jack update: bathed and aggression tested. nice clean non-aggressive rat here. he was reported as being highly aggressive but i wanted to see how bad that was myself. so after the bath a put jack and ace on the couch. some sniffing and grooming happened. no sidling or trying to be big on jack's side. when ace decided to do a power groom to show jack that he was the boss, jack immediately submitted. so i tried him in the cage with others, squirt bottle, towel and open doors all ready to break anything up. jack was defensive, and got big if someone else got big first, he stood up if someone else did first, he would butt push back. but not once did he start any of it. there may be some issues with proper integration where he doesn't seem to want to back down, but it won't be impossible as he is not the one to start any of it.
as far as him and humans are concerned he has NO FEAR and enjoys our company. i have already put him to sleep by rubbing the top of his head. he really seems to like that. he's a scruffy looking fellow with all those stray hairs and scratches but he's a sweety for sure.
zen update: there are breathing sounds now but he seems to be awake for longer periods and wants to explore a bit before he settles for his nap. he just seems more interested in what is going on in general. so i'm not sure if this is good or not. there were no sounds before but he was much more tired before too. are the sounds a sign of his congestion loosening up? or is he getting worse?
updates over, its picture time!
first up, the new foster, jack.
before the bath (this boy is very active too. it was excessively hard to get a good a picture!)
hi mom! i'm coming home soon right?
during bath time. he didn't mind the water too much either, was more interested in looking around.
after bath time
don't look! i feel all nakid without my layer of dirt!
WRINKLES!! hahaha
i said DON'T look!
clean bum and tail! :mrgreen:
now, as requested, vandike and boyo! before bath
this was a really cute until boyo moved... (the black rat is my magi)
more boyo
and a got a couple of tory before the bath too. he still denies his weight problem...
but its hard to hide...
bathtime for the rest of the fosters!
boyo felt he should not be included... :roll:
he was not impressed with the towel down...
"look mom. i got all clean just for you. now take me home before the crazy lady make me wash again! pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease......"
zen was even less impressed with the bath but true to zen nature he put up with all with just a look
vandike getting washed
and posing for his poof after photo!
ace misses his old smell...
tory is trying to warn the cameralady not to get his fat...
finally some new ones of my chop suey because he has big eyes and big ears and long whiskers and its all too cute to pass up showing off when he wet!
"mom? i'm done now right...? right?"
"OH! towel rubs!!

"ooooh... towel rubs do this... :? "
now finally, just a couple cute ones of serraphim. she's happy to be home.
"this is all mine!?!???"
"all of it...?"
"i love you mom!"