Well-Known Member
Oh, Nic, that is bad news. I hope that Simon will be OK.
Sad but a very wise decision....at the shelter we can have cats who are "carriers" never getting the disease or only a very mild form of the disease that they spread..... I feel that is what is going on here....someone in your group is carrying and brought this "thing" in. The rats you have now will build a resistance but anyone new could be affected........The only worry is that any rats that get old, run down, stressed my then lose the ability to fight this and then develop the disease.....we see this when we send someone to get spayed or neutered...we have to be so careful with them....their resistance is lowered and they then can pick up the things that up until then they have been able to withstand...Unfortunately, this still means that we will never be open to more rats. We must wait this out completely.