God help me where do I even start....

The Rat Shack Forum

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Bless you!

I know that in the media, some things can be misconstrued. It's hard to relate to something we don't know or really care about. But I'm glad the rats have someone looking out for them.

I know I talk about my rats on the air all the time and have gotten phone calls from people being like "can you take my rats?" but I can't imagine someone asking me to take over 100!
LMR and kind folks from RatsPacNW have spots for about 30... numbers vary a bit of course as if we take females we need to take babies into calculation...

We need transport from Las Cruces, NM to Northern OR.... if anybody can help, please email us at [email protected]

I posted on the Petaluma rescue group, hoping that some from the "old guard" that were involved with that rescue are still around and can help with transport again.
I will say I didn't see any obvious pregnancies. Not to say there are none, but I handled a lot of girlies and not a one of them was showing signs. And no babies in the mix. Janet from Any Rat Rescue and I were discussing it and it seems in very large colonies a lot of time breeding shuts down, so maybe -- just maybe -- that happened there.

And wtf am I doing on the forum? I got back a few hours ago and homg my whole body hurts so bad.
Hey, you got three out, and that makes all the difference in the world to that three! What a sad situation though...
Wow, watched both video links back to back, and am so surely reminded of why I never watch fox, even if its something other than politics. They just have to sensationalize EVERYTHING. If the 'rat' in the car(that was <--------------> this big :cheeky: ) was preventing it from starting(which is the only reason they would look under the hood) how was it healthy enough to run away? Sigh. Are they sure it wasn't a white CAT in their car? LOL.

Fen, what you are doing is excellent. I sure hope more of them can get pulled, and hopefully adopted. :rathugz:
*shakes head* Well, the story's been getting a ton of media, but the attention isn't exactly trending in the right direction. The newest cut of the footage + story: http://www.ktsm.com/news/rats-still-inf ... of-horrors

*sigh* Story says they're destroying them on Monday. I just emailed my rat-train driver, hopefully the trip went well. I think we did the best we could to give these guys a chance. It just sucks that on top of their terrible abuse and neglect, they also have to suffer bad press. If this was a house full of cute fuzzy kittens and puppies, the story would be going very differently.
Holy........ :shocked2:

I just got the most amazing phone call. An individual in Los Alamos contacted me stating he is a hobby pilot and would be willing to transport large quantities of rats to rescues in California, Washington, and Colorado as he has trips planned to those locations in the near future. He is also capable of fostering in the short-term. I figure if he can get them to Washington, it shouldn't be too hard to arrange transport to Vancouver! His name is Travis and you can reach him at [email protected]

What I need is a list to be compiled ASAP with numbers of how many/what gender/destination so that I can provide that information to the shelter. I think if I present them with an exact list of willing-to-adopt people and proof of someone who is willing to transport them, they would be hard-pressed not to accept the offer. Travis said he would be able to make the trip next weekend, so I only need to buy one week for these rats -- but I can only do it if I have hard numbers to present to them.

If anybody contacts Travis, PLEASE CC me in the email so I can keep a list of the rats wanted!

*faints from the shock* that was one email I was not expecting to receive tonight.

Going bananas!

I asked Susan to get in touch with him as she'll do the WA-BC leg

I'm going to start compiling the list of how many boys/girls etc

Btw is it ok to crosspost his contact info? Esp. to the CA rescues?
:holysheep: This is AMAZING. The most wonderful thing I've heard in a long while.

You deserve a huuuuge pat on the back for this, fenshae. :joy: :joy: :joy:
I still can't believe that we are probably going to pull this off...

Yes, lots will die... but don't ever give up hope. Some lucky ones made it out and more will get a second chance. It will make a world of a difference for those lucky ones.
littledevils said:

Going bananas!

I asked Susan to get in touch with him as she'll do the WA-BC leg

I'm going to start compiling the list of how many boys/girls etc

Btw is it ok to crosspost his contact info? Esp. to the CA rescues?

yes absolutely. I don't know what his capacity is or how many trips he can take. i was in too much shock when he called to ask all the Q's

Newest article. *sigh* I'm disappointed in a shelter that will willingly and knowingly "adopt" animals as food. They would never do that with dogs or cats, but of course these are "just rats". :( I don't necessarily mind a reputable reptile rescue (that's very alliterative), but all the other hobby feeder-breeders in town getting their hands on cheap stock and potentially starting this ALL OVER AGAIN.....:headdesk: Also, WTF "rats become cannibals if they eat meat so I only feed mine high protein dog food"....*growl*

But, whatever. We'll show them when we get rats flown in to freakin' Canada! neener, neener.
Neener. Lol.

fenshae said:
I'm disappointed in a shelter that will willingly and knowingly "adopt" animals as food. They would never do that with dogs or cats, but of course these are "just rats".

I've had an idea circling in my head, somewhat of a shock tactic(haven't done it yet, it might be a bit too PETA) to do Craigslist adds, newspaper adds, as a total JOKE, offering kittens and puppies as feeders. And when people call in outrage, point out that rats are just as awesome of pets. I mean, come on, kittens are almost as small as med-large feeder rats, right? :wallbang: :redhot: :wallbang: I dunno. People's perceptions need to CHANGE. And news articles like the one fox aired aren't helping.
In the online article it says:
Anyone who is interested in taking one or two of the rats - as pets or for reptile food - is asked to call the shelter at (575) 382-0018 or visit at 3551 Bataan Memorial West.

Everyone, please phone this shelter ((575) 382-0018) leaving your name and phone number asking that no rats be given away as reptile food or breeders.
Pictures off GooseMoose of a couple of these so called "feral" rats - don't they look vicious?



Please help any way you can.
They may need to be pts but they shouldn't be eaten alive by snakes.

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