Henry's_mum/Lyndsy's babes...

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thanks everyone, I just love my guys!
They're AWESOME!!!!

So here's MORE pics!

here's Toby, relaxing in his bed outside of his cage... :roll:

Brilla Brilla my Gorilla Man!

Toby all snuggled in...

Brillo havin' a drink... my guys are weird... they prefer a dish of water over bottles... :giggle:

Murdoch sleepin'...

Henry in his hammock....

and Henry and Murdy Man in the hammock, snugglin' :heart:
Mine all drink from big bowls of water. I don't use water bottles except if in travel cages or hospital cages. I love to watch mine dunk their whole face in the water and take a complete bath. :giggle:
Your Stubby is just darling!
I'm SO excited, my new boy is hitchin' a ride to Shelagh's tomorrow!!!!
I wish I could go and get him tomorrow, i'm DYING to meet him! but Shelagh's got a lllooonnnggg trip ahead of her, and won't be getting back home until later in afternoon, so that won't work out for Coley's schedule... (dinner, bath, bed, etc)

So he might be staying at Shelagh's 'till next weekend, BUT THAT'S IT!!!! I know he'll be TOTALLY spioled, (as all of her rats, foster's included are...)so NO worries there, but I just can't wait to meet this little man!

He sounds ADORABLE!

HERE HE IS! Aint't he sweet!?!?!?!?
Names, i'm waiting to meet him, but like Macmillan, and Malloy!
Any suggestions????

Our family has decided on 'Romo', as in Tony Romo, of the Dallas Cowboys! He's got ears like a dumbo rat too! :giggle:
http://ca.wrs.yahoo.com/_ylt=A0WTf2gHlC ... mo_275.jpg
He's home!!!!!

and here's my sweetest boy, Romo!

He's the sweetest thing going! VERY shy, but so were my other boys when they first got here, a little TLC, and he'll be motoring around the house like the rest!!!!!

here's some pics!

My little Romo is setteling just fine! (clearly... LOL)
He LOVES sleeping in his belaclava(sp?) those ski mask things, I found them at the dollar store, and he's the only one that'll use them... He also LOVES hopping from one level to the other, and climbing the cage bars! He's QUITE the money!LOL!

Murdoch, crazy little guy! seems VERY intrested in Romo!

and Henry, the little rat who started it all! He's also intrested in Romo, but it's not like when I brought Brill, and Toby home intrested, it's like when I brought Murdoch home! *crossing fingers*
It looks very very good. Henry is dominant but he's just pinning, no biting or threatening or poufed fur in that pic, everyone looks pretty relaxed for an intro. Good job everyone! :thumbup:

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