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I want a house with a backyard...

GRRRRRR Jordan doesn't care for one and doesn't want to move out of town where you can access the Go train and you get to work faster then now taking the flipping bus.

I want to move to a house *pouts*
LOL thanks Jo. :lol: Sometimes I wonder if we're supposed to deal with some people because...uh...we didn't get on in some previous lifetime? o_O It's just not that small of a world, dangit.

Backyards are nice. :) As are houses. But they are more maintenance...I think a nice condo would be lovely! But a place with a backyard would be easier to take out the dog, that's for sure. Islay doesn't like waiting for our ghetto elevator (long expired too) to go down 5 flights, through two hallways, to pee.
Just tried Light Eggnog for the first time tonight. It wasn't bad. It's not as creamy.
I hate cold sores :evil:
My lip felt tingly this morning and by 7 pm tonight it had burst, maybe it'll heal up as quickly as it came :roll:
Bronwyn said:
I just had one too. :evil: Never had one before!

The virus can lay dormant in the body for decades, it likes to hide in the lower spine :shock: and once you are exposed, you have it forever :evil: but can be brought on by many factors including diet, stress, lack of sleep and even sunshine, whatever wears the body down enough to give the virus a chance to emerge :( mine was brought by lack of sleep and stress :cry: I have a feeling I'll be having more show up beofre the year is over :roll:

See, my boyfriend had one about a month ago. He swore it was just a zit. Not knowing what a cold sore looked like I went with it. Sooo now he's experiencing my wrath.

The dude gave me a form of herpes. He deserves it. :lol:

(it's more fun making him think it was him)

Edit: I feel it's important to add that cold sores are a strain of herpes, lol. Um, just to clear things up. :laugh2:
Bronwyn said:

See, my boyfriend had one about a month ago. He swore it was just a zit. Not knowing what a cold sore looked like I went with it. Sooo now he's experiencing my wrath.

The dude gave me a form of herpes. He deserves it. :lol:

(it's more fun making him think it was him)

It probably was him!!! :D cold sores are very contagious even after it seems like they are healed, the skin can still carry the virus, it's important not to share utensils, glasses, towels or have contact like kissing anyone, you should was your hands frequently and do not touch or eyes or intimate areas as the virus can spread, it can get in your eyes and cause blindness or if it gets in your brain it can cause death :shock: scary huh?
Wash your hands everyone!!![/b]
My cellphone doesn't ring anymore...which is really weird. It worked fine last night and I didn't touch the settings. It's an old phone but I really like it! :(
Bronwyn said:
My cellphone doesn't ring anymore...which is really weird. It worked fine last night and I didn't touch the settings. It's an old phone but I really like it! :(
My bf has a crappy nokia that does that as well and it isnt even a year old yet
Man, did he fix it? This is a Samsung I've had since...uhh...actually not as long as I thought, September 2005.
I was just wondering if that damn train will just be sitting on the tracks on my way home and make me miss most of happy hour...stupid trains!!
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