Well-Known Member
Ok Jo. I tried to stop it but it was hard because of the barrier of the playpen. Tomorrow I will get IN the playpen with them. Thanks! 
tinytippytoes said:Holy crap almost had a hissy fit! :lol: Pinky and Spaghetti in the same cage with no blood!! I swear I didn't even know. The funny thing was Pinky was in Spagettis spot and he refused to move and Spaghetti gave up. Whoo hooo :dance: :dance: :dance: I'm almost temped to open the whole FN now. Could I or should I wait? Hard to know right now.
tinytippytoes said:So it is almost 7 am in the morning here and I am tired . I stayed about to about 1 am to make sure they didn't kill each other. They aren't bloody or anything. Just tired boys who took treats and went to sleep. Success!! Thank you Joratsfor making this happen. I know now that when you have more rats that it just gets more complicated cause there are more different personalitys going on in the group. 1st time I've had 5 rats together.
Ok then. I'll remember that!! Its been 2 days now and everything is going great!jorats said:tinytippytoes said:So it is almost 7 am in the morning here and I am tired . I stayed about to about 1 am to make sure they didn't kill each other. They aren't bloody or anything. Just tired boys who took treats and went to sleep. Success!! Thank you Joratsfor making this happen. I know now that when you have more rats that it just gets more complicated cause there are more different personalitys going on in the group. 1st time I've had 5 rats together.
That's great! Another thing to keep in mind that rats in a colony will always have scuffles once in a while. Don't worry and don't rush to separate. Let them work it out.
Definitely a successful intro. :thumbup:odduckOasis said:Doing intro's for the second time. I got a 3rd rat and intro'd them to my two. There was some pinning and a little scuffling, but for the most part, things went really well! My oldest rat kind of established himself with some pinning and power-grooming, but that was about it. Then after awhile, Peanut (my oldest) curled up in the corner and went to sleep. The new guy checked him out a bit, but that was about it. So, I'd call that a success!
I'm currently trying to get him use to me too, stuffed him down my sweatshirt. lol.
Lourice said:I rescued Maurice about a month or so ago, and Louis we rescued about a week ago. We aren't sure how old they are, but Maurice is for sure at least 2 or 3 months old, and Louis is much younger, I would guess about a month or a little more.
I've been keeping them in two separate cages beside one another, and yesterday (about 5 days after we got Louis) we put them together and they fought. We separated them, and Louis had a little nip on his leg that was bleeding. I put them back in their cages, and went back a step in the introduction.
I let them have their free range on my bed separately, and today when I got Maurice after it was Louis' turn, he was running around and making a strange revving noise which I googled and I found out was a 'growing anger' noise. I believe Maurice is hormonal, and judging by the size of his testicles, I am guessing that is the reason for his aggression towards Louis.
What else should I do? I want to keep trying the introduction face to face every few days, but I'm afraid of little Louis getting hurt. Is there any way to make this easier? Also, I really do not have the money to neuter Maurice so that is out of the question.
When/how do I know if the introduction is officially deemed 'unsuccessful'? how many times should I try introducing them before I should give up?