Random thoughts

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Today we are celebrating Scott's bday. (hubby)
We are ordering chinese.... yum! I'm already starving, wait, maybe I can take a piece of cake without anyone noticing... *shifty eyes*
You just gave me such a craving for cake. :lol: Happy birthday to your husband!


The pet store lady was questioning my careful examination of the cages and she said, "You could put a hammock or something in there. Some people really go all out with their rats. *eye roll*" "Yeah, I know. I have two hammocks in my cage." *awkward silence*
LOL @ Bron

Jo, I was already thinking about chocolate cake before this, now it's even worse... no blame though.

People have been getting sick in my office for 2 weeks now, now I am run down and feeling like crap... *fights off ebil sickness 'back damn you'*
I think the way I am feeling is due to going out to Karaoke last night and not going to bed until 1am. Also being totally exhausted from the whole moving deal.

Well that's what I am telling myself anyways. I am denying the fact that I can get sick. HEHE
It's Saturday night, and I'm home, again. :( Who gives you an online quiz for Saturday night and makes a deadline for a paper on the Sunday??
Nowhere close to being finished the paper and Shelagh and Sarah are coming with my rat girl at 2:30! :shock: Then we have to drive to my farm for dinner (and to give back Islay since they're missing her :()

A friend of mine sent me that, it is so funny and it could apply to rats as well.

The laws of German Shephard Property

1 If it is in my mouth, it's mine.

2 If I like it, it's mine.

3 If I can take it away from you, it's mine.

4 If I ever had it, anytime, it's mine.

5 If I am chewing something up, all the pieces are still mine.

6 If it looks at all like anything that is mine, it's mine.

7 If it is mine, it must never appear to be yours in any way.

8 If I saw it first, it's mine.

9 If you are playing with anything and later put it down, it's mine.

10 If it is broken, it's yours.
Excuse this "rant" of high school girl drama but I have to get this out since I discovered this about ten minutes ago.

In high school I had my eye on a guy while I was dating someone, and while this girl Lauren also wanted him. Long story short, I got him. Then I left him for the ex. He started dating Lauren. Then he was an idiot and told her he wanted me, she was just second choice. She was an idiot and told her drama class this possibly hoping for a different effect other than me getting high fives in the hallways. They split up. After graduation he and I started dating and were together six months.

On a seemingly random tangent, there's a guy I know that I have my eye on (from a distance, I'm not going to be a brat and do anything about it) and he's from another city, far, far away from Toronto. We crossed paths online, admiring each others photography. He recently moved to Toronto, about two months ago.

Who is he dating now as of this week?

Oh yeah. You got it. Lauren.

P.S. Yes, I know I was a horrible person. But focus on the random factor here!
It is infuriating. :lol: Which is so illogical because I have no claim on the guy of course. It's just soooo strange that after 5 years she's resurfaced from the abyss she happily disappeared into after going to the States for university, and is unknowingly doing the same thing she was doing in high school, lol.

Oh, and another p.s. I told him I knew her and asked how long they've known each other...apparently they aren't dating. She just wants to.

I feel better. :D

*is going straight to hell* High school and all the people in it are supposed to stay in the past. Unless you want them around of course. ;)
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