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I'm not sure where to go from here.
I've been giving my 3 boys as much out time together as possible. Yesterday I added toys and stuff to hide in, so that they could get used to that. I had no problems. Today, during out time, all 3 were even snuggling together in a pocket hammock for a community groom fest! Because I was cleaning cages today, I thought it would be a good time to put them all together for a while. I figured freshly scrubbed cage and brand new clean bedding might help things along. Well not even 2 minutes into it Seamus goes nuts and there is screaming and fighting. I separated them right away because I was nervous about Seamus breaking skin again.
Should I just continue to let them be out with toys and stuff for a few more days, maybe try again when i clean cages tuesday? Or is there another step that I am missing?
:( another rat ball fight today.
I'm worried this is all too much for harry. Should I be? should I take it slower for a little while? Should I just get Seamus Neutered and try again later?
handmeafish said:
:( another rat ball fight today.
I'm worried this is all too much for harry. Should I be? should I take it slower for a little while? Should I just get Seamus Neutered and try again later?

Does anybody get cut when they are in the rat ball fight? Did this happen during intros on familiar ground with toys? How long was the intro and when did it happen during the intro? How old is Harry, Seamus and the third boy?
No one got cut this time, and it was on familiar ground with toys... I put blankets out for the first time and it started under there. It happened about 15 minutes in.
Harry is about 15 months
Seamus is 9 months
Arthur is 2
After the fight Harry found a corner and hid himself in the blanket except for his head for about 20 minutes. I kept things going, because there wasn't any blood, but I just held Seamus for a while (he also decided to jump off my bed for a while, and play hide and seek under my bed) . Harry came back out, and he and arthur get along fine. Harry was hard grooming Arthur for a while, and Arthur didn't seem to care. Once harry decided to come back out, and seemed to calm down, and I'd caught Seamus, I let them interact again, but under very close observation. Harry started grooming Seamus, and had him pinned for a minute, and seamus squeaked in protest... and then this is what happened after.

(i'm watching Big Love, you can hear it in the background)
Thats pretty much how they interacted for a little while after. I'm feeling like this isn't all Seamus tho, I think its a mixture of both of them wanting to be alpha. I just was blaming Seamus, because Harry tends to get hurt. I managed to get about an hour in after the rat ball fight, it was tense, half was harry hiding from everyone, and the other half was him running around trying to hard groom them...
From the video, it all looks harmless and normal male behaviour. I'd keep it up, you might need to do it a long time like that before you and they are comfortable moving in together.
I bought my first rat (a blonde dumbo I dubbed Peanut) from Petsmart, and they get their rats in at 6mths to a year old, so I'm not even sure how old he was, since they didn't know exactly (which was a bit annoying, but I assume he's under a year, but not by much probably). Anyways. I read up on rats and all that and decided to get him a pal since I didn't want him getting depressed or becoming neurotic (xD). The same Petsmart got a litter of baby rats in a week after I got my first boy. So I went and got a baby- about 7 weeks old at this point. I asked about quarantine and they told me they had done so already with the babies before they put them out for sale (they don't keep their rats in a big pile inside cages. They have a max of 2 rats per cage, save for the babies as they were all together and all.) I still kept my baby away for about a day and then did an intro in the tub. It was def a scary place since Peanut freaked out in it and pooped all over. I set in the brown baby fancy rat and at first they ignored each other. Then, once the baby wandered over to Peanut, there was some major sniffing. Nothing really else happened. I left em that way for about 45 mins. They were just fine until Peanut started to rather panic about the bath tub, so I took him out and put him back in his cage and then the baby to his. Since I was totally new at this, I just took the main large cage, cleaned it out, gave it new bedding and everything and tried to put them together. Not a good idea. (Mind you, never did it before, didn't realize I needed to wait longer). When I heard a big scary squeal from the baby, I rushed over and pulled out the hut and Peanut. There was no blood or anything, but he had the baby pinned when I found him. This freaked me out so much I was afraid they weren't going to get along, but knew I needed to be patient. After a time apart, I put them back into their own cages and then let them be on opposite sides of the room for a few hours to let the baby chill out and calm down.
Then I did the side by side cage thing. They sniffed towards each other and seemed interested.
The next day, I tried to do another bathtub intro, but Peanut wouldn't have anything to do with the bathtub (clung to my arm and crawled up it to my shoulder when I tried to put the baby (now dubbed Almond at this point), so I changed tactics. I got a large cardboard box, put a towel in it and put them in it.
I had done a lot of reading on intro's here too. Or more reading... lol. SO MUCH READING! :panic: I read that there will be one large 'scuffle' (the stuff I read was geared towards one on one, I'm sure it's different with group intros) where the dominant resident rat will 'attack' the newbie, kind of a 'I'm the boss!' sorta deal. As long as he doesn't raise hair, hiss or sidle, it shouldn't be a problem. So I watched and then it happened. Peanut rather jumped at Almond and pinned him- causing little Almond to literally 'poop his pants'- and Peanut just stayed there a moment kinda watching Almond and then let him up. After that, Peanut went about sniffing around the box while Almond recovered, staying more submissive. It was a little scary, let me tell you, but he didn't hurt Almond, just scared him a little. After that, Almond was more submissive towards Peanut, but he chilled and was grooming himself and eating again within 10 minutes. There was some power grooming as well, but nothing overly mean. I also read it's normal for the newcomer to get 'beat up' for the first few days (I also read this from a guy that's owned and rescued rats for 27 years)- obviously nothing serious (no blood that is), so not to worry. So, I didn't worry too much. Still kept them separate though. After the box intro, I tried a table intro and that went well. I then also went to the couch where Peanut has played (putting up a blanket to play in) and there was one incident that Peanut again tackled Almond roughly, causing him to squeal. I broke this up, cuz I thought it was too rough. I put Peanut back into his cage- calmed Almond after he scurried off to the other end of the couch and then waited.
(wow, this is long... lol!)
Over the next couple of days, I let them smell each others cages when the other wasn't in there and play together on neutral ground and then on familiar ground. They were finally getting along well. It actually went really quick relatively in comparison. It didn't take weeks- only a week actually. lol. I moved them in together in a new cage for them both and they cuddle and play fight. There's still time where Peanut will pin Almond and power groom him, but then there's times where he'll roll over and let Almond groom him, like letting him 'pin' him instead. It's really cute actually. Just little peeps now and again, but no loud squeaks to be worried about. I'll just be glad when the CN comes so they have more room in which to be crazy together. xD;;

And, that's my detailed story of my ever first intro! xD
If I ever get more, I'm sure it won't be as easy. lol.
Young babies to adults are usually the easiest because babies don't smell like real rats yet. It sounds like it all went according to normal intro behaviour on both parts. My intros usually only take a week but lately, I've decided to take my time. My last intro, which ended yesterday, took 2 weeks but it was a group of 9.
I did my 1st intro tonight. I have 2 older boys and 2 younger ones and the the bed was the into. Chase and Getti were the ones I tried. Chase is a Mamas boy :giggle: Literally. Every time I go near him he wants up ..on me ...on my shoulder anywhere I am he is happy :lol: Getti is a bossy boy. He is fine on his own, he loves to be petted ,given plenty of treats but will push you out of the way if he wants something. Getti showed lots of rump pushing ,I'll put you on your back thing and don't you leave my sight thing. Chase was comical...he tried to hide in the pillows in my shirt under my arm. Poor thing. No blood shed just a 1 squabble where Getti got too bossy and Chase wanted out! All in all a good night. Now its the other 2 for later and then all 4 . This should be fun exciting and scary....and not just for me.
I'm sure it takes more time to intro adult rats to other adult rats and you have to make sure everything is okay and all. Since I'm not finacially able and all, the two for now is all I'm going to be doing. =3

Good luck on the next intro Tiny! 8( it is scary when one gets hurt.
Well Getti is now happily coexisting with Chase and Luke. Chase and Getti are buddies the most. One minute Getti is on his back and next is Chase cleaning Getti. They take turns LOL. Luke is neutral but they all get along. I also have 2 more new boys. Can someone tell me why Chase is so scared that he freezes. He gets along with my new boy Spock but Pinky is another story. They had it out today so I ended it. Did the right thing? I had treats out and that worked for awhile. Chase actually froze with the treat in his mouth. Stood there for minute.I saw some red on Chase but couldn't find a scratch on him. It must be a tiny cut. I have a double FN so new boys are on top . The others on bottom. I'm switching cages so they get used to the others scents. Somethings the bedding gets switch too. The table is neutral. Should I back off and wait a bit. I've only had the new boys about 2 weeks.
How old are all the rats involved?
Pinky is sending off signals that is worrying to Chase. But you gotta keep at it. He will get used to it.
Pinky is about 14 months and so is Luke, Luke is neutered BTW. Chase is a bit younger about 1 year? They were adopted so these are the ages they gave me. I should say at 1st Chase froze with Spock too but when Spock ignored him he loosened up. Spock even tried to clean him today.
tinytippytoes said:
Pinky is about 14 months and so is Luke, Luke is neutered BTW. Chase is a bit younger about 1 year? They were adopted so these are the ages they gave me. I should say at 1st Chase froze with Spock too but when Spock ignored him he loosened up. Spock even tried to clean him today.
Ok, so it could just be that Chase is waiting for the "ok" from Pinky.

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