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tinytippytoes said:
And so Pinky is saying not Ok? If I left Spock out of this mix for the intro you think it might be different?
Pinky is saying "watch it. I'm boss". Spork needs to be included because then you are delaying the real intros.
So I really need to get all 5 out at the same time. I read some of what you wrote . I think it was the 1st post. So if Pinky starts in again I need to do some interfering but not really separate them(unless he is killing them) . I'll put all 5 on the bed tomorrow new sheets with blankets take all the pillows off and see what happens.
Well it looks like I will have to do my 1st neuter. Pinky is aggressive with all 3 boys rattys. They are terrified of him. I tried the vanilla thing that rat mama did and everything else. Spock gets along with everybody but they are so scared of Pinky that they cant check each other out. Luke's eyes almost popped out he was so scared and my old man Spaghetti fell on the floor trying to get away :( . Took me 10 minutes and treats to calm everyone down, I'll call my Vet tomorrow and see what he says. You think 14 months is still Ok to be neutered?
Well Jorats you won't beleive this (or maybe you will) I decided to wait a bit before doing surgery cause of 2 reasons. One is my very good vet charges 230.00! :shock: There is anothe vet near me that charges 100.00 why such a big difference? I really don;t know. The 100;00 vet I use for emerengices only.(Like a PTS thing :( ) He has done a neuter for me before no problems. 2nd I decided to wait a bit just to see if they would get used to reach naturally. Wellll tonight for some reason Pinky was on his best behavior. Spaghetti and Spock was on the bed with Pinky and Luke. Poor Spaghetti squeaked out loud and Pinky just looked at him and left him alone. I was so proud and telling him what a good boy he was. Do you think that made a diff? I held Spaghetti's paw on the bed Hehehe he seemed to want to that. He was a bit upset but I wasn't going to back down but I still helped him through a bit.He didn't bother Chase either. So good success tonight, yeah!!
How long would you wait after a neuter to introduce two male rats? One, Preston, is already neutered and around 9 months old. The other, Poe, is not neutered (but the sweetest little thing) and we have no idea how old he is. He seems like he could be older, but he's very lively. I think he's around a year old.

Poe is very sweet- inquisitive, gives me kisses every time I take him out, just all around a great guy. He doesn't need to be neutered for personality reasons, but because I'm bringing home four girls next month, and none of them have been spayed yet. Preston is also very sweet, but it somewhat skittish- if you reach your hand in to pull him out, sometimes he'll take a swipe at you. (He's also a hoarder, but I'm not sure if that is important.)

They've already been quarantined for two weeks, and I just started introducing them to each others' scents by switching toys between the two cages. No big reactions- they just sniffed the toy balls and then ignored them. They'll be moving in together, but not in with the girls. I'd like to start introducing them as soon as possible, but I want to make I'm not rushing things, and I haven't been able to find information about how long after a neuter to wait.
Yesterday and this morning we did switcheroos between their cages, which they both seemed to find exciting and enjoyed. The first time, they immediately got into each others' hammocks, but then went on exploring. Their cages are currently side-by-side (but far enough that they can't reach out or bite each other) and they've been going to the bottom of the cages and chilling with each other. Everything seemed to be going fine, so I wanted to try the first intros today.

We just tried the first intro on neutral ground, but it only lasted about ten minutes. I cleaned the bath tub, then put a little dish with some plain yogurt in. I put a little vanilla extract on Poe, then put him in the tub while I got Preston out and applied the vanilla to him. They did a little bit of sniffing at first, but mostly they explored the tub. Once they discovered they could get out of the tub, they kept trying, but when I put them in they would go ahead and explore a little more before trying to get out again. Poe looked like he was trying to mount Preston a couple of times, but never really did. He also sort of... aggressively sniffed Preston, I guess? It looked okay, more like Preston was just uncomfortable- but Preston seems uncomfortable most of the time. I wasn't too worried about anything- they were ignoring the yogurt for the most part, and ignoring each other, too- but one of them did make a noise that sounded like it could have been pain. One of them (probably Poe, but they separated so I couldn't tell) was sniffing the other and then the noise was made. After that, both Poe and Preston kept on trying to get out of the tub, so we pulled them out. There didn't appear to be any injuries, and now that they're back in their cages they're chilling.

I tried to get video of the intro, but I was having issues with my camera. When Poe was sniffing Preston, it almost seemed like he wanted to groom him. They were mostly sniffing each other behind the neck (where the vanilla extract was) but also in the bum/balls area. I'm not quite sure what happened, and not sure how to proceed- I don't think the bath tub will work again, though, since they've figured out how to escape. Any advice would be appreciated!

EDIT: This is my first intro, so I might be a little over cautious... Since no blood was drawn, I'm hoping to try introducing them again tonight, in a different environment.

EDIT #2: Alright, we just finished a full half hour segment intro, and it went so much better! This time we did it on a bed that was unfamiliar to both of them. No squeaks, no squeals- but a lot of sniffing on Poe's part. On Preston's, not so much. Poe kept on sniffing Preston's anal region and Preston didn't really seem to like that- he kept on trying to kick Poe out of the way, but Poe kept going at it. Towards the end, I really thought Preston was going to give it to him, but no. I'm not too worried about them. I think they'll learn to get along. Hopefully Preston shows a bit more interest in Poe tomorrow!
I have a question and also a thought on rat behavoir. Please correct if needed :lol: At 1st my new nakie Pinky tried to over power my old boy Spaghetti and I think its because Pinky was top doggie where he used to live. In this house though Spaghetti is the top one even though Pinky did TRY to over come him. It didn't work cause now Pinky is afraid of Spaghetti!! It went into reverse!? :? I believe that Pinky realizes that he can't be top doggie here and Spaghetti won't let him forget. He got bit again last night when Pinky was ignoring him. So whats a person to do to help. Any answers?
Also ALL theother boys get along here ...even Pinkys friend Spock. Did I get it right? Am I learning good rat language? :lol:
Well, the first intro on non-neutral ground is going... pretty much exactly the same way the neutral ground intros went! No fights or anything- Poe's still rather big on sniffing Preston, and Preston still doesn't like it that much. There's been a little bit of squeaking now and then when Poe gets over Preston and sniffs him- I'm not sure what that means, but it doesn't seem like anything dire. I did just see Poe submitting and letting Preston sniff him, which relieved me, since Preston really hasn't done much in the area of checking out Poe.

I'm wondering if the place I'm using as the non-neutral territory is actually too neutral. It's my bed, and that's where Preston's had his out-time for the past three weeks, but my bedding was washed a few days ago. Preston's been out on it since then, but he's actually mostly been chilling with me on my desk while I work. I could take them out on the desk, but I'd prefer not to- there are some areas where, if they started fighting, I might not be able to get to them, and I do not want that to happen.

All-in-all, I think it's going pretty well!
tinytippytoes said:
I have a question and also a thought on rat behavoir. Please correct if needed :lol: At 1st my new nakie Pinky tried to over power my old boy Spaghetti and I think its because Pinky was top doggie where he used to live. In this house though Spaghetti is the top one even though Pinky did TRY to over come him. It didn't work cause now Pinky is afraid of Spaghetti!! It went into reverse!? :? I believe that Pinky realizes that he can't be top doggie here and Spaghetti won't let him forget. He got bit again last night when Pinky was ignoring him. So whats a person to do to help. Any answers?
Also ALL theother boys get along here ...even Pinkys friend Spock. Did I get it right? Am I learning good rat language? :lol:
:thumbup: You got it. :nod:
What's a person to do? Nothing, let them work it out.
tinytippytoes said:
HAHA! Thanks Jo. Do you mean I should let Pinky get bit? I know you are not mean but I should let them fight it out? His poor tush! :giggle:
Is he getting bit to the blood? If so, you can try to intervene by stopping the biter. Are they living together yet?
The bed is still a familiar place even if the bedding has been washed. It sounds like it's going good.
ruthlessbliss said:
Well, the first intro on non-neutral ground is going... pretty much exactly the same way the neutral ground intros went! No fights or anything- Poe's still rather big on sniffing Preston, and Preston still doesn't like it that much. There's been a little bit of squeaking now and then when Poe gets over Preston and sniffs him- I'm not sure what that means, but it doesn't seem like anything dire. I did just see Poe submitting and letting Preston sniff him, which relieved me, since Preston really hasn't done much in the area of checking out Poe.

I'm wondering if the place I'm using as the non-neutral territory is actually too neutral. It's my bed, and that's where Preston's had his out-time for the past three weeks, but my bedding was washed a few days ago. Preston's been out on it since then, but he's actually mostly been chilling with me on my desk while I work. I could take them out on the desk, but I'd prefer not to- there are some areas where, if they started fighting, I might not be able to get to them, and I do not want that to happen.

All-in-all, I think it's going pretty well!
No they are not. But they stay in the playpen at night for a couple of hours. Yes he has scabs on his butt. I believe he got caught on his lip too. When Pinky wasn't looking that Spaghetti was right next to him. :(

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