Keeping an EYE on Butter Bean RIP

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Oh goodness. All the healing vibes I've got are coming straight to you :hugs: Poor Butter Bean but there is no better place he could be now than in your loving hands.
I hope everything turns out ok.
He's looking much better this morning. But it's starting to bleed again. We have an appointment at 3:30. He's much more alert and interested in his surroundings. I'm feeling much better for him.
My vet was very pleased with how he looked. She said that his eye is still healing and doing pretty good. She also said his lungs sounded better.
Tomorrow, he will be sedated for a tooth trim, xrays and a look about the mouth, the molars and jaw. Overall though, it was a good visit!
This morning, BB looked even better. He ate a lot, took his meds like a champ and even offered me a huge yawn. At least now I know he can open his mouth. lol

I'll soon be calling my vet to find out when I can pick him up and find out the details of the xrays.


We are back with a very groggy Butter Bean. I gave him some soymilk which he greedily lapped it up.
BB has a slight lysis around his top incisors which indicates an infection. So for now we are to treat with antibiotics... continue with baytril and Clav and metacam. My vet said he will be on meds for a very long time. The eye looks good and needs to heal. She sutured his eye half shut hoping to give it a chance to stay moist and heal. But he will probably scratch that suture out pretty darn fast. So far so good.
Thank you so much for all of you who kept us in your thoughts and those sending healing vibes. I really believe in that... and I believe that is the reason why he is doing so well.
It amazes me how resilient ratties are.
The amount of pain he must have been in would have brought us to our knee's. :shock:
Hugs for you Jo for being such a great mom.
By the way B.B. wasn't Yawning.
He was yelling "Hey ma?!!" "What's for dinner!!!" :giggle:
When I came home from work, BB was eating his mushy Oxbow and he fought me like a bugger on his meds... and that's how I know my Butter Bean is feeling better. lol
So I decided to put him in the colony cage because I know he must be lonely. He loved it, he explored it and checked out his buddies again. I hate to take him away again for the night but I must or he will have no food. :( He tried to eat a piece of lettuce just now and he's still not able to eat properly yet. But we have high hopes for this little man.

At home!




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