Momma - Play Hard Beautiful, R.I.P <3

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Comfy Momma


Please send lots of healing vibes mommas way! :heart:
She really doesn't "look" like she has a PT. You know, that vacant confused expression they get? It doesn't look like she has it...

Glad she is doing better :) And that you have the meds straightened out :)

She really is a beautiful girl!
jenniferkelley said:
Sending healing vibes Momma's way. <3

Ratty Momma said:

Little love bug looks too cute! <3 Nominated for RPOM for sure! Any seconds?

Definitely second!!

Sorry for getting to this so late hun but I am sooo glad to hear it may have been a stroke and no PT for the lady!! I hope she starts feeling better and you know your babies are always in my thoughts, but some extra healing vibes are coming your way!! <3
Thanks Jennifer & Ronda :heart:

Another picture update!:

She has been resting on the couch for 8 hours, sleeping, eating, exploring.
She still seems really coordinated... Like, she can stand on her hind feet and eat with her front paws no problem.

I would have to agree with what has already been said. It doesn't look like PT... Mind you I have only been through 2 cases of it so I don't know "odd" ways that it presents. But in my humble opinion it doesnt look like it.

lol I love when rats eat stuff... with both their front paws - SO cute :D
I was just looking over what I typed a few hours ago.
Going to revise it:

I think it's her right side that's weaker.

Her right eye is bigger than the left, the pupile is smaller on the right than the left.
She circles to the right.
When she tries to clean or scratch the left side ..she falls (which means her right side is weaker ..because it's not keeping her up)
When she sits on her back feet, the right back leg slides out.
But she can scratch herself with her back right leg :?

EDIT: I started giving everyone Booster last week: viewtopic.php?f=21&t=22590&hilit=booster
Could this have caused a stroke? ..even though she was slowing down about a month before this?

EDIT: I am currently house/dog sitting an hour away from my house. I stay here from 630 pm to 630 am (dog needs his meds at these times (he takes seziures and is 15 years old)) I have a smaller cage set up with blankets and a coozygloo and bella will be coming back and forth with me. I stay down here from 630 pm to 630 am ..and from 630 am to 630 pm I am at my own house (on annual leave from work) ..I will be doing this for another 11 days. I never wanted to leave mom home (as she needs her meds and her ensure) thats why I took her. Just go here ..she and bells are settled away nicely ..they will be travelling back and fourth with me.
Sophie had a stroke recently and I asked my vet the same question and he said no, Booster may actually help prevent a stroke. I also agree she doesn't look like she has PT, let's hope she recovers as much as possible if it was a stroke.
Momma does not seem to recognize things on her right side. She get's startled if anyone approches her on that side, and if you put food in front of that side, she dose not respond.


I'm sure she's still severely tired and confused with everything that's been going on. I know you know her best, but unless someting drastic happens I wouldn't worry too much. I'm sure she'll recover fast!! Keep us update though hun!
Momma gobbled up her meds really well tonight.
She has 0.28 ml of pred and 0.22 mls of baytril!

Both mixed with Apple Sauce, PB and Olive Oil. Hald a tsb for pred, half a tsb for baytril.
She also had about 1 1/2 tbs of Ensure & a tbs of crushed blocks mixed with ensure and a tid bit of whip cream.


EDIT: I put mom on the floor after she ate ..and shes faster now ..her right side seems to be a bit stronger too! :dance:

EDIT: She is cleaning herself more now too!

Mom is very active this morining, shes turning both ways again and acting more like herself. her perception is still off though & her right eye is still larger. Got up this morining to find her having a bowel movement (she had about 5 poops but looked to take a while. I will be adding olive oil to her food, hopefully this will help.

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