Kimber: She was fine, then she had ensure ..had the painful bowel movement and then just lied there ..dragged herself and then lid on her side ( as in the pic's on the first page) ..I took her to the vet, while waiting for him to get there (he was off they calle dhim at home to come in) ..she perked up ..but when we examined her ..she was circling to the right, her eye was buldged out and she was a bit off balance, she still has all of that ..but looks wonderful now ..he thinks she had a mini seziure or stroke.
Sorry, I don't know much about PT, this is only my second time ..and right now Im not thinking straight
SQ: He told me to start off lower, and go higher if needed ..which alot of people have told me on here.
Edit: Eve is only on baytril, not pred.