She still head bumps when you pet her head. But is walking better, going towards the right and left now, not circling as much. Right side is still weak, but not as bad. She has more energy now too
She sometimes holds her food and eat's, sometimes she just eats all the blankets without holding it. When she eat's, some food falls out of her mouth ..could this be from her right side being weak? She wont eat lab blocks unless its dust in baby food...She stills grooms sitting on her hind legs.. very rearlyshe falls ..depend if she cleans the right or left the video she does fall
Also ..she seems all over the place when eating ..she eats a bit ..puts it down ..looks around and eats again, nudges on and so on
No she don't clean down there often. She was actually going to clean her leg, and fell over then started cleaning there. But when she pees, she pees a lot. She don't pee often ..she only peed 3 times today ..but its alot of pee that comes out. She had about 4 bowel movments today ..each time had 4, 5 or 6 buttons.
She did eat some of the peas ..but she finds it hard to chew ..she laps up ensure like nothing ..she aslo eats baby food with poweder blocks (this is a bit more difficult)
I think she's blind in her right eye (the eye thats bigger and the pupil smaller, the weaker side)
When I go to pet her towards that side, when I touch her she jumps, when I put my hand over the eye, she don't blink or reconginize im there ..but if you touch her wiskers she knows. When I put my hard near the other eye she sees me.
Cheerio test videos:
I do have a vet apt booked for Saturday, just incase I need to take her back for anything. Should I go and ask about anything?
Mom has gotten very attached to me over the past few days, she has spent the last 2 days on the couch with me sleeping, eating & exploring ..she goes everywhere with me ..and is more active when I have her up with me. When she's on the couch she is very cautious ..but when she is up with me, she is all go.
Got a video of her eating some baby cereal mixed with ensure and powder blocks!
I imagine the past few days have been quite scary for her so being with you gives her more strength and confidence. Cute vid! I need to do some vids of my guys, but they're so all over the place when they're out! LOL