I agree with every one's concerns over antibiotics, and I am a big fan of more homeopathic remedies. However, I have a different outlook with the rats for a number of reasons.
1. The spread of antibiotic resistant rats are breeders fault, not your average rat owner. If my guys become antibiotic resistant, it is for me to deal with only. I am not breeding rats, so nobody will be paying the price for my mistakes. I am careful to properly medicate and follow the instructions for all treatments and medications and have never encountered a really resistant rat - only rats that have just become too severe to be saved. There is a difference between antibiotic resistant and just too far gone to be saved by anything.
2. I have tried more 'unconventional' treatments on the rats and have had almost 0% success. I don't have enough knowledge, and although I followed the instructions of more knowledgeable people, I could not be fooling around and having a 'lets try this and see if it works' attitude because they would have died. I think that preventative options are a better way to go because they get too sick too fast.
3. Humans are much better to test homeopathic treatments on because we live far longer than 2 - 3 years and it sometimes takes months to get the treatments working to their ideal results. Rats just don't give us enough time. Maybe cats and dogs have better success rates because of their longer lifespans, but I don't think rats are ideal to take that route because of their short lives.
4. I have had lots of success with pulse treatments, and they have extended the lives of my rats a lot longer than they would have if they were just on regular treatments.
It really all boils down to their lifespans, we are limited to the treatment options that we have with them.