In the pathology report for Boo, they have not found crystals or stones.
The next time we have "a bleeder" during vet hours, we will bring them in, have their blood drawn and have the rat pts.
I've been doing a lot of research as well, but mostly, it seems like a couple of different internal parasites can cause hematuria.
I really do appreciate everyone doing their own research and bringing it up here, I always mention it to my vet. They are all helpful in a way, even if it's to eliminate it from the list of causes.
LA, I've checked that site Allexperts. I'll give it a try, who knows, maybe they've seen this before.
The ones that have died were immediately put on Baytril, my Sophie had been on Baytril for over a week as well. I don't think it's working at all, and when I asked my vet about putting all the rats on Baytril, she didn't think it would help either. With the numbers my parents have, it would cost them $200 a week. So that's something we can't really do right now unless we know for sure that it helps keep them alive.