the fosters and Chop Suey-FINAL PICTURES!! woot! found them!

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Milo, our mock hairless boy that is 3-4 mos. old is tiny, but he rules the cage. He can toss his 4 much larger & older cage mates in a heart beat. He's like a whirl-wind, pop-corning, pink bowling ball. He'll speed thru on his path of desruction, pin and pop, leaving the older guys there on their backs with a stunned look on their faces like "What the heck....did you SEE that?....What was it?!?!"
I guess its more about heart & attitude then size to be the Alpha. :lol:

It will be great to have a Zen thread. Hopefully he is with you a long, long time twitch! What a wonderful sweet old boy he is.

So how is my Jack boy doing today? Is he still rubbing his food at the wrong end? I can't wait to get him and his brothers home!
i had a mock family emergency today so i'm not home. jack was doing very well last night and i was planning on a playdate with vandike, boyo and magi, for today but won't be home today. my family is fine though. it was just mom being mom. she calls and says i need to come home this afternoon but doesn't say why. i get there all worried. turns out dad was bbq-ing.... :roll: :lol2: but dad got some of my fav booze for tonight too so i will spending the night. don't need to worry about the furbabes though, i have a friend staying with us until she can find a job and place of her own in her new city and the boyfriend is there too. between the two of them everyone will have their lovings and meds. i will have that playdate tomorrow afternoon though. i'll try to get a video and i'll definitely get pictures.
Keltikka said:
It will be great to have a Zen thread. Hopefully he is with you a long, long time twitch! What a wonderful sweet old boy he is.

i was showing the thread to my mom and just caught this. i'm sorry if i gave the impression that zen is an oldie. his body is defective, but he is only 12 months old. he entered clark's when he was about 3-4 weeks old with his pregnant mom and has been there ever since, so we know that he is exactly 12 months. i was told he started acting sleepy at about 5-6 months of age. his body may make him act like a lot older rat but the poor dear is still only a youngen.

his age may not make a difference for this poor boy though. when i was talking to the vet about the heart condition she said he could be gone any time. it is likely that one day i will go to greet him and he will just be gone. there is a possibility that he could still live to see true old age though, and this is what we are hoping for. we need to prepare our hearts in case he leaves suddenly, but we will keep our eyes to the horizon of true old age. we have to stay hopeful. whether he his here for only a few more days or with us to a very ripe age of 3 or more we will shower him in our love and make sure he knows it for everyday he his with us.
jack update:i just got home and checked on everyone. jack had a small abscess on his abdomen which i drained. its looking good and i'm putting him on some of the amoxil i have here for a few days as a precaution. he's still a little swollen from his surgery but looking fine. the incisions seem to be healing fine. where the abscess was i'm thinking its a result from an old wound he picked at (he had a few healing when he arrived) and not a result from the surgery. it was small though, not even a size of a coin and drained easily. i don't expect any further problems with it.

there were no problems with anyone else to report on.
Jack really is the drama queen! It's not enough that he just had to have surgery and be a stand up comedian. Now he has to have abcesses too! :doh: Thank you for taking such good care of him!

I didn't realize that Zen was just a young'un. What a wonderful "young" man he is. :heart: That was an incrediably sweet passage you wrote about him, twitch. Zen couldn't be in any better hands then yours to spend the rest of is life with!

Glad to hear that it wasn't a real family emergency! Does your mom do that kind of thing to you alot? I don't think my nerves could take that too often. :lol2:
mom does do that a fair bit actually. she's been like since forever. normally i don't even think twice about it. but i told a friend that i would not be able to keep to my word about something because of it and she asked if my mother was ok. the thought that she might not be never even entered my mind until my friend mentioned it... then i was a bit freaked out... :oops:

jack is doing better. the wound from the abscess is healing up nicely. though the bugger was picking at it so made it larger... :roll: he's stopped that though thankfully and it is healing. i had him out with boyo, vandike and magi last night before bed even. he was curious about the others until boyo stormed through and boxed and jumped and bounced on everyone before tearing off to explore the bookcase and window ledge.... then jack was all about rubbing himself on the underside of the pillows and along part of the back of the couch... :roll:

it didn't help matters that after boyo did that vandike and magi got all poofy from it, further freaking out jack... and stressing van. i discovered van hasn't completely cleared up this way. when he got excited he got congested... i hadn't heard anything from him in a day or two beforehand though... so he's still improving but still needs the meds. this is probably just the tail end of that though and where i'm sending up meds with him anyway and was planing on keeping him on meds right up til the transport date, he should still be fine for the trip (just watch him once he gets home).

once van started making those sounds i put him back in the cage to settle down, and put boyo back so he couldn't start anymore trouble. when it was just jack and magi out there for a while jack started to settle down and came up to me and magi for some lovings (even though he squinty eyed magi most of the time.... :roll: ) all in all, these are signs that he will integrate, he'll just need to go slow. you'll probably need a week or two of play time before you move onto anything bigger.
in just a few more minutes i'm heading back to clark's to get vandike, boyo and jack on the train to go to their new homes. so quick update before they leave and pictures when i get back from last night's play time.

vandike seems to be regressing somewhat in his breathing. i still think he is ok for the trip, but he will definately need medication when he gets home. i am sending baytril with him. this didn't seem very effective when he came to me so a vet visit for a different antibiotic may be in order. i would give the amoxil but it needs to be refrigerated. he is still very active, and perhaps that may be his problem as he only gets snorty when excited and he has been interested in playing more the last few days.

boyo will need more handling still but he is getting better. when you first pick him up he will try to get away, but if you hold him close and tight he will settle down quickly and the next time will be easier to handle. still does not like his shoulders touched when outside of the cage but keeps checking back with you for a head rub. unless he's sleepy touching his butt when outside of the cage is like a button to trigger him to popcorn and bounce on all other rats. this has freaked out jack a few times.... :giggle: boyo may never become a laprat but he is full of laughs! :thumbup:

jack is just as dramatic as ever. he likes to know where everything is and if you move the pillow he was rubbing on he will try to move it back. :giggle: he also always wants to know where you are and if you walk away from the couch he will wait on the edge for you. when you get back he is right on top of you, until you touch him then he'll wander off. his sleep mode button is rubbing his forehead between his eyes. he was getting a bit better about play time with magi, but was a little freaked when boyo would jump on him still. his abscess has cleared up completely and there is only a small wound left where it was. his neuter is also healing well and there should be no problems with it. he is lonely being on his own though so i'm sure he's going to appreciate having buddies to curl up with when he gets home. this may make integration a bit easier but he is still likely going to need to go slow.

i am sending up a bit of a package for each adopter, i don't want to tell you all that's in each package as i want it to be a bit of surprise, but you can expect a few goodies anyway. please keep us updated on their progress once they get home.

you can expect pictures and the last update here later tonight/early tomorrow morning depending on when i can get back.
I am so glad my boys are doing great. I am a bit worried though for Vandike. I hope he can make the trip without any problems. I am still without my computer, I am using the Inlaws computer. I am hoping my computer is fixed by Friday night. Hang in there guys, your almost home.
I can't believe it's almost rat train time.. it's been such a long time coming!

Happy trails, handsome boys!
I am back up and running.......finally. Twitch, How are Boyo and Vandike doing? Van doing any better with his breathing? I am working with Amanda right now about picking up my ratties on Sunday. I want to get them the same day as she picks them up. I don't want Vandike traveling more than he needs to. I'm afraid the stress will set him back further. I can't wait to get my ratties, I sure hope they all make it through the traveling.
i do not know how they are doing. they got to clark's fine though vandike was a little scared about the whole ordeal. when i put him in the travel carrier he tried very hard to get out. he would not take any apple pieces though boyo was happy to take them. when we got to clark's he put them together in a cage and they huddled in the corner. boyo even let me touch his shoulders when i was saying goodbye. vandike tried to crawl back into my arms when i rubbed his chin goodbye. it was very hard to walk away. but that was the last i saw or have heard of them.

i assume they made it to jane's as she didn't mention any bad news. you'll have to ask her or vanessa (i think that's where they were heading next) about their current conditions.

sorry for not getting the pictures up. it was one thing after another and i just haven't had the time to get the pictures loaded. i'm currently helping out on the farm until my mother is better so i can not promise when the pictures will get up. but they will get up at some point.
Quickie update on the train ~ Sorry, We were too beat after getting home last night to post anything.
Deefer should have her boys by now. Vandyke is an absolute love and Boyo is just gorgeous in person!. They both did well on the journey from Montreal to Potsdam. I kept a close eye on Vandyke knowing of his respirtory problems, plus the heat of the day and stress, but he did just fine. He breathed a little harder then most but he was alert, eat some fruit and seemed happy with scritches. Boyo seemed to want to explore everything. He definitely wanted the fruit. The boys cuddled nicely together.

We had the AC running the whole trip but I still worried the whole way that it might be to hot for them, especially the degus but most everyone took naps and cuddled with their cage mates.

I can't begin to say how beatuful and loving all of these babies are! I am sooooo glad they all found good homes - they all so deserve them and will make wonderful companions!

When we got Jane's I found that Jack had already been re-intro'd with his previous 2 cage mates Harry and Rasputin - now renamed Ianto and Owen. It was amazing how well they got along. They cuddled the whole trip back. Whereever Jack went his bros were right there - all 3 head to head in a triangle or piled on top of each other. It truely seemed they missed him alot and were more than happy to have him back! He seemed to be very happy to be with them as well. I could only imagine the tales he told them of his experiences during this last month, first as Mr. Bigglesworth and then at Auntie Twitch's.

Amanda's boys are the greatest squishes I've ever seen, especially her dumbo boy - OMG!!!!! :heart: Her Timmy, has the most beautiful markings. He is a little timid but a wonderful personality. I think he is going to be her lap/shoulder boy.

And Little Momma is just absolutely precious! Sooo sweet and dainty and still small!!!! I mean - she is tiny ! I think her cagemate is one of her daughters. The daughter is way bigger than her mom.

If my husband hadn't been driving, 2 beige and white boys might not have made it to their new Mom/Dad. :wink2: I can't remember who their cage tag said they were going to and didn't have names yet but I was already to volunteer to take them if all the carriers didn't fit into Amanda's little car. My hubby just gave me the evil eye, lol. These 2 boys were not only gorgeous but were incrediably affectionate too - someone has just adopted 2 of the sweetest boys I have ever met!!!!

We had a 45 minute wait at the border because the border guard wasn't sure what to do about a car filled to the ceiling with 12 cages of rats. We had to go into Homeland Security and explain over and over again that yes, rats are pets and worth rescuing. They were actually very nice about it, just incredulous . Jane had us all set up with an invoice of which rats were going to whom with name address and phone number so it looked very legal & legit. She had also printed out the Customs policy on transporting pet rodents.There really wasn't anything they couldn dispute - they just had a hard time getting over the fact that people really wanted these ratties as pets. Several of the officers started asking questions about them and thought we were trying to yank their chains when we were telling them about the different coat & ear types, marking, colors, intelligence, cleanliness..... I had to show them my hairless pink boys before 1 officer in particular would believe me. He's the one that started to explain how he had once tried to raise feeder mice for his reptiles until he saw our faces and kind of just trailed off.
They said they should detain the ratties and stick them with a big block of cheese in their supervisor's office and watch him freak out. **Sigh** some people will never learn, I guess. I'm sure they will be talking about the car load of rats for awhile.

I'll have pics put up later on this week. Just wanted to let people know that so far, the transport is going well!
that is wonderful news! i'm so happy everyone made out alright. can't wait for the pics.

(i WILL have my own that i promised up just as soon as i can go home from the farm. mom is doing better, but having to catch horses in the middle of the night (did not bother to wake me up so i could help her...) did not help her back oddly enough... :roll: )
All the ratties I adopted made it to me last night. Vandike was having some breathing difficulties and I could hear the raspiness in his chest. I started him on the Baytril that Twitch sent and I have Clavamox which I am also giving him. He seems to be feeling better. I had Boyo and vandike on the table and they were having fun exploring there new surroundings. They both took food from my hand and ate it on the table and they cleaned up the crumbs. Lil Mama is very small but huge on cuteness. Her cagemate Ginger is so full of life and egar to explore. The two beige hoodies that you were talking about are mine....all mine. They are absolutely beautiful boys and they are huge. My hubby thought they were modified cats, that how big they are. They are the squishest boys I have ever had. I am just thrilled with my new ratties. Thank you Clark for allowing me to take home your babies. When Amanda arrived at our meeting spot, I couldn't believe how full her car was with cages and goodies. Her ratties are adorable and are lucky to have her as their new mom. Does anyone know who adopted out Mr. Big? I would love to see pictures of him. I wanted to adopt him but someone beat me to it.
mr. big was the one that got me calling and asking about him, then i ended up with magi and well, it snowballed from there. mr big and one of his brothers (vandike being his other brother) went to a woman in halifax named theresa near the very beginning of it all. i do not know if she a member to this forum though.
Does anyone know who adopted out Mr. Big?

Mr. Big and one of his brothers was adopted by someone in Halifax. I don't think she's a Forum member, but maybe SQ would know. Last I heard, the two boys were doing well. They were adopted into a home that already had other rats. Mr. Big and his brother will get lots of love from Theresa and her son and daughter.
UPDATE: Boyo and Vandike are doing great. Vandike is off his meds and is doing fine. I think he will always have breathing problems though. There has been some damage to his lungs from being sick. He is fine just as long as he doesn't over do it. Boyo is a goofball and so silly. He just can't get enough of all the attention he gets. My husband has taken to these two boys and thinks they are really cool. Last night my hubby was playing with them and Boyo was giving Jerry kisses and climbing all over him. Jerry can pet Boyo on the shoulders without him getting upset. This morning I found Van sleeping on his back, just about gave me a heart attack.

Twitch, Boyo wants to ask you a he is.

Auntie twitch,
It's me Boyo, I was wondering if you could give my mommy the wecipe for those yummy cookies you sent her. We wuv those cookies and want more. Mommy said she would make more if she had the wecipe.......pwease, pwease, fank you Auntie twitch.

(click the pics for larger viewing)
i'm glad they're enjoying the cookies and their family. here's the recipe, very simple, but it makes ALOT. what you got was just one sheet.

Ratty Cookies

2 cups whole wheat flour
1 cup peanut butter (creamy or chunky)
1 cup milk (or soy milk)
1 tbs baking powder
Flax seed for garnish (optional)

Mix the above ingredients, roll out onto a floured surface, cut into any shape, moisten tops with milk or water and sprinkle with flax seed. bake at 350 for 12 to 15 min until done. cool on wire rack & store in airtight container when cool. can be frozen. The ratties love em!

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