Quickie update on the train ~ Sorry, We were too beat after getting home last night to post anything.
Deefer should have her boys by now. Vandyke is an absolute love and Boyo is just gorgeous in person!. They both did well on the journey from Montreal to Potsdam. I kept a close eye on Vandyke knowing of his respirtory problems, plus the heat of the day and stress, but he did just fine. He breathed a little harder then most but he was alert, eat some fruit and seemed happy with scritches. Boyo seemed to want to explore everything. He definitely wanted the fruit. The boys cuddled nicely together.
We had the AC running the whole trip but I still worried the whole way that it might be to hot for them, especially the degus but most everyone took naps and cuddled with their cage mates.
I can't begin to say how beatuful and loving all of these babies are! I am sooooo glad they all found good homes - they all so deserve them and will make wonderful companions!
When we got Jane's I found that Jack had already been re-intro'd with his previous 2 cage mates Harry and Rasputin - now renamed Ianto and Owen. It was amazing how well they got along. They cuddled the whole trip back. Whereever Jack went his bros were right there - all 3 head to head in a triangle or piled on top of each other. It truely seemed they missed him alot and were more than happy to have him back! He seemed to be very happy to be with them as well. I could only imagine the tales he told them of his experiences during this last month, first as Mr. Bigglesworth and then at Auntie Twitch's.
Amanda's boys are the greatest squishes I've ever seen, especially her dumbo boy - OMG!!!!! :heart: Her Timmy, has the most beautiful markings. He is a little timid but a wonderful personality. I think he is going to be her lap/shoulder boy.
And Little Momma is just absolutely precious! Sooo sweet and dainty and still small!!!! I mean - she is tiny ! I think her cagemate is one of her daughters. The daughter is way bigger than her mom.
If my husband hadn't been driving, 2 beige and white boys might not have made it to their new Mom/Dad. :wink2: I can't remember who their cage tag said they were going to and didn't have names yet but I was already to volunteer to take them if all the carriers didn't fit into Amanda's little car. My hubby just gave me the evil eye, lol. These 2 boys were not only gorgeous but were incrediably affectionate too - someone has just adopted 2 of the sweetest boys I have ever met!!!!
We had a 45 minute wait at the border because the border guard wasn't sure what to do about a car filled to the ceiling with 12 cages of rats. We had to go into Homeland Security and explain over and over again that yes, rats are pets and worth rescuing. They were actually very nice about it, just incredulous . Jane had us all set up with an invoice of which rats were going to whom with name address and phone number so it looked very legal & legit. She had also printed out the Customs policy on transporting pet rodents.There really wasn't anything they couldn dispute - they just had a hard time getting over the fact that people really wanted these ratties as pets. Several of the officers started asking questions about them and thought we were trying to yank their chains when we were telling them about the different coat & ear types, marking, colors, intelligence, cleanliness..... I had to show them my hairless pink boys before 1 officer in particular would believe me. He's the one that started to explain how he had once tried to raise feeder mice for his reptiles until he saw our faces and kind of just trailed off.
They said they should detain the ratties and stick them with a big block of cheese in their supervisor's office and watch him freak out. **Sigh** some people will never learn, I guess. I'm sure they will be talking about the car load of rats for awhile.
I'll have pics put up later on this week. Just wanted to let people know that so far, the transport is going well!