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I managed 100% on my ecology test. This was a needed boost because the grades went - 100, 87.5, 86.5, 85...but wasn't putting in less effort. I feared it was getting too difficult!
Thanks Jo! :D I literally danced around the room, lol.

Better news! My research proposal isn't due until December 12th...it was due tomorrow! WOOHOO!
My husband has shared his nasty cold with me after all. I have been trying to fight it off for the last week but today woke up really stuffy and achy blah!!!! Plan on taking some theraflu tonight!
Bronwyn said:
I managed 100% on my ecology test. This was a needed boost because the grades went - 100, 87.5, 86.5, 85...but wasn't putting in less effort. I feared it was getting too difficult!
I can read minds, just found that out today....or so someone thinks I can. Did you know if someone sets a stack of papers down and glances in your direction they are telling you to take care of it.....hmmm NEVER knew that! Love it!
Bronwyn said:
I managed 100% on my ecology test. This was a needed boost because the grades went - 100, 87.5, 86.5, 85...but wasn't putting in less effort. I feared it was getting too difficult!

Bronwyn said:
I managed 100% on my ecology test. This was a needed boost because the grades went - 100, 87.5, 86.5, 85...but wasn't putting in less effort. I feared it was getting too difficult!

WOOHOO big congrats.
:grouphug2: :) Thank you! It's only worth 2.5% though, haha. I needed the confidence boost though.

Facebook is really addictive, I agree!
When I went to buy rat food I saw the pet store only had one adult rat. :( I feel so badly for her, all alone. I'll bet it's the same girl they bred too.
There IS a Dollerama in Guelph! :shock: In the mall behind my apartment building...only downstairs. Tricky! Can't wait to go fleece shopping. :D
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