tomorrow and I'm suppose to stop all other abs.
Anyone know if the gravol is only once a day? So far, it's not helping with his appetite. :(
jorats said:
So I finally got a call back from my vet. It was like pulling teeth trying to get that Chlorpalm. They only carry the liquid form so wouldn't give me anything else. I'm picking it up tomorrow and I'm suppose to stop all other abs.
Anyone know if the gravol is only once a day? So far, it's not helping with his appetite. :(

I wish I knew.
I would be interested to know tho.
I'm pulling for you Mr. Butter Bean. :heart:
:hugs: Jo. :hugs:
Butter Bean sleeping.

I told myself that today, I was either going to switch him to Chlorpalm or have him put to sleep. I told Butter Bean, he needs to give me a sign.
And he did. He got up, ate a lot of his baby cereal mixed with Oxbow and then fully groomed himself, even cleaning his bottom parts. :joy:

He's willing to fight! So am I. :dance:

I think I've realized that he doesn't like Ensure. I'm now mixing baby cereal, banana, raisin and oatmeal with soymilk, adding mushy Oxbow and maple syrup. That and I think the gravol is helping him a lot.
jorats said:
I told myself that today, I was either going to switch him to Chlorpalm or have him put to sleep. I told Butter Bean, he needs to give me a sign.
And he did. He got up, ate a lot of his baby cereal mixed with Oxbow and then fully groomed himself, even cleaning his bottom parts. :joy:

He's willing to fight! So am I. :dance:

I think I've realized that he doesn't like Ensure. I'm not mixing baby cereal, banana, raisin and oatmeal with soymilk, adding mushy Oxbow and maple syrup. That and I think the gravol is helping him a lot.

:joy: Way to go Butter Bean!!! :heart:
So glad that dear BB is ready to go for the Chlorpalm.

Meanwhile, I nominate that adorable photo of him for RPOM. He has one of the sweetest faces I've ever seen on a ratty.
Really glad to hear he's hanging in there, and hope that the chloropalm will work wonders. It can take some time with it, but stick with it. He's looks happy; sending many healing vibes! :joy:
Can you get your hands on some Green Mush, Jo? It's that powdered super-concentrated green veggies etc. I add half a teaspoon to Ducky's heaping teaspoon of baby cereal, and a half teaspoon of ground flax. Then when I mix it up it's still the same in consistency as normal baby cereal would be, but a vivid green and it smells like spinach and strawberries. I swear she's gained almost 20g on that mixture, and can't get enough of it - I don't even have to give her Ensure. Maybe that would help for sweet Butter Bean (and do give him many kisses from me!).

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