the fosters and Chop Suey-FINAL PICTURES!! woot! found them!

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sorry i didn't get that funny story up last night. when i tried to log in here i kept getting general errors. but here no!

so after jack's surgery he was a little doped up. the very first thing he does when he gets back to his carrier is wobbly grab a kibble and smash it against his genitels and start rubbing! :shock: the vet tech had to pry the kibble from him. then in his drunken stupor he wanders to the back of the carrier and flops down. you know how sulking kids and exhausted adults will toss themselves onto a couch or chair... yeah, he did that. of course this freaked the vet tech. she grab jack and checks to make sure he's fine. he drunkenly glares and gives her kisses... :roll: he was just being dramatic rat.... the vet tech made him a cave with the blanket which he ignored too...

keltika, you have a drama rat on your hands, be careful of his antics that he doesn't give you a heart attack! :lol2:

today he's doing even better. this morning i had him on the couch, he's still walking a little funny, but nothing out the oridinary and he's still very active wanting to know everything. can't wait to get him home to you. he's going to run the gambit of her emotions but he's going to make a wonderful addtion to your family! :thumbup:
:happydance: :happydance: :happydance:
I just got off the phone with Twitch's uncle and my boys are coming tonight. I can't wait to meet them.

holy crap I just read what I wrote before I edited......Twitch you should have pointed that out to me....If know one noticed thank goodness...... :oops:
yes i just got that call myself. he'll be in about an hour to pick them up. i'm sorry dahlas but i was not able to make the rat cookies i wanted to send up with them. other things just kept getting in the way.
zen update:
i took zen in for a checkup today. the pneumonia is continuing to clear up. it is to the point now that the vet was able to hear a mummer. he is not in congestive heart failure but rather the vet suspects a problem with the valves, resulting in low blood pressure and his sleepiness. its likely this is congenital. with this diagnosis zen is removed from the adoption list. taking him from moncton to here was pushing it. he will be staying with me. he and chop suey will remain in the martin's cage until zen has decided to leave us. he will have a nice retirement home and will be well loved.

unfortunately i am still allergic to him and with his condition he cannot be neutered. i do not want to be stressing him with regular baths, can anyone recommend another remedy to keeping the smell of buck grease down without having to bathe or neuter? i know that is quite the challenge but i'm open to all suggestions. my allergy isn't too bad with just one boy and i'm sure he will be loved on by the boyfriend but i want to be able to some nice cuddle sessions with the sleepy boy too. i will forego them if it means stressing him out less and make due with shorter sessions but if there is a possibility of being able to get nice long snuggle sessions....

vandike update: he continues to get better. where the train is leaving soon i am going to keep him on his meds right up until i drop him off to catch the train. he likely doesn't need this to clear anything up but where he would just be getting over his illness before the train goes, a bit of help with the immune system won't hurt any.

boyo update: nothing new to report.

vandike and boyo will be able to make the train as planned and are eagerly awaiting their new family.
Glad to hear that Zen's pneumonia is clearing up....He is a lucky boy to have found such a loving home. I was waiting to see if he was available ...I was going to ask to adopt him but I am thrilled that he can stay with you.
I am not sure about the smell or the buck about a wipping him with a cloth that has vinegar water on it?....I wipe my kids tails and feet with that and it helps the smell a lot.
I wouldn't do the vinegar/water on them. Even diluted vinegar is some pretty strong smelling stuff. Getting unscented baby wipes or something like that may help with any smell, or even just a damp washcloth. You could try giving him olive oil on a regular basis, it's supposed to help with buck grease.
Do you think vinegar water would hurt them...the smell? I wouldn't think there would be anything in dilute vinegar that would be harmfull to airways......
It's very strong smelling. I know that my 50/50 solution clears my sinuses when cleaning cages, so I wouldn't want that all over my body. There's no chemical or anything in the vinegar, if that's what you mean, that would be harmful to their airways. Any strong smelling thing, such as perfumes, candles, incense are not recommended. I'd group vinegar under strong smelling. For feet and tails, I'm sure it works great, and it's such a small area it wouldn't bother them for long. Their entire body, though? I wouldn't.

ETA : Sorry, Dahlas! I just realized how my other post sounded. I didn't mean not to use it at all, just not in Zen's instance where his entire body would be done.
Dahlas said:
:happydance: :happydance: :happydance:
I just got off the phone with Twitch's uncle and my boys are coming tonight. I can't wait to meet them.

holy crap I just read what I wrote before I edited......Twitch you should have pointed that out to me....If know one noticed thank goodness...... :oops:

:giggle: I read it...but didnt take it that way :giggle:
Silly Jack! Thats it - absolutely no recreational drugs for that boy!
I don't know....I've got a pouty, sulking 16 yr. old 2 legged baby that I'm dealing with right now..... not sure I can deal with a kibble-genital-rubbing-flopping-glaring-kissy rat too! :giggle:

I've used pet wipes before (got them at Petsmart ) on my hairless rats that didn't like baths with a fair degree of success. It may be a little easier on a hairless then a furred boy but it has to be a lot less stressful then a full bath for poor old Zen.

Also, when I give my boys bits of bread soaked in olive oil it does seem to cut back on the buck grease some - also makes their fur softer and shiny to!
I am so happy to hear that my boys are doing so well, keep it up guys!!. I was going to suggest baby wipes to help with the buck grease. Poor Zen but he is in good hands. I wish I could take him. I have expirence with dealing with heart problems. My Guinea pig has a 3-4 level heart murmur and get a build up of fluid in the chest cavity. She has been in rough shape a couple times and we have been able to save her every time. My computer is down do to a lightening storm. I will try to post when I can. I am using my Inlaws computer so I won't be able to use it everyday. I will keep checking for updates, have fun.
i will let zen know that everyone is rooting for him. i'm sure he'll appreciate all the love and concern. i have never dealt with a heart problem before though i have read up on it. the stuff i found was all on congestive heart failure though, i never found anything about congenital defects. if anyone can point me in the right direction for reading material i'm all for it.

thank you for the suggestions on cleaning and the olive oil. i will try that and see how it goes. where its only the one rat and my allergies reduce a great deal as the number of males goes down, i don't think i'm too too sensitive and maybe the olive oil and wipes is all that i'll need. *keeping my fingers crossed*

i have ordered liners for zen's cage too, so next month he should be nice a cozy in javakittie gear. i'll make sure to post pictures. the friend that is lending me the martin's cage is also making me some hammocks to put in there and my cat cage. i really suck at sewing myself and this is really helping me out.

after all the fosters head off i will start a new thread for zen. i will make sure to get lots of pictures and stories to share. i feel as he's more of everyone's baby then just my own after all this. i would not want to deprive his other moms and dads out there of his sleepy yet strong spirit.

fosters update: it starts.... with ace gone the hierarchy is out of wack in the cage. the shuffle has already begun with magi and vandike are vying for leadership. its been fairly warm today and so boyo has been a little less enthusiastic today so, so far he hasn't put in his bid. no one is getting hurt and there hasn't been anything serious but i have seen magi sidle and box with vandike and van squeak his complaints...

magi may be a bit of a handful to intro to my girls... little twix has claimed queenhood after kakushi passed on and i doubt she will give up the position. at all. not even for a few minutes. but normally my girls are very accepting of noobs. serraphim is already integrated and sharing the main cage with everyone (minus a stewie but he loves everyone, so there shouldn't be any problems there when he goes back). anyway, we shall see. the fosters leave the 18th, i'm going to begin intros with magi to the residents the following day. chop suey will need to wait to meet the girls until after zen doesn't need him anymore and i hope that isn't for a long time to come.
The boths are here!!!!!!! They are settled in their new cage and don't seem to be stressed at all. They have eaten some watermellon, some peas and are now checking out all their new stuff. I will take some pictures tomorrow..........thanks so much Twitch and thank your Uncle for me........
Twitch, one thing I have noticed with my gang, sometimes a "once upon a time" alpha will gladly step down if he's living with the right alpha... especially a girl. :giggle:
jorats said:
Twitch, one thing I have noticed with my gang, sometimes a "once upon a time" alpha will gladly step down if he's living with the right alpha... especially a girl. :giggle:

:giggle: well i hope so. though i think it would be funny to see little 300 gram twix bully around 745 gram magi.... :cheeky: when you cartoonize that you get some very funny mental images! :lol2:

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